Core B - The Providence/Boston Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) competitive renewal07/01/2023 - 06/30/2028 (PI)
The Miriam Hospital National Institute o
Health Economics of Substance Use Disorder, HCV, and HIV Treatment: Evaluating Intervention Outcomes for Individuals, Systems, and Communities05/01/2020 - 04/30/2025 (PI)
Weill Cornell Medical College National Institute o
Community Engagement Research Alliance (CEAL) Against COVID-19 Disparities (OTA-20-011E)03/15/2021 - 03/31/2025 (PI)
WESTAT National Institutes
Kentucky CAN HEAL (Communities and Networks Helping End Addiction Long-term)04/17/2019 - 03/31/2025 (PI)
University of Kentucky Research Foundation National Institute o5UM1DA049406-04
AIDS Clinical Trials Group for Research on Therapeutics for HIV and Related Infections12/01/2020 - 11/30/2024 (PI)
University of California, Los Angeles National Institute o
Prevention Policy Modeling Lab Supplement09/30/2021 - 09/29/2024 (PI)
Stanford University Centers for Disease
Prevention Policy Modeling Lab01/01/2020 - 09/29/2024 (PI)
Stanford University Centers for Disease
HEAL Data2Action Modeling and Economic Resource Center09/30/2022 - 08/31/2024 (PI)
Weill Cornell Medical College National Institute o1U24 DA057650-01
Researching Effective Strategies to Prevent Opioid Death (RESPOND)09/15/2023 - 07/31/2024 (PI)
National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS2R01DA046527-06A1
A Cluster RCT to Increase HIV Testing in Substance Use Treatment Programs09/01/2016 - 07/31/2024 (PI)
Trustees of Columbia University National Institutes
Showing 10 of 36 results.
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BU Clinical HIV/AIDS Research Training Program (BU-CHART)08/01/2021 - 06/30/2024 (PI)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH/DHHS2T32AI052074-16A1
A pragmatic trial of two strategies for implementing an effective eHealth HIV prevention program06/01/2018 - 05/31/2024 (PI)
Northwestern University National Institutes 5R01MH118213-05
Researching Effective Strategies to Prevent Opioid Death(RESPOND)04/01/2020 - 03/31/2024 (PI)
National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS5R01DA046527-02
The Determining Effective Testing in Emergency Departments and Care Coordination on Treatment…03/01/2018 - 12/31/2023 (PI)
Denver Health and Hospital Authority National Institute o
Providence Boston Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)07/01/2019 - 06/30/2023 (PI)
The Miriam Hospital National Institute o5P30AI042853-24
ACTIV-1 Randomized Master Protocol for Immune Modulators for Treating COVID-1908/17/2020 - 10/14/2022 (PI)
Duke University Department of Health
BU Clinical HIV/AIDS Research Training Program08/01/2016 - 07/31/2022 (PI)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH/DHHS5T32AI052074-18
Mitigation and Suppression of Coronavirus Pandemic with Data-driven RAPID Decisions Using COVID-19 Simulator07/01/2020 - 06/30/2022 (PI)
Massachusetts General Hospital National Science Fdn
COVID-19 Research Infrastructure at Boston Medical Center04/23/2020 - 02/28/2022 (PI)
Gilead Sciences
Improving Naloxone Access and Its Effects on Drug Abuse Overdoses03/04/2019 - 09/30/2021 (PI)
RAND Corporation National Center for
Progression to and costs associated with opioid use disorder among adolescents and young adults04/01/2020 - 03/31/2021 (PI)
National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS3R01DA046527-02S1
Health Economics of Substance Use Disorder, HCV, and HIV Treatment in the Era of Integrated Health Care – Administrative Supplement05/01/2019 - 07/14/2020 (PI)
Weill Cornell Medical College National Institute o3P30DA040500-05S1
Health Economics of Substance Use Disorder, HCV, and HIV Treatment in the Era of Integrated Health..07/01/2015 - 07/14/2020 (PI)
Cornell University National Institutes 5P30DA040500-04
AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG)12/01/2018 - 11/30/2019 (PI)
Univ of California, Los Angeles NIH-NIAID
AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG)12/01/2018 - 11/30/2019 (PI)
University of California, Los Angeles National Institute o7UM1AI068636-13
Economic Modeling for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, TB and School Health09/30/2014 - 09/29/2019 (PI)
Harvard School of Public Health Centers for Disease
Lifespan/Tufts/brown Center for AIDS Research (CFAR): Core B Developmental (Pilot Projects)07/01/2016 - 06/30/2018 (PI)
Miriam Hospital NIH-NIAID
Health Economics of Substance Abuse and HCV/HIV Treatment in the Era of Integrated Health Care - …09/01/2017 - 04/30/2018 (PI)
Weill Cornell Medical College NIH-NIDA
Economic Analysis of Rapid HIV and HCV Testing in Drug Abuse Treatment Programs02/15/2015 - 01/31/2018 (PI)
Cornell University NIH-NIDA
Intensive Models of HCV Care for Injection Drug Users07/15/2012 - 06/30/2017 (PI)
AlbertEinsteinCllgeOfMed of Yeshiva U. NIH-NIDA
Simulation Modeling to Improve HIV/HCV Screening, Treatment & Care - Supplement06/01/2014 - 05/31/2017 (PI)
Simulation Modeling to Improve HIV/HCV Screening, Treatment & Care06/15/2012 - 05/31/2017 (PI)
NIH-NIDA5R01 DA031059-04
The Economic Burden of HIV and HCV Infection in Hospitalized Inmates02/01/2016 - 01/31/2017 (PI)
Miriam Hospital NIH-NIAID
Economic Analysis of Rapid HIV & HCV Testing in Drug Abuse Treatment Programs09/01/2011 - 08/31/2013 (PI)
Cornell University NIH-NIDA
Implementing Computerized Clinical Assessment of HIV Patients Adherence09/17/2007 - 07/31/2013 (PI)
Trustees of Boston University NIH-NIMH
Improving HIV and HCV Outcomes in US AIDS Drug Assistance Programs07/01/2011 - 08/31/2012 (PI)
NIH-NIAID7K01 AI073193-06