McCloskey L, Bernstein J, The Bridging The Chasm Collaborative, Amutah-Onukagha N, Anthony J, Barger M, Belanoff C, Bennett T, Bird CE, Bolds D, Brenna BW, Carter R, Celi A, Chachere B, Crear-Perry J, Crossno C, Cruz-Davis A, Damus K, Dangel A, Depina Z, Deroze P, Dieujuste C, Dude A, Edmonds J, Enquobahrie D, Eromosele E, Ferranti E, Fitzmaurice M, Gebel C, Blount LG, Greiner A, Gullo S, Haddad A, Hall N, Handler A, Headen I, Heelan-Fancher L, Hernandez T, Johnson K, Jones E, Jones N, Klaman S, Lund B, Mallampalli M, Marcelin L, Marshall C, Maynard B, McCage S, Mitchell S, Molina R, Montasir S, Nicklas J, Northrup A, Norton A, Oparaeke E, Ramos A, Rericha S, Rios E, Bloch JR, Ryan C, Sarfaty S, Seely E, Souter V, Spain M, Spires R, Theberge S, Thompson T, Wachman M, Yarrington T, Yee LM, Zera C, Clayton J, Lachance C. Bridging the Chasm between Pregnancy and Health over the Life Course: A National Agenda for Research and Action. Womens Health Issues. 2021 May-Jun; 31(3):204-218.View Related Profiles. PMID: 33707142; PMCID: PMC8154664; DOI: 10.1016/j.whi.2021.01.002;
McCloskey L, Bernstein J, Goler-Blount L, Greiner A, Norton A, Jones E, Bird CE. It's Time to Eliminate Racism and Fragmentation in Women's Health Care. Womens Health Issues. 2021 May-Jun; 31(3):186-189. PMID: 33691995; PMCID: PMC8154716; DOI: 10.1016/j.whi.2020.12.007;
Babbs G, McCloskey L, Gordon S. Expanding Postpartum Medicaid Benefits to Combat Maternal Mortality and Morbidity. Health Affairs Blog. 2021.
McCloskey L, Amutah-Onukagha N, Bernstein J, Handler A. Setting the Agenda for Reproductive and Maternal Health in the Era of COVID-19: Lessons from a Cruel and Radical Teacher. Matern Child Health J. 2021 Feb; 25(2):181-191. PMID: 33411108; PMCID: PMC7788380; DOI: 10.1007/s10995-020-03033-y;
Gunn C, Bernstein J, Bokhour B, McCloskey L. Narratives of Gestational Diabetes Provide a Lens to Tailor Postpartum Prevention and Monitoring Counseling. J Midwifery Womens Health. 2020 Sep; 65(5):681-687.View Related Profiles. PMID: 32568461
McCloskey L, Bernstein J, and Bridging the Chasm Collaborative. Bridging the Chasm between Pregnancy and Women's Health over the Life Course: An Agenda for Research and Action. Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute. 2020; 1-132. View Publication
McCloskey L, Quinn E, Ameli O, Heeren T, Craig M, Lee-Parritz A, Iverson R, Jack B, Bernstein JA. Interrupting the Pathway from Gestational Diabetes Mellitus to Type 2 Diabetes: The Role of Primary Care. Womens Health Issues. 2019 Nov - Dec; 29(6):480-488.View Related Profiles. PMID: 31562051
McCloskey L, Sherman ML, St John M, Siegel H, Whyte J, Iverson R, Lee-Parritz A, Bernstein J. Navigating a 'Perfect Storm' on the Path to Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus After Gestational Diabetes: Lessons from Patient and Provider Narratives. Matern Child Health J. 2019 May; 23(5):603-612.View Related Profiles. PMID: 30949932
Larson Williams A, McCloskey L, Mwale M, Mwananyanda L, Murray K, Herman AR, Thea DM, MacLeod WB, Gill CJ. "When you are injected, the baby is protected:" Assessing the acceptability of a maternal Tdap vaccine based on mothers' knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of pertussis and vaccinations in Lusaka, Zambia. Vaccine. 2018 05 17; 36(21):3048-3053.View Related Profiles. PMID: 29653846; PMCID: PMC5952816; DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.03.081;
Margo J, McCloskey L, Gupte G, Zurek M, Bhakta S, Feinberg E. Women's Pathways to Abortion Care in South Carolina: A Qualitative Study of Obstacles and Supports. Perspect Sex Reprod Health. 2016 Dec; 48(4):199-207.View Related Profiles. PMID: 27893185; DOI: 10.1363/psrh.12006;
Demmink A, McCloskey L, Greece J. Boston University Assessment Symposium. Assuring Quality and Outcomes in Competency-based Education: A Multi-level Mapping Process for Public Health Educators. 2016.
St. Charles O, McCloskey L, et al. Conference of the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning, Panel on Youth Needs and Involvement. Ears to the Ground: Learning from our Communities about Outreach to Young Men. 2015.
Sakeah E, McCloskey L, Bernstein J, Yeboah-Antwi K, Mills S, Doctor HV. Can community health officer-midwives effectively integrate skilled birth attendance in the community-based health planning and services program in rural Ghana? Reprod Health. 2014; 11:90.View Related Profiles. PMID: 25518900; PMCID: PMC4326211; DOI: 10.1186/1742-4755-11-90;
Sakeah E, McCloskey L, Bernstein J, Yeboah-Antwi K, Mills S, Doctor HV. Is there any role for community involvement in the community-based health planning and services skilled delivery program in rural Ghana? BMC Health Serv Res. 2014; 14:340.View Related Profiles. PMID: 25113017; PMCID: PMC4251607; DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-340;
Sakeah E, Doctor HV, McCloskey L, Bernstein J, Yeboah-Antwi K, Mills S. Using the community-based health planning and services program to promote skilled delivery in rural Ghana: socio-demographic factors that influence women utilization of skilled attendants at birth in northern Ghana. BMC Public Health. 2014; 14:344.View Related Profiles. PMID: 24721385; PMCID: PMC4020603; DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-344;
McCloskey L, Bernstein J, Winter M, Iverson R, Lee-Parritz A. Follow-up of gestational diabetes mellitus in an urban safety net hospital: missed opportunities to launch preventive care for women. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2014 Apr; 23(4):327-34.View Related Profiles. PMID: 24707899; PMCID: PMC3991991; DOI: 10.1089/jwh.2013.4628;
Ruwe M, McCloskey L, Meyers A, Prudent N. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, New Orleans LA. Haitian American Responsible Teens: A Randomized Clinical Trial of a Culturally-adapted Curriculum for Pregnancy and HIV Prevention. 2014.
Prudent N, Ruwe M, McCloskey L, Meyers A. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, New Orleans LA. Sexual behaviors among Haitian youth in Greater Boston: Do they differ from other youth of African descent?. 2014.
J. Margo, Feinberg E, McCloskey L, Gupte G, Zurek M, O’Donnell J. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, New Orleans LA. Pathways to Abortion Services in South Carolina: Identifying patient-centered perspectives to inform evaluation of Provide, Inc.'s Referrals for Unintended Pregnancy Training Program. 2014.
B. Sullivan, Lopez E, Ridenour A, Schiller N, Tadesse T, Bartholomew S, McCloskey L. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, New Orleans LA. Challenges in homeless health care: Improving reproductive health services for homeless women. 2014.
L. McCloskey, Bernstein J, St. John M, Iverson R, Lee-Parritz A. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, New Orleans LA. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM): A case study of failure modes and innovation for diabetes prevention. 2014.
M. St. John, McCloskey L, Bernstein J, Sherman M, Siegel H. Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Albuquerque, New Mexico. ‘They told me’: Control and patient agency in gestational diabetes mellitus care. 2014.
Bernstein E, Ng V, McCloskey L, Vazquez K, Ashong D, Stapleton S, Cromwell J, Bernstein J. Qualitative analysis of cocaine and heroin users' main partner sex-risk behavior: is safety in love safety in health? Addict Sci Clin Pract. 2013; 8:10.View Related Profiles. PMID: 23618318; PMCID: PMC3698184; DOI: 10.1186/1940-0640-8-10;
L. McCloskey, Bernstein J, St. John M, Margo J, Iverson R, Lee-Parritz A. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, Boston MA. After gestational diabetes mellitus: Postpartum glucose tolerance testing and the dilemma of risk across the life course. 2013.
Sakeah E, McCloskey L, Bernstein J, Yeboah-Antwi K, Mills S, Doctor HV. Annual Meetings of the Population Association, New Orleans LA. Can community health officer-midwives effectively integrate skilled birth attendance in rural areas: Evidence from Northern Ghana. 2013.
Battaglia TA, McCloskey L, Caron SE, Murrell SS, Bernstein E, Childs A, Jong H, Walker K, Bernstein J. Feasibility of chronic disease patient navigation in an urban primary care practice. J Ambul Care Manage. 2012 Jan-Mar; 35(1):38-49.View Related Profiles. PMID: 22156954; DOI: 10.1097/JAC.0b013e31822cbd7c;
MM. D’Amore, McCloskey L, Bokhour B. Paasche-Orlow M, Parker VA. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Discussions about pregnancy prevention with health care clinicians: Qualitative interviews with young Black women. 2012.
L. McCloskey, Trudeau J, Tien I. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. They have my son as a bone’: A qualitative study of mothers’ experiences with child protective services. 2012.
McCloskey L, Condon R, Shanahan CW, Wolff J, Culler C, Kalish R. Public health, medicine, and dentistry as partners in community health: a pioneering initiative in interprofessional, practice-based education. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2011 Jul-Aug; 17(4):298-307.View Related Profiles. PMID: 21617403; DOI: 10.1097/PHH.0b013e3182165013;
R. Condon, McCloskey L., Wolff J, Shanahan CW, Kalish R. Annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver CO. Medicine and public health partnering to lead community health initiatives: A community-based course for future health professionals. 2010.
McCloskey L, Declercq E, Jong H. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver CO. “Vaginal birth after cesarean: Does race/ethnicity matter as rates plummet?”. 2010.
Evans CL, Maine D, McCloskey L, Feeley FG, Sanghvi H. Where there is no obstetrician--increasing capacity for emergency obstetric care in rural India: an evaluation of a pilot program to train general doctors. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2009 Dec; 107(3):277-82.View Related Profiles. PMID: 19846091; DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2009.09.006;
McCloskey L, Ferrer B, Liu, Chia-Ling et al. CityMatch Conference. “From outreach to outcomes: Does the Boston Healthy Start Initiative’s inter-conception care model make a difference?”. 2008.
McCloskey L, Zohn M, Neuwirth Z, Pinheiro M, Goldman R. Annual Meetings of the American Association of Public Health, Washington DC. “The drama of medical encounters: Using narrative and participatory theatre methods to improve provider-patient communication in women’s health settings”. 2004.
McCloskey L, Zohn M, Neuwirth Z, Pinheiro M, Goldman R. National Research and Teaching Forum of the American Academy of Physician and Patient, Indianapolis IN. The drama of medical encounters: Using narrative and participatory theatre methods to improve provider-patient communication in women’s health settings. 2004.
McCloskey L, Kennedy HP, Declercq ER, Williams DR. The practice of nurse-midwifery in the era of managed care: reports from the field. Matern Child Health J. 2002 Jun; 6(2):127-36.View Related Profiles. PMID: 12092981
McCloskey L, Declercq E, James K, Thea D. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia PA. Building a global MCH program at BUSPH: Trekking across campus and country borders. 2002.
Declercq ER, Williams DR, Koontz AM, Paine LL, Streit EL, McCloskey L. Serving women in need: nurse-midwifery practice in the United States. J Midwifery Womens Health. 2001 Jan-Feb; 46(1):11-6.View Related Profiles. PMID: 11300301
McCloskey L, Kennedy HP, Williams DR, Declercq ER, Paine LL, Koontz A. Sixth Women’s Policy Research Conference, “The Status of Women: Facing the Facts, Forging the Future.”. How woman-centered care is faring under managed care: Perceptions of certified nurse-midwives. 2001.
Thrall JS, McCloskey L, Ettner SL, Rothman E, Tighe JE, Emans SJ. Confidentiality and adolescents' use of providers for health information and for pelvic examinations. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2000 Sep; 154(9):885-92. PMID: 10980791
Kennedy HP, McCloskey L, Declercq E, Williams D, Koontz AM, Paine LL. Annual Meetings of the American Health Association, Boston MA. Impact of managed care on women-centered health services: Perceptions of nurse midwives. 2000.
Azarra F, Bigby JA, Christmas D, Ferrer B, Gottlieb B, McCloskey L, Pernice J for the Health of Women and Infants Working Group. Annual Meetings of the American Health Association, Boston MA. Comprehensive primary care for reproductive aged women: A model for improved birth outcomes. 2000.
Koontz A, Declercq E, Paine LL, Streit E, McCloskey L, Williams D. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, Boston MA. Serving mother in need: Factors shaping nurse-midwifery practice in the U.S. 2000.
McCloskey L, Plough AL, Power KL, Higgins CA, Cruz AN, Brown ER. A community-wide infant mortality review: findings and implications. Public Health Rep. 1999 Mar-Apr; 114(2):165-77. PMID: 10199719; PMCID: PMC1308456
McCloskey L, Furino A, Baker Q, Treadwell H. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association. Chicago, ILL. SMART: Strategic Management and Resource Tool for Community Health Organizations. 1999.
Furino A, Gibson DV, McCloskey L, Treadwell H, Baker Q. Thirty-second Annual Hawai’i Conference on Systems Sciences, Maui. Capturing community and program information to induce and support grassroots entrepreneurship. 1999.
McCloskey L, Wise PL. Health and Welfare for Families in the 21st Century (Wallace H et al, eds.). Maternal and Infant Health. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Boston. 1999.
Thrall JS, McCloskey L, Spivak H, Ettner SL, Tighe JE, Emans SJ. Performance of Massachusetts HMOs in providing Pap smear and sexually transmitted disease screening to adolescent females. J Adolesc Health. 1998 Mar; 22(3):184-9. PMID: 9502004; DOI: 10.1016/S1054-139X(97)00205-X;
McCloskey L, Furino A, Baker Q, Treadwell H. Maternal, Infant and Child Health Epidemiology Project, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta GA. Software for sustenance: Enhancing the mission of community health organizations. 1998.
Furino A, Gibson DV, McCloskey L, Treadwell H, Baker Q. Second International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation. Lisbon, Portugal
. Grassroots entrepreneurship: Technology for communities at the crossroads
. 1998.
McCloskey L, Bigby JA, Brand A. A monograph of the Boston Public Health Commission. Beyond prenatal care: Improving birth outcome through enhancements to clinical services for women. 1997.
McCloskey L, Bigby JA, Brand A. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, New York City
. “From infant death review to policy-making for women’s health”. 1996.
McCloskey L, Lang J. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, Washington DC. “Predictors of no prenatal care among low-income urban women: Exposing the limits of current policies”. 1994.
McCloskey L, Anderson S, Jardine A, Lukas C, Mann C, Parker S, Waits L, Zuckerman B. (Coalition for Family and Child Health Policy). Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco CA. “Making the transition to managed care for children on Medicaid: The Boston experience”. 1993.
McCloskey L. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA
. “Linking health services research and policy development: The work of an urban health institute in a local health department”
. 1993.
Cruz A, Collins K, McCloskey L, Power K, Plough A. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco CA. “Doctor-patient communication and racial disparities in infant Mortality: Unheard voices”. 1993.
McCloskey L, Power K., Cruz A, Plough A. Third Annual Primary Care Conference of the Association for Health Care Policy Research (AHCPR), Atlanta, GA. The social and clinical face of infant mortality: New understandings from qualitative approaches. 1993.
McCloskey L, Petitti DB, Hobel CJ. Variations in the use of cesarean delivery for dystocia: lessons about the source of care. Med Care. 1992 Feb; 30(2):126-35. PMID: 1736018
McCloskey L, Cruz A., Power K., Plough A. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, Washington DC. Infant mortality as a women's health issue: Lessons from a case-by-case review". 1992.
Roeber J, Lang j, Power K, Fried L, McCloskey L. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, Washington DC. A comparison of pregnancy outcomes to U.S. and foreign-born Black women delivering at a major urban municipal hospital. 1992.
McCloskey L, Cruz A., Power K, Plough A. Reframing Women's Health: Multidisciplinary Research and Practice, a Conference sponsored by the University of Illinois at Chicago, Center for Research on Women and Gender. Reframing infant Mortality as a women's health issue: Lessons of a case-by-case review process. 1992.
Power KL, Santangelo, J, McCloskey, L and Shwartz, M. Conference on Records and Statistics, Washington D.C
. Use of mapping software to geographically display health status indicators in Boston's neighborhoods. 1991.
Zuckerman B, McCloskey L, Brooks, C et al. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, Atlanta, IL. Women and Infants' Clinic: Two-year outcomes of a comprehensive model of treatment for cocaine-using mothers and their infants. 1991.
Fink A, McCloskey L. Moving child abuse and neglect prevention programs forward: improving program evaluations. Child Abuse Negl. 1990; 14(2):187-206. PMID: 2187564
McCloskey L, Petitti D, Hobel C. Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL. The risk of cesarean childbirth under conditions of medical uncertainty: Lessons about the source of care. 1989.
Richwald G., McCloskey L., Valdez R.O., et al. Serving Blacks and Latinos with AIDS: A case study from Los Angeles. Chicano Studies Research Center Working Paper Series 2. 1989.
McCloskey L., Kosecoff J., Brook R., Kanouse D. Changing Medical Practice Through Technology Assessment: An Evaluation of the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Program (Kanouse et al, eds.). Conformity to recommendations on childbirth by cesarean delivery. Health Administration Press. Ann Arbor. 1989.
McCloskey L. UC Council of Women's Programs Second Research Conference, "Athena Meets Prometheus: Gender, Science, and Technology," Davis, CA. Interpreting `abnormal' labor: Women, physicians, and the structure of obstetrical practice. 1988.
Kosecoff J, Chassin MR, Fink A, Flynn MF, McCloskey L, Genovese BJ, Oken C, Solomon DH, Brook RH. Obtaining clinical data on the appropriateness of medical care in community practice. JAMA. 1987 Nov 13; 258(18):2538-42. PMID: 3312656
McCloskey L. Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL. Defining the need for cesarean childbirth: Does the structure of care make a difference?. 1987.
Richwald G, Kersey L, Rhodes K, Silberman I, Iverson E., McCloskey L, et al. Annual Meetings of the American Association of Public Health, New Orleans. Reasons women state for delivering without prenatal care: Results of a survey in a large public hospital. 1987.
Kosecoff J., Kanouse D., Rogers W., McCloskey L., Winslow C, Brook R. Effects of the NIH Consensus Development Program on physician practice. JAMA. 1987; 258:20.
McCloskey L. Second Annual Colloquium on Health, Managua, Nicaragua. Models for Identifying High Risk Births. 1984.
McCloskey L. Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association. Gender, childcare strategies, and mortality in Nepal: A call for empirical research. Chicago. 1983.
McCloskey L. A Study Guide on Land Use (Cesaretti, Commins, eds). "The Dilemma of Land Reform" and "Land Ownership". Seabury Press. New York. 1981.
McCloskey L. Instructors Manual for the Community Medical Auxiliary Training Program. Health, Culture and Communication. Tribhuvan University Publication. Kathmandu. 1979.
Kosecoff J., Brook R., Fink A., Rogers W., Berry S., McCloskey L., Kanouse D. IBID (Kanouse D et al, eds.). Design of the hospital-based study.