Dynamic Strategies for the clinical management of HIV disease06/01/2023 - 05/31/2028 (Subcontract PI)
President and Fellows of Harvard College dba Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health NIH NIAID
VA CAUSAL09/30/2023 - 09/29/2025 (Subcontract PI)
President and Fellows of Harvard College dba Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health VA Maine Healthcare
Personnel Agreement for Research Services of Sara Lodi06/01/2022 - 05/31/2025 (PI)
Ann Arbor VA Medical Center
MOUD Comparative Effectiveness Study07/01/2021 - 04/30/2025 (Subcontract PI)
Boston Medical Center Corporation NIH NIDA5R01DA054268-04
VA CAUSAL04/01/2023 - 09/29/2023 (Subcontract PI)
President and Fellows of Harvard College dba Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Department of VA
Interventions to reduce alcohol use and increase adherence to TB preventive therapy among HIV/TB co-infected drinkers - 1/209/15/2017 - 08/31/2023 (Subcontract PI)
The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco NIH NIAAA5U01AA026223-06
Dynamic Strategies for the clinical management of HIV disease06/01/2020 - 05/31/2023 (Subcontract PI)
President and Fellows of Harvard College dba Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health NIH NIAID5R37AI102634-10
Population-Level Effects of Increasing PrEP Uptake on HIV and Bacterial STIs07/26/2019 - 06/30/2022 (Subcontract PI)
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Inc NIH NIAID1R21Al143386-01A1
Causal inference for the treatment and management of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis12/01/2020 - 08/31/2021 (Key Person / Mentor)
NIH/National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases1F31AI157333-01
Stigma, Risk Behaviors and Health care among HIV-Infected Russian People Who Inject Drugs09/01/2020 - 08/31/2021 (Subcontract PI)
Boston Medical Center Corporation NIH NIDA5R00DA041245-05
Showing 10 of 12 results.
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Stigma, Risk Behaviors and Health care among HIV-Infected Russian People Who Inject Drugs09/01/2018 - 08/31/2019 (Subcontract PI)
Boston Medical Center Corporation NIH NIDA4R00DA041245-03
Forecasting the Impact of Correction-based MOUD in Massachusetts (FICOMM)12/01/2017 - 11/30/2018 (Subcontract PI)
Boston Medical Center Corporation OffNtlDrugCtrlPolicy