Anti-Diphtheria antibody expression in CHO cells01/01/2017 - 12/31/2021 (Subcontract PI)
Xuemei Zhong, PhDAntagen Institute for Biomedical Research HHS CDC
Methods Improving HIV Protein Expression: Cell Substrate and Protein Purification08/01/2018 - 07/31/2021 (Subcontract PI)
Xuemei Zhong, PhDAntagen Biosciences, Inc. NIH
In vivo study of a unique phagocytic L2pB1 B lymphocyte in diet induced obesity07/01/2016 - 06/30/2018 (PI)
Development of a novel cell-based immune therapy usng Nanoparticles and natural IgM-producing pha…04/15/2016 - 03/31/2018 (PI)
Role of Musculin (MSC) in the Differentiation and Maintenance of T Helper Cell Subjects07/01/2012 - 06/30/2015 (PI)
Antagen Institute for Biomed Research
B1 B-Cells in Abdominal Obesity and Diet-Accelerated Atherosclerosis07/01/2012 - 06/30/2014 (PI)
NIH-NIAMSS1R21 AR063387-02
Role of L2pB1 Cells on Central Immune Tolerance in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus08/01/2010 - 06/30/2013 (PI)
NIH-NIAMS5R03 AR059908-03
Probing the Role of Inflammatory Cytokines on Negative Immune Regulation in Autoimmune Myocarditis01/01/2007 - 06/30/2011 (PI)
American Heart Assoc
Role of B cell-activating factor of TNF family (BAFF) in inflammatory heart disease06/01/2008 - 06/01/2009 (PI)
American Heart Assoc
Molecular Determinants in B1 and B2 cells01/01/2007 - 04/30/2007 (PI)
Feinstein Institute NIH-NIAID
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Pro-inflammatory Cytokines on Negative Immune regulation
07/01/2003 - 06/30/2006 (PI)
American Heart Assoc