This tab shows grant data from BMC Sponsored Research. It includes:
This tab shows grant data from BU Sponsored Research. It includes:
This tab shows grant data that did not automatically get imported into Profiles from BU or BMC sources.
This tab shows grant data from the Boston VA. We are only showing grant title, and only for people in the role of PI.
Clicking the iCite Analysis button will preload all PMIDs for this BU Profile into iCite, which is a National Institutes of Health tool to access a dashboard of bibliometrics for papers associated with a portfolio. For more info on iCite, see
Air pollution could be threatening the success of IVF, new study finds
Air pollution control devices save lives and cut health costs
Living near oil and gas sites linked to hidden health issues
Traffic congestion may be linked to lower birthweights, study finds
Highway and traffic pollution could be connected to low birthweight
Traffic jams are tied to lower birth weights, study finds
NIH Honors Two BU Researchers “Poised to Blaze New Paths of Discovery”
Living Closer to Oil and Gas Drilling Linked to Higher Risk of Pregnancy Complications, New Study Finds
In the Drill Zone, Children’s Health Is Looking Bleak
This section shows at most 5 media mentions. Click the Social/Media tab to see all media mentions.