Race/ethnicity and Environmental Stressors: POtential drivers of Dementia and stroke inequities (RESPOnD)07/15/2024 - 06/30/2029 (PI)
NIH/National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke1R01NS139186-01
Environmental Resources for Individual Cognitive Health/Resilience (EnRICH)05/15/2024 - 02/28/2029 (PI)
NIH/National Institute on Aging1R01AG087199-01
Modifiable environmental exposures in relation to brain health08/01/2023 - 07/31/2026 (PI)
Alzheimer's Association
Neurodegenerative diseases and the role of green space: A deep learning assessment03/09/2022 - 02/28/2025 (PI)
NIH/National Institute on Aging5R00AG066949-05