This tab shows grant data from BMC Sponsored Research. It includes:
This tab shows grant data from BU Sponsored Research. It includes:
This tab shows grant data that did not automatically get imported into Profiles from BU or BMC sources.
This tab shows grant data from the Boston VA. We are only showing grant title, and only for people in the role of PI.
Clicking the iCite Analysis button will preload all PMIDs for this BU Profile into iCite, which is a National Institutes of Health tool to access a dashboard of bibliometrics for papers associated with a portfolio. For more info on iCite, see
Albuminuria Emerges As Key Predictor Of Chronic Kidney Disease Progression: Landmark Cohort Study Unveils Critical Findings
What is CKM Syndrome? Report Finds Most Americans Meet Criteria For Early Stages
Even Normal-Range Albuminuria May Increase Risk of CKD Progression, Kidney Failure
Elevated Albuminuria, Even Within Normoalbuminuric Range, May Be Linked to Elevated Risk for CKD Progression, Hepatic Failure
Patients with CKD and Normoalbuminuria May Have Higher Risk for Disease Progression
CKD Progression Risk Up With Increasing Albuminuria in Normal Range
CKD Progress Risk Increased Even if Albuminuria Range Normal
What Is CKM Syndrome? American Heart Association Identifies New Medical Condition
High Aldosterone Levels Increase Risk for CKD Progression
Aldosterone, a hormone that prevents dehydration, is linked to worsening kidney disease, study suggests
Aldosterone Linked to Kidney Failure Risk, Irrespective of Diabetes
This section shows at most 5 media mentions. Click the Social/Media tab to see all media mentions.