Russell Giordano, DMD, DMSc, CAGS
Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine
Restorative Sciences & Biomaterials

DMSc, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
DMD, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
BS, Boston College
CAGS, Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Expertise in the fabrication of multiple phase interpenetrating ceramic composites. This research involves the infusion of various types porous ceramic matrices with resins, glasses and metals to fabricate materials for CAD-CAM machining systems as well as novel medical and dental implant devices.

Expertise in the effects of machining and polishing conditions on ceramic materials. Research has involved the analysis of residual stress development as well as strength alteration due to machining and polishing. Milling devices such as the CEREC 2 (CAD-CAM device) as well as the Celay (manual copy milling) have been used to fabricate test specimens from a variety of ceramic materials. These conditions have been compared to controlled sequential machining and polishing to analyze the effects of milling tools, load, solutions, and devices on ceramics.

Expertise in new materials analysis. Many new materials are introduced to the dental community each year. A number of our projects involve characterization and analysis of mechanical, physical and chemical properties of ceramic, composite resin and metal restorative systems.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility

A part of my mission of as Assistant Dean and Director of Biomaterials has been to foster an inclusive department where everyone’s opinions are valued. I have personally mentored over 200 students from 40 different countries as well as worked with faculty and company representatives throughout the world.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are separate parts of a multi-faceted approach to addressing issues of discrimination. All three components are important to promulgating a vibrant and welcoming workplace. While having a diverse workplace with people of various races, genders, orientations, and nationalities, is in and of itself important, simply having a broad spectrum is insufficient. Everyone must be treated with equality and feel welcome in the community. I have stressed to my family, students, faculty, and staff that all people have equal rights and must be treated with dignity, fairness, and respect.
Why should diversity be valued? Numerous studies have shown that it is particularly important to create a variety of opinions and viewpoints. Diversity has been shown to improve creativity, help develop unique problem-solving approaches, improve professional development, and be more responsive to the needs of the community. It is important to create an environment where everyone feels valued and they belong. Celebrating differences helps reinforce the importance of a diverse environment to improve representation of underrepresented groups.
The research community has often struggled with attaining a diverse representation. I have encouraged and worked with a diverse cohort of students to enter into academic careers. Many of the students who have studied in my department have gone on to become faculty at dental schools throughout the world including, Deans, chairs, and directors at Universities in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, South America, and Europe.
Research is fundamental to developing new modalities for patient treatment and validation of proposed systems and techniques to improve clinical outcomes. With a more diverse population, we are better able to achieve the goals of research, education, and ultimately patient care.

Director of Biomaterials
Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine

Assistant Dean
Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine
Restorative Sciences & Biomaterials

Evaluation of the flexural strength and fracture toughness of yttria-gradient multilayered zirconia
06/01/2024 - 05/31/2026 (PI)
Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics

Evaluation of Translucency in Various Monolithic Ceramic Materials
06/01/2023 - 07/31/2025 (PI)
American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics

Mechanical and Physical Properties of 3D Printed Crown Materials
06/01/2023 - 05/31/2025 (PI)
Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics

Development of Novel All-Ceramic Restorations and Wear, Strength and Fatigue of Restorative Materials
12/01/2008 - 05/31/2020 (PI)
VITA Zahnfabrik, Germany

Laboratory Evaluation of D4D Milled Restorations
06/01/2005 - 12/31/2006 (PI)
D4D Technologies

Interpenetrating Phase Materials for Load Bearing Applications
05/19/2004 - 05/18/2005 (PI)
Therics Inc

Development of Novel Ceramic-Resin Materials for Implant and Restorative Dentistry
06/01/2000 - 07/31/2002 (PI)

Resin Hydroxyapatite Interpenetrating Phase Composite Implants
07/15/2000 - 07/01/2002 (PI)
Therics Inc

Effects of Machining and Polishing on Dental Ceramics
09/15/1995 - 07/14/2001 (PI)
NIH/National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research
5 R29 DE10958 05


Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.

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  1. Redwan H, Fan Y, Giordano R. Effect of machining damage on the surface roughness and flexural strength of CAD-CAM materials. J Prosthet Dent. 2024 Sep 09.View Related Profiles. PMID: 39256107
  2. Alnahdi A, Fan Y, Michalakis K, Giordano R. Color stability of pressed lithium disilicate ceramics under repeated firings evaluated by different methods. Int J Prosthodont. 2024 Mar 13; 0(0):1-27.View Related Profiles. PMID: 38477844
  3. Alshaibani RM, Fan Y, Giordano R. Effect of different storage conditions on dimensional accuracy of 3D-printed dental models. J Prosthodont. 2024 Feb 26.View Related Profiles. PMID: 38409924
  4. Giordano Ii R. Ceramics overview. Br Dent J. 2022 May; 232(9):658-663. PMID: 35562468
  5. Alharbi N, Teerakanok S, Satterthwaite JD, Giordano R, Silikas N. Quantitative nano-mechanical mapping AFM-based method for elastic modulus and surface roughness measurements of model polymer infiltrated ceramics. Dent Mater. 2022 Jun; 38(6):935-945. PMID: 35292156
  6. Fahmi M, Giordano R, Pober R. Effect of time period on biaxial strength for different Y-TZP veneering porcelains. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2020 Jul; 32(5):505-511.View Related Profiles. PMID: 32564471
  7. Dano D, Stiteler M, Giordano R. Prosthetically Driven Computer-Guided Implant Placement and Restoration Using CEREC: A Case Report. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2018 May; 39(5):311-317.View Related Profiles. PMID: 29714496
  8. Dano D, Khalid L, Mously E, Giordano R. Use of CAD/CAM in Second-Stage Implant Surgery to Achieve Improved Final Restoration Esthetics, Natural Gingival Appearance. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2018 Feb; 39(2):e13-e16.View Related Profiles. PMID: 29388790
  9. Giordano RA. Modern Indirect Restorations: The Right Material for Every Situation. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2016 Oct; 37(9):656-658. PMID: 27700134
  10. Zhang ZC, Giordano R, Shen G, Chou LL, Qian YF. Shear bond strength of an experimental composite bracket. J Orofac Orthop. 2013 Jul; 74(4):319-31.View Related Profiles. PMID: 23807258; DOI: 10.1007/s00056-013-0154-z;
Showing 10 of 45 results. Show More

This graph shows the total number of publications by year, by first, middle/unknown, or last author.

Bar chart showing 45 publications over 23 distinct years, with a maximum of 5 publications in 1995


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72 East Concord Street, R520
Boston MA 02118
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