Sawako Takeuchi, Yuji Sato, Dan Nathanson, Noboru Kitagawa, Yoshiki
Kinoshita, Tadahiko Kajita. Novel removable Keeper system for magnetic attachment on overdenture abutments. Showa University J. Medical Sci. 2015; 27(2):137-142.
Al Shahrani M, DiVito E, Hughes CV, Nathanson D, Huang GT. Enhanced removal of Enterococcus faecalis biofilms in the root canal using sodium hypochlorite plus photon-induced photoacoustic streaming: an in vitro study. Photomed Laser Surg. 2014 May; 32(5):260-6. PMID: 24717113; PMCID: PMC4010178; DOI: 10.1089/pho.2014.3714;
A Alharbi F, Nathanson D, Morgano SM, Baba NZ. Fracture resistance and failure mode of fatigued endodontically treated teeth restored with fiber-reinforced resin posts and metallic posts in vitro. Dent Traumatol. 2014 Aug; 30(4):317-25.View Related Profiles. PMID: 25039331; DOI: 10.1111/edt.12095;
Korkmaz Y, Gurgan S, Firat E, Nathanson D. Effect of adhesives and thermocycling on the shear bond strength of a nano-composite to coronal and root dentin. Oper Dent. 2010 Sep-Oct; 35(5):522-9. PMID: 20945743; DOI: 10.2341/09-185-L;
Paravina RD, O'Neill PN, Swift EJ, Nathanson D, Goodacre CJ. Teaching of color in predoctoral and postdoctoral dental education in 2009. J Dent. 2010; 38 Suppl 2:e34-40. PMID: 20599463; DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2010.06.015;
Korkmaz Y, Gurgan S, Firat E, Nathanson D. Shear bond strength of three different nano-restorative materials to dentin. Oper Dent. 2010 Jan-Feb; 35(1):50-7. PMID: 20166411; DOI: 10.2341/09-051-L;
Nash GM, Gimbel M, Shia J, Nathanson DR, Ndubuisi MI, Zeng ZS, Kemeny N, Paty PB. KRAS mutation correlates with accelerated metastatic progression in patients with colorectal liver metastases. Ann Surg Oncol. 2010 Feb; 17(2):572-8. PMID: 19727962; DOI: 10.1245/s10434-009-0605-3;
Nathanson DR, Rodriguez-Lopez JA, Ramaiah VG, Williams J, Olsen DM, Wheatley GH, Diethrich EB. Endoluminal stent-graft stabilization for thoracic aortic dissection. J Endovasc Ther. 2005 Jun; 12(3):354-9. PMID: 15943511
Al-harbi F, Nathanson D. In vitro assessment of retention of four esthetic dowels to resin core foundation and teeth. J Prosthet Dent. 2003 Dec; 90(6):547-55. PMID: 14668755
Pontius O, Nathanson D, Giordano R, Schilder H, Hutter JW. Survival rate and fracture strength of incisors restored with different post and core systems and endodontically treated incisors without coronoradicular reinforcement. J Endod. 2002 Oct; 28(10):710-5.View Related Profiles. PMID: 12398170
Anhoury P, Nathanson D, Hughes CV, Socransky S, Feres M, Chou LL. Microbial profile on metallic and ceramic bracket materials. Angle Orthod. 2002 Aug; 72(4):338-43.View Related Profiles. PMID: 12169034
Nathanson D, Banasr F. Color stability of resin cements--an in vitro study. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2002 Aug; 14(6):449-55; quiz 456. PMID: 12242855
Burke FJ, Fleming GJ, Nathanson D, Marquis PM. Are adhesive technologies needed to support ceramics? An assessment of the current evidence. J Adhes Dent. 2002; 4(1):7-22. PMID: 12071631
Lee SY, Nathanson D, Giordano R. Colour stability of a new light-cured ceramic stain system subjected to glazing temperature. J Oral Rehabil. 2001 May; 28(5):457-62.View Related Profiles. PMID: 11380786
J. M. Goodson, I. Shoher, S. Imber, S. Som, D. Nathanson. Reduced dental plaque accumulation on composite gold alloy margins. J Periodont Res. 2001; 36:252-259.
Nathanson D. Update on anterior restorative materials: an interview with Dr. Dan Nathanson. Interview by Phillip Bonner. Dent Today. 2000 Apr; 19(4):80, 82-4. PMID: 19750732
Papasotiriou OS, Nathanson D, Goldstein RE. Computer imaging versus conventional esthetic consultation: a prospective clinical study. J Esthet Dent. 2000; 12(2):72-7. PMID: 11326506
Kim WD, Jacobson Z, Nathanson D. In vitro stress analyses of dental implants supporting screw-retained and cement-retained prostheses. Implant Dent. 1999; 8(2):141-51.View Related Profiles. PMID: 10635156
A.A. Campos, D. Nathanson. Compressibility of two polyvinyl siloxane inerocclusal record materials and its effect on mounted cast relationships. J Prosthet Dent. 1999; 82(4):456-461.
C. L. Davidson and I.A.Mjor. Quintessence Publishing Co., Inc. Advances in Glass-Ionomer Cements. 1999; 149-170.
S. Al-Bazie, D. Cottrell, D. Nathanson, L. Chou. In vivo study of osteointegration With Bioglass( and hydroxyapatite implant biomaterials. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 1998; 56:91-92.
Touati, Miara and Nathanson. Esthetic Dentistry & Ceramic Restorations. Martin Dunitz Publishers. 1998.
L.Chou, S. Al-Bazie, D. Cottrell, R. Giordano, D. Nathanson. Atomic and molecular mechanisms underlying the osteogenic effects of Bioglass materials. Bioceramics. 1998; 11:265-268.
Nathanson D, Lertpitayakun P, Lamkin MS, Edalatpour M, Chou LL. In vitro elution of leachable components from dental sealants. J Am Dent Assoc. 1997 Nov; 128(11):1517-23.View Related Profiles. PMID: 9368436
Nathanson D. Vital tooth bleaching: sensitivity and pulpal considerations. J Am Dent Assoc. 1997 Apr; 128 Suppl:41S-44S. PMID: 9120145
Chou L, Firth JD, Nathanson D, Uitto VJ, Brunette DM. Effects of titanium on transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of fibronectin in human fibroblasts. J Biomed Mater Res. 1996 Jun; 31(2):209-17.View Related Profiles. PMID: 8731209
A.A. Campos, D. Nathanson, L. Rose. Reproducibility and condylar position of aphysiologic maxillomandibular centric relation in upright and supine body position. J. Prosthet Dent. 1996; 76(3):282-7.
D.Nathanson. Ceromers: The evolution of dental materials. Signature. 1996; 1(1).
Lo CS, Millstein PL, Nathanson D. In vitro shear strength of bonded amalgam cores with and without pins. J Prosthet Dent. 1995 Oct; 74(4):385-91. PMID: 8531157
Ferrari M, Nathanson D. Tissue management and retraction technique combined with all-ceramic crowns: case reports. Pract Periodontics Aesthet Dent. 1995 Apr; 7(3):87-94. PMID: 7670085
M. Ferrari, A. Gesi, M.C. Cagidiaco, D. Nathanson. Aspetti clinici e microscopici delle faccette in ceramica. Attualita Dentale. 1995; 2:11-21.
Nathanson D, Riis DN, Cataldo GL, Ashayeri N. CAD-CAM ceramic inlays and onlays: using an indirect technique. J Am Dent Assoc. 1994 Apr; 125(4):421-7. PMID: 8176077
Garber, R. Goldstein. Quintessence Books. Principles of Porcelain Use as an Inlay/Onlay Material in Porcelain & Inlays & Onlays: Esthetic Posterior Restorations. 1994; 32-37.
M. Goldman, D. Nathanson. Comparison of the retention of endodontic posts after preparation with EDTA. J Prosthet Dent. 1994; 71(1):38-9.
Nathanson D. New views on restoring the endodontically-treated tooth. Dent Econ. 1993 Aug; 83(8):48-50. PMID: 8119451
Nathanson D, Dias KR, Ashayeri N. The significance of retention in post and core restorations. Pract Periodontics Aesthet Dent. 1993 Apr; 5(3):82-90; quiz 90. PMID: 8593364
Nathanson D, Riis D. Advances and current research in ceramic restorative materials. Curr Opin Cosmet Dent. 1993; 34-40. PMID: 8401822
Millstein PL, Nathanson D. Effects of temporary cementation on permanent cement retention to composite resin cores. J Prosthet Dent. 1992 Jun; 67(6):856-9. PMID: 1403878
Wang CJ, Millstein PL, Nathanson D. Effects of cement, cement space, marginal design, seating aid materials, and seating force on crown cementation. J Prosthet Dent. 1992 Jun; 67(6):786-90. PMID: 1403860
Huang TJ, Schilder H, Nathanson D. Effects of moisture content and endodontic treatment on some mechanical properties of human dentin. J Endod. 1992 May; 18(5):209-15. PMID: 1402574
Millstein PL, Hazan E, Nathanson D. Effect of aging on temporary cement retention in vitro. J Prosthet Dent. 1991 Jun; 65(6):768-71. PMID: 2072318
Kitzis GD, Millstein PL, Nathanson D. Determining the accuracy of articulator interchangeability. J Prosthet Dent. 1991 Jun; 65(6):845-8. PMID: 2072333
Millstein PL, Ho J, Nathanson D. Retention between a serrated steel dowel and different core materials. J Prosthet Dent. 1991 Apr; 65(4):480-2. PMID: 2066882
Nathanson D. Current developments in esthetic dentistry. Curr Opin Dent. 1991 Apr; 1(2):206-11. PMID: 1777667
Nathanson D. Dental imaging by computer: a look at the future. J Am Dent Assoc. 1991 Mar; 122(3):45-6. PMID: 2019688
D. Nathanson. Factors in Optimizing the Strength of Bonded Ceramic Restorations. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Restorations. 1991; 51-59.
Nathanson D, Ashayeri N. New aspects of restoring the endodontically treated tooth. Alpha Omegan. 1990; 83(4):76-80. PMID: 2085159
Millstein PL, Ho JC, Naim W, Nathanson D. Effect of a silicone fit-indicator on crown retention in vitro. J Prosthet Dent. 1989 Nov; 62(5):510-1. PMID: 2691654
Strassler HE, Nathanson D. Clinical evaluation of etched porcelain veneers over a period of 18 to 42 months. J Esthet Dent. 1989 Jan; 1(1):21-8. PMID: 2635950
K. Wolski, M. Goldman, J. Kronman and D. Nathanson. Dentinal Bonding after Chemomechanical Caries Removal - Effect of Surface Topography. Operative Dentistry. 1989; 14:87.
Nathanson D, Ashayeri N. Effects of a new technique. J Calif Dent Assoc. 1988 Nov; 16(11):27-31. PMID: 2478674
Millstein PL, Harlan J, Nathanson D. Colour effect of denture base on denture tooth materials. J Oral Rehabil. 1988 Mar; 15(2):173-9. PMID: 3163734
D. Nathanson. New Restorative Concepts for Posts and Cores. J. Clin. Dent. 1988; 1:44.
D. Garber, R. Goldstein and R. Feinman. Quintessence Books. Dental Porcelain Technology in Porcelain Laminate Veneers. 1988; 24-35.
D. Garber and D. Nathanson. Etched Porcelain Inlays. Alpha Omegan. 1988; 81(4):52.
D. Nathanson and N. Ashayeri. Effect of New Cementing Technique on Post Retention In Vitro. J. Calif. Dent. Assoc. 1988; 16:27.
H.E. Strassler and D. Nathanson. The New Generation Dentin Bonding Agents. Alpha Omegan. 1988; 81(4):28.
Millstein PL, Yu H, Hsu CS, Nathanson D. Effects of cementing on retention of a prefabricated screw post. J Prosthet Dent. 1987 Feb; 57(2):171-4. PMID: 3550051
I. Stangel and D. Nathanson. Posterior Composites in Clinical Practice - An Overview. Compend. Cont. Educ. Dent. 1987; 8(10):800.
I. Stangel, D. Nathanson and C.H. Hsu. Shear Strength of Composite Bond to Etched Porcelain. J. Dent. Res. 1987; 66(9):1460.
D. Nathanson and C. Parra. Bleaching Vital Teeth: A Review and Clinical Study. Compend. Cont. Educ. Dent. 1987; 8(7):490.
M. Parma-Benfenati, M.T. Montesani, S. Parma-Benfenati and D. Nathanson. An SEM Study of Periodontally Instrumented Root Surfaces. Int. J. Perio. & Rest. 1987; 2:51.
D. Nathanson. Etched Porcelain Restorations for Improved Esthetics, Part II: Onlays. Compend. Cont. Educ. Dent. 1987; 8(2):105.
D. Nathanson and M. Massler. Restorative Dentistry for the Geriatric Patient. Alpha Omegan. 1986.
D. Nathanson. Etched Porcelain Restorations for Improved Esthetics, Part I: Anterior Veneers. Comp. Cont. Educ. Dent. 1986; 7(10):706.
M. Goldfogel, D. Nathanson and D. Greenfield. A Practical and Economical Approach to Splinting Mobile Anterior Teeth Using Wire and Composite Resin. Gerodontics. 1985; 1:88.
Goldman M, DeVitre R, White R, Nathanson D. An SEM study of posts cemented with an unfilled resin. J Dent Res. 1984 Jul; 63(7):1003-5. PMID: 6234341
Millstein P, Nathanson D. Effect of placement technique on the density of composite restoration in vitro. Quintessence Int Dent Dig. 1984 Mar; 15(3):349-52. PMID: 6240070
P. Millstein and D. Nathanson. Effect of Syringe and Conventional Placement on the Density of Composite Restorations in Vitro. Quintessence International. 1984; 8.
Millstein PL, Nathanson D. Effect of eugenol and eugenol cements on cured composite resin. J Prosthet Dent. 1983 Aug; 50(2):211-5. PMID: 6352909
R. Chapman and D. Nathanson. Excessive Wear of Natural Tooth Structure by Opposing Composite Restorations. JADA. 1983; 106(1):151.
D. Nathanson, J. Bodkin and J. Evans. Esthetic Class V Restorations Utilizing Light Activated Composite: A New Approach. Compend. Cont. Educ. Dent. 1982; 3(6):407.
D. Nathanson, J. Bodkin and J. Evans. SEM of Etching Patterns in Surface and Subsurface Enamel. J. Pedodontics. 1982; 7(1):11.
D. Nathanson. The Restoration of Cervical Lesions With Composite and Acid-Etching. Compend. Cont. Educ. Dent. 1981; 2(5):302.
D. Nathanson. Posterior Splinting with Composite and Wire. Compend. Cont. Dent. Educ. Dent. 1981; 2(2):71.
Dogon IL, Nathanson D, Van Leeuwen MJ. A long-term clinical evaluation of class IV acid-etched composite resin restorations. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 1980 Nov-Dec; 1(6):385-90. PMID: 6461471
Nathanson D, Moin K. Metal-reinforced anterior tooth replacement using acid-etch-composite resin technique. J Prosthet Dent. 1980 Apr; 43(4):408-12. PMID: 6987383
L. Gettleman, F.H. Cocks, L.A. Darmiento, P.A. Levine, S. Wright and D.
Nathanson. Measurement of the In Vivo Corrosion Rates in Baboons and Correlation With In Vitro Tests. J. Dent. Res. 1980; 59(4):689.
J. Dunsky, J. Reuben and D. Nathanson. Surgical Endodontics in a Predoctoral Curriculum. Quintessence International. 1980; 4:9.
D. Nathanson. Is There a Need for Advanced Education in Operative Dentistry?. Operative Dentistry. 1980; 5(2):82.
D. Greenfield and D. Nathanson. Periodontal Splinting withWire and Composite Resins - A Revised Approach. J. Periodontol. 1980; 51(8):465.
L. Gettleman and D. Nathanson. Confirmation of Bone Ingrowth into Porous PMMA Materia. J. Dent. Res. 1980; 59(2):139.
Evans CA, Nathanson D. Indications for orthodontic-prosthodontic collaboration in dental treatment. J Am Dent Assoc. 1979 Nov; 99(5):825-30.View Related Profiles. PMID: 385666
D. Nathanson and P. Lockhart. Delayed Extraoral Hypersensitivity To Dental Composite Material. Oral Surg. 1979; 47(4):329.
D. Nathanson, L. Gettleman P.Schnitman and G. Shklar. Histologic Response to Porous PMMA Implant Materials. J. Biomed. Res. 1978; 12:13.
D. Nathanson and I.L. Dogon. Clinical and SEM Evaluation of a New Polishing System for Dental Composite Restorative Materials. Transactions of the 10th Annual Biomaterials Symposium. 1978; 2:109.
L. Gettleman, P. Kalis, P. Schnitman, R. Feingold, D. Nathanson, G. Shklar, M. Woolfson and L. Shulman. Clinical Evaluation Criteria of Tooth Implant Success. J. Oral Implant. 1978; 8(1):12.
L. Gettleman, D. Nathanson, G. Shklar, W. Brathwiate, L. Darmiento, P. Levine and Judes. Preliminary Evaluation of the Histoxicity and Radiopacity of LeadContaining
Elastic Impression Materials. JADA. 1978; 96:987.
L. Gettleman and D. Nathanson. Histologic Response and Physical Properties of Porous PMMA Implant Material. Transactions of the 10th Annual Biomaterials Symposium. 1978; 2:109.
J. Ruben and D. Nathanson. The Cracked Tooth Syndrome - A Case Report. Quintessence International. 1978; 10:15.
L. Gettleman, D. Nathanson and R.L. Myerson. Effect of Rapid Curing Procedures on Polymer Implant Materials. J. Prosthet. Dent. 1977; 37(1):74.
L. Gettleman and D. Nathanson. Physical Properties and Biologic Acceptance of Porous Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) Use for Tooth Replicas Implanted in Long Bones of Baboons. Proceeding of the 29th Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology. 1976; 18:343.
L. Gettleman, D. Nathanson, R.L. Myerson and M. Hodosh. Porous, Heat Cured Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) for Dental Implants. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Symp. 1975; 6:43.
D. Nathanson, I. Gedalia and I. Reichstein. The Effect of Fluoride or Rehardening with Calcifying Solutions on Enamel Softened by Orange Juice. Medikon. 1975; 4(8):10.
D. Nathanson, I. Gedalia, I. Reichstein and A. Fuks. Effects Of Fluoride Pretreatment or Rehardening with Calcifying Solutions on Enamel Softened by Orange Juice. J. Dent. Res. 1973; 52(3):625.
Goldman, M. and Nathanson, D. Endodontic Material and Method. U.S.