McNamara P. Comment on David Haig's 'Troubled sleep': Implications for functions of infant sleep. Evol Med Public Health. 2014 Jan; 2014(1):54-6. PMID: 24614339; PMCID: PMC3982902; DOI: 10.1093/emph/eou009;
Blagrove M, Fouquet NC, Baird AL, Pace-Schott EF, Davies AC, Neuschaffer JL, Henley-Einion JA, Weidemann CT, Thome J, McNamara P, Turnbull OH. Association of salivary-assessed oxytocin and cortisol levels with time of night and sleep stage. J Neural Transm (Vienna). 2012 Oct; 119(10):1223-32. PMID: 22911329
McNamara P. Science and the World’s Religions (McNamara P, Wildman W eds.). The origins and originators of religion. Praeger, ABC-CLIO. Santa Barbara, CA. 2012; 3-20.
McNamara P, Wildman W. (eds.). Science and the world’s religions. Introduction. Praeger, ABC-CLIO. Santa Barbara, CA. 2012; xiii-xxxxiii.
McNamara, P. Response to Taves et al. Religion. 2011; 41(1):97-101.
McNamara P, Stavitsky K, Harris E, Szent-Imrey O, Durso R. Mood, side of motor symptom onset and pain complaints in Parkinson's disease. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2010 May; 25(5):519-24.View Related Profiles. PMID: 19711336; DOI: 10.1002/gps.2374;
McNamara P, Burns J, Johnson P, McCorkle BH. How does religiousness protect against risky health behaviors?. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. 2010; 2(1):30-34.
McNamara P. The neuroscience of religious experience – A response to the Runyan-Kreitzer review. Christian Scholar’s Review. 2010; 39(4):479-481.
McNamara, P. Review of The twenty-four hour mind: The role of sleep and dreaming in our emotional lives by
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Wildman WJ, McNamara P. Evaluating reliance on narratives in the psychological study of religious
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Kookoolis A, Pace-Schott EF, McNamara P. Dream content and memory processing: Dream lag effects
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Preston BT, Capellini I, McNamara P, Barton RA, Nunn CL. Parasite resistance and the adaptive significance of sleep. BMC Evol Biol. 2009; 9:7. PMID: 19134175; PMCID: PMC2631508; DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-9-7;
McNamara P, Butler PM. The handbook of the psychology of religion (R.F. Paloutzian & C. L. Park eds.). The neuropsychology of religious experience. The Guilford Press. New York. 2009.
Capellini I, Nunn CL, McNamara P, Preston BT, Barton RA. Energetic constraints, not predation, influence the evolution of sleep patterning in mammals. Funct Ecol. 2008 Oct 01; 22(5):847-853. PMID: 20428321; PMCID: PMC2860325; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2008.01449.x;
Bernáth I, McNamara P, Szternák N, Szakács Z, Köves P, Terray-Horváth A, Vida Z. Hyperviscosity as a possible cause of positive acoustic evoked potential findings in patients with sleep apnea: a dual electrophysiological and hemorheological study. Sleep Med. 2009 Mar; 10(3):361-7. PMID: 18656422; DOI: 10.1016/j.sleep.2008.03.012;
McNamara P, Capellini I, Harris E, Nunn CL, Barton RA, Preston B. The Phylogeny of Sleep Database: A New Resource for Sleep Scientists. Open Sleep J. 2008; 1:11-14. PMID: 18978959; PMCID: PMC2576738; DOI: 10.2174/1874620900801010011;
Wildman W, McNamara P. Challenges facing the neurological study of religious behavior, belief and experience. Method and Theory in the Study of Religion. 2008; 20:212-242.
McNamara P, Durso R, Harris E. Alterations of the sense of self and personality in Parkinson's disease. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2008 Jan; 23(1):79-84.View Related Profiles. PMID: 17562520
McNamara P, Durso R, Harris E. "Machiavellianism" and frontal dysfunction: evidence from Parkinson's disease. Cogn Neuropsychiatry. 2007 Jul; 12(4):285-300.View Related Profiles. PMID: 17558639
McNamara P, Szent-Imrey R
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McNamara P, Durso R, Harris E. Life goals of patients with Parkinson's disease: A pilot study on correlations with mood and cognitive functions. Clin Rehabil. 2006 Sep; 20(9):818-26.View Related Profiles. PMID: 17005505
Wegelin J, McNamara P, Durso R, Brown A, McLaren D. Correlates of excessive daytime sleepiness in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2005 Nov; 11(7):441-8.View Related Profiles. PMID: 16154796
McNamara P, McLaren D, Smith D, Brown A, Stickgold R. A "Jekyll and Hyde" within: aggressive versus friendly interactions in REM and non-REM dreams. Psychol Sci. 2005 Feb; 16(2):130-6. PMID: 15686579
McNamara P, Benson E, McGeeney B, Brown A, Albert ML. Modes of remembering in patients with chronic pain: relation to current pain. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2005 Jan; 193(1):53-7.View Related Profiles. PMID: 15674135
McNamara P, Albert ML. Neuropharmacology of verbal perseveration. Semin Speech Lang. 2004 Nov; 25(4):309-21. PMID: 15599821
McNamara P. Genomic imprinting and neurodevelopmental disorders of sleep. Sleep and Hypnosis. 2004; 6(2):100-108.
McNamara P, Durso R, Brown A. Relation of "Sense Of Self" to executive function performance in Parkinson's disease. Cogn Behav Neurol. 2003 Sep; 16(3):139-48.View Related Profiles. PMID: 14501535
McNamara P, Durso R, Brown A, Lynch A. Counterfactual cognitive deficit in persons with Parkinson's disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2003 Aug; 74(8):1065-70.View Related Profiles. PMID: 12876235; PMCID: PMC1738590
McNamara P, Durso R. Pragmatic communication skills in patients with Parkinson's disease. Brain Lang. 2003 Mar; 84(3):414-23.View Related Profiles. PMID: 12662979
McNamara P, Belsky J, Fearon P. Infant sleep disorders and attachment: Sleep problems in infants with insecure-resistant versus insecure-avoidant attachments to mother. Sleep and Hypnosis. 2003; 5(1):7-16.
McNamara P, Andresen J, Gellard J. Relation of religiosity and scores on verbal and non-verbal fluency tests to subjective reports of health in the elderly. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. 2003; 13(4):259-271.
McNamara P, Durso R, Auerbach S. Dopaminergic syndromes of sleep, mood and mentation: Evidence from Parkinson’s disease and related disorders. Sleep and Hypnosis. 2002; 4(3):119-131.
McNamara P. Ideas for Creative Research in Neurobiology. The frontal lobes, social intelligence, and religious worship. The John Templeton Foundation. 2002; 50-59.
McNamara P, Andresen J, Arrowood J, Messer G. Counterfactual cognitive operations in dreams. Dreaming. 2002; 12(3):121-133.
McNamara P. The motivational origins of religious practices. Zygon: A Journal of Religion and Science. 2002; 37(1):143-160.
McNamara P, Andresen J, Clark J, Zborowski M, Duffy CA. Impact of attachment styles on dream recall and dream content: a test of the attachment hypothesis of REM sleep. J Sleep Res. 2001 Jun; 10(2):117-27. PMID: 11422726
McNamara P, Oscar-Berman M, Albert M. Frontal lobe function and pain in the elderly. Journal of Adult Development and Aging. 2000; 7(2):113-119.
McNamara P. Counterfactual thought in dreams. Dreaming. 2000; 10(4):232-245.
Guadagnoli E, Christiansen CL, DeJong W, McNamara P, Beasley C, Christiansen E, Evanisko M. The public's willingness to discuss their preference for organ donation with family members. Clin Transplant. 1999 Aug; 13(4):342-8.View Related Profiles. PMID: 10485377
Beasley C, Boyle C, McNamara P, Guardino S. Estimating the potential effects of donor registries using a simple analytical model. Transplant Proc. 1999 May; 31(3):1701-2. PMID: 10331043
Guadagnoli E, McNamara P, Evanisko MJ, Beasley C, Callender CO, Poretsky A. The influence of race on approaching families for organ donation and their decision to donate. Am J Public Health. 1999 Feb; 89(2):244-7. PMID: 9949758; PMCID: PMC1508526
McNamara P, Guadagnoli E, Evanisko MJ, Beasley C, Santiago-Delpin EA, Callender CO, Christiansen E. Correlates of support for organ donation among three ethnic groups. Clin Transplant. 1999 Feb; 13(1 Pt 1):45-50. PMID: 10081634
Guadagnoli E, McNamara P, Evanisko M, Beasley C, Callender CO, Poretsky A. The influence of race on approaching families for organ donation and their decision to donate. American Journal of Public Health. 1999; 89:244-247.
Guadagnoli E, Christiansen C, DeJong W, McNamara P, Beasley C, Christiansen E, Evanisko M. The public’s willingness to discuss their preference for organ donation with family members. Clinical Transplantation. 1999; 13:1-7.
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Beasley C, Boyle C, McNamara P, Guardino S. Estimating the potential effects of donor registries using a simple analytical model. Transplantation Proceedings. 1999; 31:1701-1702.
Gortmaker SL, Beasley CL, Sheehy E, Lucas BA, Brigham LE, Grenvik A, Patterson RH, Garrison N, McNamara P, Evanisko MJ. Improving the request process to increase family consent for organ donation. J Transpl Coord. 1998 Dec; 8(4):210-7. PMID: 10205460
Evanisko MJ, Beasley CL, Brigham LE, Capossela C, Cosgrove GR, Light J, Mellor S, Poretsky A, McNamara P. Readiness of critical care physicians and nurses to handle requests for organ donation. Am J Crit Care. 1998 Jan; 7(1):4-12. PMID: 9429678
Gortmaker SL, Beasley CL, Sheehy E, Lucas BA, Brigham LE, Grenvik A, Patterson RH, Garrison RN, McNamara P, Evanisko MJ. Journal of Transplant Coordination. Improving the request process to increase family consent for organ donation. 1998; 8(4):210-217.
McNamara P, Clark J, Hartmann E. Handedness and dream content. Dreaming. 1998; 8(1):15-22.
Zborowski M, McNamara P. Attachment hypothesis of REM sleep: Toward an integration of psychoanalysis, neuroscience, and evolutionary psychology and the implications for psychopathology research. Psychoanalytic Psychology. 1998; 15(1):115-140.
Evanisko M, Beasley C, Brigham L, Capossela C, Cosgrove GR, Light J, Mellor S, Poretsky A, McNamara P. Readiness of critical care physicians and nurses to handle requests for organ donation. Journal of Critical Care. 1998; 7(1):4 - 12.
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McNamara P, Beasley C. Determinants of familial consent to organ donation in the hospital setting. Clin Transpl. 1997; 219-29. PMID: 9919407
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McNamara P. Bergson's "Matter and Memory" and modern selectionist theories of memory. Brain Cogn. 1996 Mar; 30(2):215-31. PMID: 8811999
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McNamara P, von Harscher H, Scioli T, Krueger M, Lawson D, Durso R. The sense of self after brain damage: Evidence from aphasics and individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation. 1995; 16-23.
McNamara P, Blum D, O'Quin K, Schachter S. Markers of cerebral lateralization and alcoholism. Percept Mot Skills. 1994 Dec; 79(3 Pt 2):1435-40. PMID: 7870528
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McNamara P. Memory, double, shadow and evil. Journal of Analytical Psychology. 1994; 39:233-251.
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Staveley H, McNamara P. Warwick Fox’s “Transpersonal Ecology”: A critique and alternative approach. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. 1993; 24(2):201-211.
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McNamara P. A transpersonal approach to memory. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. 1992; 24(1):61-78.
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Farmer ME, White LR, Kittner SJ, Kaplan E, Moes E, McNamara P, Wolz MM, Wolf PA, Feinleib M. Neuropsychological test performance in Framingham: a descriptive study. Psychol Rep. 1987 Jun; 60(3 Pt 2):1023-40.View Related Profiles. PMID: 3628637