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Rosman NP, Bergia BM. Childhood disintegrative disorder: distinction from autistic disorder and predictors of outcome. J Child Neurol. 2013 Dec; 28(12):1587-98. PMID: 23340080; DOI: 10.1177/0883073812472391;
Rosman NP, Tarquinio DC, Datseris M, Hou W, Mannheim GB, Emigh CE, Rivkin MJ. Postnatal-onset microcephaly: pathogenesis, patterns of growth, and prediction of outcome. Pediatrics. 2011 Apr; 127(4):665-71. PMID: 21422087; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2010-1576;
Constantini S, Rosman NP, Evrard P, Velickovic Perat M, Stumpf DA, Dubowitz V. A tribute and toast on the occasion of the retirement of Professor Shaul Harel, MD. J Child Neurol. 2010 May; 25(5):637-43. PMID: 20207614; DOI: 10.1177/0883073809357470;
Kuban KC, Allred EN, O'Shea TM, Paneth N, Westra S, Miller C, Rosman NP, Leviton A. Developmental correlates of head circumference at birth and two years in a cohort of extremely low gestational age newborns. J Pediatr. 2009 Sep; 155(3):344-9.e1-3.View Related Profiles. PMID: 19555967; PMCID: PMC2803763; DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2009.04.002;
Rosman NP, Douglass LM, Sharif UM, Paolini J. The neurology of benign paroxysmal torticollis of infancy: report of 10 new cases and review of the literature. J Child Neurol. 2009 Feb; 24(2):155-60.View Related Profiles. PMID: 19182151; DOI: 10.1177/0883073808322338;
Morse LE, Rosman NP. Myoclonic seizures in Krabbe disease: a unique presentation in late-onset type. Pediatr Neurol. 2006 Aug; 35(2):154-7. PMID: 16876017
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Hawash KY, Rosman NP. Do partial seizures predict an increased risk of seizure recurrence after antiepilepsy drugs are withdrawn? J Child Neurol. 2003 May; 18(5):331-7. PMID: 12822817
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Wong, V., Ho, M.H.K., Rosman NP, Fukuyama, Y., Yeung, C.Y., Chan, K.H., Wong, M.S.C., Verity, C.M., Cheng, C.F. Clinical guideline on management of febrile convulsion. Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics. 2002; 7:143-151.
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Rosman NP, Douglass LM, Paolini JL. Preventing febrile seizures in children with oral diazepam: can a controlled trial truly be "double-blind?". J Pediatr. 2001 Apr; 138(4):548-52.View Related Profiles. PMID: 11295719
Rosman NP, Anselm I, Bhadelia RA. Progressive intracranial vascular disease with strokes and seizures in a boy with progeria. J Child Neurol. 2001 Mar; 16(3):212-5. PMID: 11305689
Roach, E.S., Anselm, I., Rosman NP and Caplan, L.R. Progeria. In UNCOMMON CAUSES OF STROKE, Chapter 40, edited by J. Bogousslavsky and L.R.Caplan. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK. 2001; p. 306.
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Rosman NP. Autism. In BEHAVIORAL AND DEVELOMENTAL PEDIATRICS: A HANDBOOK FOR PRIMARY CARE, Chapter 16, edited by S.J. Parker and B.S. Zuckerman. Little, Brown and Company. Boston. 1995; p. 73.
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Rosman NP, Bell WE. Certification in child neurology by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Pediatr Neurol. 1994 Jul; 11(1):12-4. PMID: 7986286
Rosman NP. Acute brain injury. In PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE, Chapter 51, edited by K.F. Swaiman, 2nd ed. C.V. Mosby Co. St. Louis. 1994; p. 951.
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Morse RP, Rosman NP. Diagnosis of occult muscular dystrophy: importance of the "chance" finding of elevated serum aminotransferase activities. J Pediatr. 1993 Feb; 122(2):254-6. PMID: 8429443
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Rosman NP. Epilepsy: Implications for intelligence, learning and behavior. In DEVELOPMENTAL- BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS, Vol. 3, Chapter 8, edited by M.I. Gottlieb and J.E. Williams. Plenum Publishing Co. New York. 1991; p. 99.
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Rosman NP. Lessons I've learned from learning disabilities. In DEVELOPMENTAL-BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS, Vol. 3, Chapter 10, edited by M.I. Gottlieb and J.E. William. Plenum Publishing Co. New York. 1991; p. 123.
Rooney CM, Kaye EM, Scott RM, Klucznik RP, Rosman NP. Modified encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis as a surgical treatment of childhood moyamoya disease: report of five cases. J Child Neurol. 1991 Jan; 6(1):24-31. PMID: 2002197
Rosman NP. Defining clinical and radiologic criteria required for the definitive diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis complex. PROCEEDINGS, ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS AND ALLIED DISORDERS: CLINICAL, CELLULAR, AND MOLECULAR STUDIES, edited by W.G. Johnson and M.R. Gomez. New York Academy of Sciences. New York. 1991; 615:123.
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Rosman NP. Febrile convulsions. In CURRENT PEDIATRIC THERAPY, edited by S.S. Gellis and B.M. Kagan, 13th ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1990; p. 83.
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Rosman NP and Gilmore, H.E. Acute spinal cord injury. In PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE, Chapter 48, edited by K.F. Swaiman. C.V. Mosby Co. St. Louis. 1989; p. 735.
Rosman NP. Review of TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS, Second Edition, by M.R. Gomez, Raven Press, New York, 1988. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 1989; 64:484.
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Rosman NP and Gilmore, H.E. Acute spinal cord injury. In PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE, Chapter 48, edited by K.F. Swaiman. C.V. Mosby Co. St. Louis. 1989; p. 735.
Rosman NP. Pediatrics, Neurology, and Psychiatry: A common ground - The child who fails to speak. in ADVANCES IN DEVELOPMENTAL-BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE, Vol. 2, Chapter 17, edited by M.I. Gottlieb. Plenum Publishing Co. New York. 1989; p. 253.
Rosman NP. Evaluation and management of febrile seizures. In CURRENT OPINION IN PEDIATRICS, Neurology, edited by J.J. Volpe. Gower Academic Journals. Philadelphia. 1989; 1(2):318.
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Rosman NP. Learning Disabilities: A neurologist's perspective. In DEVELOPMENTAL-BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS, Vol. 1., Chapter 17, edited by M.I. Gottlieb. Plenum Medical Book Company. New York. 1988; p. 271.
Rosman NP. Childhood headaches. In DEVELOPMENTAL-BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS, Vol. 1, Chapter 19, edited by M.I. Gottlieb. Plenum Medical Book Company. New York. 1988; p. 295.
Rosman NP. Neurologic aspects of autism and Rett syndrome. In DEVELOPMENTAL-BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS, Vol. 1, Chapter 20, edited by M.I. Gottlieb. Plenum Medical Book Company. New York. 1988; p. 313.
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Rosman NP. Headache in childhood. In CURRRENT THERAPY IN NEUROLOGIC DISEASE - 2, edited by R.T. Johnson. B.C. Decker, Inc. Philadelphia. 1987; p. 69.
Rosman NP. Incontinentia pigmentia. In NEUROCUTANEOUS DISEASES: A practical approach, Chapter 32, edited by M.R. Gomez,. Butterworths. Stoneham, MA. 1987; p. 293.
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Rosman NP. Closed head injuries with increased intracranial pressure: Interventions and outcomes. International Pediatrics. 1986; 1(Suppl. 1):63.
Rosman NP. Hyperactivity in childhood: Diagnosis and treatment, Part I: (Diagnosis). Feelings and their Medical Significance. Ross Lab. 1986; 28(1).
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Rosman NP and Oppenheimer, E.Y. Maternal alcohol ingestion effects on the developing child. In CURRENT PEDIATRIC THERAPY, edited by S.S. Gellis and B.M. Kagan, 12th ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1986; p. 715.
Rosman NP. Acute head injuries in children. In PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY, Chapter 18, edited by M.A. Fishman. Grune and Stratton, Inc. Orlando. 1986; p. 275.
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Herskowitz J, Rosman NP, Wheeler CB. Colpocephaly: clinical, radiologic, and pathogenetic aspects. Neurology. 1985 Nov; 35(11):1594-8. PMID: 4058748
Rosman NP, Peterson DB, Kaye EM, Colton T. Seizures in bacterial meningitis: prevalence, patterns, pathogenesis, and prognosis. Pediatr Neurol. 1985 Sep-Oct; 1(5):278-85.View Related Profiles. PMID: 3939745
Kaye EM, Cass PR, Dooling E, Rosman NP. Chronic epidural hematomas in childhood: increased recognition and non-surgical management. Pediatr Neurol. 1985 Jul-Aug; 1(4):255-9. PMID: 3880412
McBride MC, Rosman NP, Davidson SJ, Oppenheimer EY. Long-term behavioral effects of phenobarbital in suckling rats. Exp Neurol. 1985 Jul; 89(1):59-70. PMID: 4007116
Oppenheimer EY, Rosman NP, Dooling EC. The late appearance of hypopigmented maculae in tuberous sclerosis. Am J Dis Child. 1985 Apr; 139(4):408-9. PMID: 3976632
Herskowitz J, Rosman NP. Pseudoseizure in a child with epilepsy. Am J Psychiatry. 1985 Mar; 142(3):390-1. PMID: 3970287
Rosman NP, Donnelly JH, Braun MA. The jittery newborn and infant: a review. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 1984 Oct; 5(5):263-73. PMID: 6149233
Herskowitz J, Rosman NP, Geschwind N. Seizures induced by singing and recitation. A unique form of reflex epilepsy in childhood. Arch Neurol. 1984 Oct; 41(10):1102-3. PMID: 6477221
McBride MC, Rosman NP. Absence of behavioral effects of intrauterine phenobarbital exposure in rats. Exp Neurol. 1984 Oct; 86(1):53-65. PMID: 6479281
Schapiro MB, Rosman NP, Kemper TL. Effects of chronic exposure to alcohol on the developing brain. Neurobehav Toxicol Teratol. 1984 Sep-Oct; 6(5):351-6.View Related Profiles. PMID: 6514097
Rosman NP. Seizures in children. In NEUROLOGY: THE PHYSICIAN'S GUIDE, Chapter 16, edited by R.G. Feldman. Thieme-Stratton Inc. New York. 1984; p. 254.
Rosman NP. Hemiplegia, acute. In MANUAL OF PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES, edited by R.M. Reece, 3rd ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1984; p. 158.
Rosman NP. Pediatric head injuries: Medical management. In NEUROLOGY: THE PHYSICIAN'S GUIDE, Chapter 16, edited by R.G. Feldman. Thieme-Stratton Inc. New York. 1984; p. 258.
Oppenheimer, E.Y. and Rosman NP. Seizures. In MANUAL OF PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES, edited by R.M. Reece, 3rd ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1984; p. 277.
Rosman NP. Inattention and overactivity. In NEUROLOGY: THE PHYSICIAN'S GUIDE, Chapter 16, edited by R.G. Feldman. Theime-Stratton Inc. New York. 1984; p. 241.
Rosman NP. Commentary on submersion accidents in children with epilepsy. In Year Book of Pediatrics, Oski, F.A. and Stockman, J.A., eds. Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc. Chicago. 1984; p. 370.
Oppenheimer, E.Y. and Rosman NP. Meningitis, bacterial. In MANUAL OF PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES, edited by R.M. Reece, 3rd ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1984; p. 189.
Rosman NP. Increased intracranial pressure. in MANUAL OF PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES, edited by R.M. Reece, 3rd ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1984; p. 166.
Oppenheimer, E.Y. and Rosman NP. Coma and stupor. MANUAL OF PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES, edited by R.M. Reece, 3rd ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1984; p. 58.
Rosman NP. Head trauma. In MANUAL OF PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES, edited by R.M. Reece, 3rd ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1984; p. 135.
Rosman NP and Oppenheimer, E.Y. Maternal drinking and the fetal alcohol syndrome. In THE AT-RISK INFANT, PSYCHO/SOCIO/MEDICAL ASPECTS, Chapter 13, edited by S. Harel and N.J. Anastasiow. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Baltimore. 1984; p. 121.
Rosman NP, Oppenheimer EY, O'Connor JF. Emergency management of pediatric head injuries. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 1983 Apr; 1(1):141-74. PMID: 6394284
Oppenheimer EY, Rosman NP. Seizures and seizure-like states in the child: an approach to emergency management. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 1983 Apr; 1(1):125-40. PMID: 6394283
Rosman NP and Kaye, E.M. Commentary on fetal head growth retardation associated with maternal antiepileptic drugs. In Year Book of Pediatrics, Oski, F.A. and Stockman, J.A., eds. Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc. Chicago. 1983; p. 403.
Rosman NP. Commentary on evaluation of childhood pseudoseizures using EEG telemetry and video tape Monitoring. In Year Book of Pediatrics, Oski F.A. and Stockman, J.A. eds. Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc. Chicago. 1982; p. 383.
Rosman NP. Elevated intracranial pressure. In THE PRACTICE OF PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY, Chapter 8, edited by K.F. Swaiman and F.S. Wright, 2nd ed. C.V. Mosby Company. St. Louis. 1982; p. 188.
Rosman NP and Oppenheimer, E.Y. Post-traumatic epilepsy. in PEDIATRICS IN REVIEW, edited by R.J. Haggerty. American Academy Pediatrics. 1982; 3:221.
Rosman NP and Herskowitz, J. Spinal cord trauma. In THE PRACTICE OF PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY, Chapter 31-II, edited by K.F. Swaiman and F.S. Wright, 2nd ed. C.V. Mosby Company. St. Louis. 1982; p. 976.
Rosman NP and Herskowitz, J. Brain trauma. In THE PRACTICE OF PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY, Chapter 31-I, edited by K.F. Swaiman and F.S. Wright, 2nd ed. C.V. Mosby Company. St. Louis. 1982; p. 958.
Herskowitz, J. and Rosman NP. PEDIATRICS, NEUROLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY - COMMON GROUND: Behavioral, Cognitive, Affective and Physical Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence. Macmillan Publishing Co. New York. 1982; pp. 1- 688.
Rosman NP and Herskowitz, J. Trauma from other sources. In THE PRACTICE OF PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY, Chapter 31-III, edited by K.F. Swaiman and F.S. Wright, 2nd ed. C.V. Mosby Company. St. Louis. 1982; p. 984.
Rosman NP and Oppenheimer, E.Y. Maternal alcohol ingestion and early child development (fetal alcohol syndrome). In CURRENT PEDIATRIC THERAPY, edited by S.S. Gellis and B.M. Kagan, 10th ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1982; p. 690.
Rosman NP and McBride, M.C. Commentary on neonatal signs as predictors of cerebral palsy. In Year Book of Pediatrics, Oski, F.A. and Stockman, J.A., eds. Year Book Medical Publishers Inc. Chicago. 1981; p. 337.
Willis J, Rosman NP. The Aicardi syndrome versus congenital infection: diagnostic considerations. J Pediatr. 1980 Feb; 96(2):235-9. PMID: 7351584
McBride, M.C. and Rosman NP. Commentary on benign focal epileptic seizures in teenagers. In Year Book of Pediatrics, Oski, F.A. and Stockman, J.A. eds. Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc. Chicago. 1980; p. 336.
Rosman NP. Acute hemiplegia. In CURRENT PEDIATRIC THERAPY, edited by S.S. Gellis and B.M. Kagan, 9th ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1980; p. 74.
Oppenheimer EY, Rosman NP. Seizures in childhood: an approach to emergency management. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1979 Nov; 26(4):837-55. PMID: 537851
Rosman NP, Herskowitz J, Carter AP, O'Connor JF. Acute head trauma in infancy and childhood. Clinical and radiologic aspects. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1979 Nov; 26(4):707-36. PMID: 537846
Herskowitz J, Rosman NP. Acute hexachlorophene poisoning by mouth in a neonate. J Pediatr. 1979 Mar; 94(3):495-6. PMID: 423044
Rosman NP. The neurological basis of infantile autism. In THE SPECTRUM OF AUTISTIC DISORDERS OF CHILDHOOD: Current approaches to etiology and treatment, edited by Janet L. Brown, Ph.D. League School of Boston. 1979; p. 29.
Oppenheimer, E.Y. and Rosman NP. Commentary on febrile convulsions. In Year Book of Pediatrics, Oski F.A. and Stockman, J.A. eds. Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc. Chicago. 1979; p. 383.
Rosman NP. Review of TOPICS IN CHILD NEUROLOGY, edited by M.E. Blaw, I. Rapin and M. Kinsbourne, Spectrum Publications, New York, 1977. Neurology. 1979; 23:1193.
Rosman NP. Pediatric head injuries. Pediatr Ann. 1978 Dec; 7(12):55-74. PMID: 368710
Phillips HE, Carter AP, Kennedy JL, Rosman NP, O'Connor JF. Aicardi's syndrome; radiologic manifestations. Radiology. 1978 May; 127(2):453-5. PMID: 644071
Rosman NP, Shands KN. Hydrocephalus caused by increased intracranial venous pressure: a clinicopathological study. Ann Neurol. 1978 May; 3(5):445-50. PMID: 727724
Rosman NP, Schapiro MB, Haddow JE. Muscle weakness caused by an iodine-deficient diet: investigation of a nutritional myopathy. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 1978 Mar-Apr; 37(2):192-211. PMID: 632848
Rosman NP, Schapiro MB, Wolf PA. Sclerotic atrophy of the cerebellum: a clinicopathological survey. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 1978 Mar-Apr; 37(2):174-91.View Related Profiles. PMID: 632847
Nealis JG, Rosman NP, De Piero TJ, Ouellette EM. Neurologic sequelae of experimental febrile convulsions. Neurology. 1978 Mar; 28(3):246-50. PMID: 564478
Rosman NP. Congenital hypotonia. in CURRENT PEDIATRIC THERAPY, edited by S.S. Gellis and B.M. Kagan, 8th ed. W.B. Saunders, Co. Philadelphia. 1978; p. 455.
Rosman NP. Acute hemiplegia. In MANUAL OF PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES, edited by R.M. Reece, 2nd ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1978; p. 158.
Oppenheimer, E.Y. and Rosman NP. Meningitis. In MANUAL OF PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES, edited by R.M. Reece, 2nd ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1978; p. 180.
Rosman NP. Acute hemiplegia. In CURRENT PEDIATRIC THERAPY, edited by S.S. Gellis and B.M. Kagan, 8th ed. W.B. Saunders, Co. Philadelphia. 1978; p. 75.
Rosman NP. Head trauma. In MANUAL OF PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES, edited by R.M. Reece, 2nd ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1978; p. 139.
Oppenheimer, E.Y. and Rosman NP. Coma and stupor. In MANUAL OF PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES, edited by R.M. Reece, 2nd ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1978; p. 56.
Oppenheimer, E.Y. and Rosman NP. Meningitis. In MANUAL OF PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES, edited by R.M. Reece, 2nd ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1978; p. 180.
Rosman NP. Increased (raised) intracranial pressure. MANUAL OF PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES, edited by R.M. Reece, 2nd ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1978; p. 168.
Rosman NP. Subdural and ventricular taps. In MANUAL OF PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES, edited by R.M. Reece, 2nd ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1978; p. 670.
Adams, R.D. and Rosman NP. Myopathic (neuromuscular) disorders in hypothyroidism. In THE THYROID, Chapter 47, edited by S.C. Werner and S.H. Ingbar, 4th ed. Harper and Row. New York. 1978; p. 901.
Adams, R.D. and Rosman NP. Neurologic disorders in hyperthyroidism. In THE THYROID, Chapter 39, edited by S.C. Werner and S.H. Ingbar, 4th ed. Harper and Row. New York. 1978; p. 748.
Adams, R.D. and Rosman NP. Myopathic (neuromuscular) disorders in hyperthyroidism. In THE THYROID, Chapter 39, edited by S.C. Werner and S.H. Ingbar, 4th ed. Harper and Row. New York. 1978; p. 742.
Adams, R.D. and Rosman NP. Neurologic disorders in hypothyroidism. In THE THYROID, Chapter 47, edited by S.C. Werner and S.H. Ingbar, 4th ed. Harper and Row. New York. 1978; p. 903.
Adams, R.D. and Rosman NP. Neurologic disorders in hypothyroidism. In THE THYROID, Chapter 47, edited by S.C. Werner and S.H. Ingbar, 4th ed. Harper and Row. New York. 1978; p. 903.
Lessell S, Rosman NP. Juvenile diabetes mellitus and optic atrophy. Arch Neurol. 1977 Dec; 34(12):759-65. PMID: 588096
Ouellette EM, Rosett HL, Rosman NP, Weiner L. Adverse effects on offspring of maternal alcohol abuse during pregnancy. N Engl J Med. 1977 Sep 8; 297(10):528-30. PMID: 887104
Marshall PC, Rosman NP. Symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia in a 5-year-old child. Pediatrics. 1977 Sep; 60(3):331-3. PMID: 896364
Rosman NP and Malone, M.J. Brain myelination in experimental hypothyroidism: Morphological and biochemical observations. In THYROID HORMONES AND BRAIN DEVELOPMENT, edited by G.D. Grave. Raven Press. New York. 1977; pp. 169-198.
Rosman NP. Malignant astrocytoma of brainstem in a 15-year-old boy. Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital, New England J. Medicine. 1977; 296:865.
German LD, Mason PA, Rosman NP. Reliability of head circumference measurements in the newborn. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 1976 Oct; 15(10):891-3. PMID: 971560
Rosman NP. Neurological and muscular aspects of thyroid dysfunction in childhood. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1976 Aug; 23(3):575-94. PMID: 958748
Oppenheimer EY, Rosman NP. Bacterial meningitis in childhood: neurologic complications and their management. Pediatr Ann. 1976 May; 5(5):286-98. PMID: 1272616
Ross ED, Velez-Bprras J, Rosman NP. The significance of the Babinski sign in the newborn-a reappraisal. Pediatrics. 1976 Jan; 57(1):13-5. PMID: 1082122
Hauser SL, DeLong GR, Rosman NP. Pneumographic findings in the infantile autism syndrome. A correlation with temporal lobe disease. Brain. 1975 Dec; 98(4):667-88. PMID: 1218372
Tomasi LG, Rosman NP. Purtscher retinopathy in the battered child syndrome. Am J Dis Child. 1975 Nov; 129(11):1335-7. PMID: 1190166
Rosman NP, Malone MJ, Szoke M. Reversal of delayed myelinogenesis in experimental hypothyroidism. J Neurol Sci. 1975 Oct; 26(2):159-66. PMID: 1176984
Malone MJ, Rosman NP, Szoke M, Davis D. Myelination of brain in experimental hypothyroidism. An electron-microscopic and biochemical study of purified myelin isolates. J Neurol Sci. 1975 Sep; 26(1):1-11. PMID: 1159453
Rosman NP. Elevated intracranial pressure. In PRACTICE OF PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY, Chapter 8, edited by K.F. Swaiman and F.S. Wright, 1st ed. C.V. Mosby Company. St. Louis. 1975; pp. 133-146.
Galaburda M, Rosman NP, Haddow JE. Thyroid storm in an 11-year-old boy managed by propranolol. Pediatrics. 1974 Jun; 53(6):920-2. PMID: 4832434
Rosman NP. Increased intracranial pressure in childhood. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1974 May; 21(2):483-99. PMID: 4837174
Rosman NP. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis in a child with infectious mononucleosis. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital, New England J. Medicine. 1974; 291:141.
Shetty T, Rosman NP. Opsoclonus in hydrocephalus. Arch Ophthalmol. 1972 Dec; 88(6):585-9. PMID: 5085199
Platt M, Rosman NP. Choroid plexus papilloma mimicking degenerative brain disease in childhood. J Pediatr. 1972 Mar; 80(3):483-4. PMID: 5060466
Rosman NP, Malone MJ, Helfenstein M, Kraft E. The effect of thyroid deficiency on myelination of brain. A morphological and biochemical study. Neurology. 1972 Jan; 22(1):99-106. PMID: 5061842
Rosman NP. The neuropathology of congenital hypothyroidism. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1972; 30:337-66. PMID: 4662273
Rosman NP, Valenstein E, Carter AP, Mealey J. Brain scans in Schilder's disease. JAMA. 1971 Nov; 218(9):1437-8. PMID: 5171338
Valenstein E, Rosman NP, Carter AP. Schilder's disease. Positive brain scan. JAMA. 1971 Sep 20; 217(12):1699-700. PMID: 5109824
Price DL, Woolsey JE, Rosman NP, Richardson EP. Familial lymphohistiocytosis of the nervous system. Arch Neurol. 1971 Mar; 24(3):270-83. PMID: 5101617
Adams, R.D. and Rosman NP. Muscular system in hyperthyroidism. In THE THYROID, Chapter 39, edited by S.C. Werner and S.H. Ingbar, 3rd ed. Harper and Row. New York. 1971; p. 615 .
Adams, R.D. and Rosman NP. Nervous system in hyperthyroidism. In THE THYROID, Chapter 39, edited by S.C. Werner and S.H. Ingbar, 3rd ed. Harper and Row. New York. 1971; p. 623.
Adams, R.D. and Rosman NP. Nervous system in hypothyroidism. In THE THYROID, Chapter 47, edited by S.C. Werner and S.H. Ingbar, 3rd ed. Harper and Row. New York. 1971; p. 774.
Adams, R.D. and Rosman NP. Muscular system in hypothyroidism. In THE THYROID, Chapter 47, edited by S.C. Werner and S.H. Ingbar, 3rd ed. Harper and Row. New York. 1971; p. 771.
Rosman NP. The cerebral defect and myopathy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. A comparative clinicopathological study. Neurology. 1970 Apr; 20(4):329-35. PMID: 5534965
Moser HW, Prensky AL, Wolfe HJ, Rosman NP. Farber's lipogranulomatosis. Report of a case and demonstration of an excess of free ceramide and ganglioside. Am J Med. 1969 Dec; 47(6):869-90. PMID: 5395479
Mukherjee SK, Heilman KM, Rosman NP. An unusual cause of progressive head enlargement following Proteus mirabilis meningitis. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1969 Oct; 11(5):633-6. PMID: 5307612
Rosman NP. Review of EPILEPSY: A clinical textbook, by R.P. Schmidt and B.J. Wilder, F.A. Davis Co., Philadelphia, 1968. New England J Medicine. 1969; 280:966.
Chase TN, Rosman NP, Price DL. The cerebral syndromes associated with dissecting aneurysm of the aorta. A clinicopathological study. Brain. 1968 Mar; 91(1):173-90. PMID: 5643281
Prensky AL, Wolfe HJ, Rosman NP, Moser HW. Biochemical and histochemical studies of a case of Farber's lipogranulomatosis. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 1968 Jan; 27(1):144. PMID: 5656562
Rosman NP, Pearce J. The brain in multiple neurofibromatosis (von Recklinghausen's disease): a suggested neuropathological basis for the associated mental defect. Brain. 1967 Dec; 90(4):829-38. PMID: 4965489
Rosman NP, Rebeiz JJ. The cerebral defect and myopathy in myotonic dystrophy. A comparative clinicopathological study. Neurology. 1967 Nov; 17(11):1106-12. PMID: 6069297
Wolf PA, Rosman NP, New PF. Multiple small cryptic venous angiomas of the brain mimicking cerebral metastases. A clinical, pathological, and angiographic study. Neurology. 1967 May; 17(5):491-501.View Related Profiles. PMID: 6067257
Rosman NP, Kakulas BA. Mental deficiency associated with muscular dystrophy. A neuropathological study. Brain. 1966 Dec; 89(4):769-88. PMID: 4163581
Rosman NP, Kakulas BA, Richardson EP. Central pontine myelinolysis in a child with leukemia. Arch Neurol. 1966 Mar; 14(3):273-80. PMID: 5217146
Kakulas BA, Rosman NP. 13-15 trisomy in eight cases of arrhinencephaly. Lancet. 1965 Oct 9; 2(7415):717-8. PMID: 4157775
Rosman NP. Shock therapy in the treatment of mental disorders: A historical survey. C.A.M.S.I. Medical J. 1959; 18:17.
ROSMAN NP. A case for diagnosis. McGill Med J. 1958 Oct; 27(3):169-75. PMID: 13599641
ROSMAN NP. Prolonged sleep therapy in the treatment of mental disorders. McGill Med J. 1958 Feb; 27(1):45-52. PMID: 13515574
Rosman NP. Carcinoma of the pancreas: Clinicopathological Conference. McGill Medical J. 1958; 27:169.