Profile Hear my name

MD, University of Vermont College of Medicine
MPH, Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility

I have dedicated my career to 1) caring for underserved patients, both domestically and globally and 2) standardizing and improving the training of students, residents, and fellows in the field of global and local health equity.

Globally, I lead a team who created the EdX course "The Practitioner's Guide to Global Health": the first open access course preparing trainees to participate in safe and ethically responsible global health learning experiences.

Here at BMC, I focus my work on improving health equity for our patients by leading our Global and Local Health Equity Fellowship, and by helping to recruit and retain trainees and faculty who have a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. Clinically I lead our Emergency Department efforts to screen for social needs and provide referrals to relevant resources. I also work closely with BMC's nationally renown Interpreter Services Department in a collaborative effort to improve the care of our patients with Limited English Proficiency.

Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.

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  1. Loo S, Anderson E, Lin JG, Smith P, Murray GF, Hong H, Jacquet GA, Koul R, Rosenmoss S, James T, Shankar KN, de la Vega PB. Evaluating a social risk screening and referral program in an urban safety-net hospital emergency department. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2023 Feb; 4(1):e12883.View Related Profiles. PMID: 36704207; PMCID: PMC9871409; DOI: 10.1002/emp2.12883;
  2. Choi J, Juntunen A, Brewer H, Abbas D, Sopper C, Bielick L, Ghebrehiwet S, Flinton K, Sarfaty S, Jacquet GA, Crosby S, Piwowarczyk L, Oleng N, Borba CPC. Evaluating an Interprofessional Trauma-Based Education Course to Advance the Care and Health of Refugees. J Immigr Minor Health. 2023 Oct; 25(5):1043-1049.View Related Profiles. PMID: 36574112; DOI: 10.1007/s10903-022-01440-7;
  3. Dodson S, Bartscherer B, Schneider J, Jacquet GA. An Elusive Case of Tuberculous Meningitis in a Young Man With Altered Mental Status. J Emerg Med. 2022 Oct; 63(4):551-556. PMID: 36241479
  4. Hayward AS, Lee SS, Douglass K, Jacquet GA, Hudspeth J, Walrath J, Dreifuss BA, Baird J, Tupesis JP. The Impact of Global Health Experiences on the Emergency Medicine Residency Milestones. J Med Educ Curric Dev. 2022 Jan-Dec; 9:23821205221083755.View Related Profiles. PMID: 35572845; PMCID: PMC9102119; DOI: 10.1177/23821205221083755;
  5. Bui M, Ryan KM, Oke I, Peeler CE, Jacquet GA. A Posttraumatic Dilated, Proptotic Eye Does Not Always Need a Lateral Canthotomy! A Review of Superior Orbital Fissure Syndrome for Emergency Physicians. J Emerg Med. 2021 Apr; 60(4):520-523.View Related Profiles. PMID: 33478843; DOI: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2020.11.021;
  6. Karim N, Rybarczyk MM, Jacquet GA, Pousson A, Aluisio AR, Bilal S, Moretti K, Douglass KA, Henwood PC, Kharel R, Lee JA, MenkinSmith L, Moresky RT, Gonzalez Marques C, Myers JG, O'Laughlin KN, Schmidt J, Kivlehan SM. COVID-19 Pandemic Prompts a Paradigm Shift in Global Emergency Medicine: Multidirectional Education and Remote Collaboration. AEM Educ Train. 2021 Jan; 5(1):79-90. PMID: 33521495; PMCID: PMC7821062; DOI: 10.1002/aet2.10551;
  7. Rybarczyk MM, Muck A, Kolkowitz I, Tupesis JP, Jacquet GA. Global Health Training in U.S. Emergency Medicine Residency Programs. AEM Educ Train. 2021 Apr; 5(2):e10451. PMID: 33796802; PMCID: PMC7995926; DOI: 10.1002/aet2.10451;
  8. Jacquet GA, Umoren RA, Hayward AS, Myers JG, Modi P, Dunlop SJ, Sarfaty S, Hauswald M, Tupesis JP. The Practitioner's Guide to Global Health: an interactive, online, open-access curriculum preparing medical learners for global health experiences. Med Educ Online. 2018 Dec; 23(1):1503914.View Related Profiles. PMID: 30081760; PMCID: PMC6084492; DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2018.1503914;
  9. Dahn CM, Wijesekera O, Garcia GE, Karasek K, Jacquet GA. Acute care for the three leading causes of mortality in lower-middle-income countries: A systematic review. Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci. 2018 Jul-Sep; 8(3):117-142. PMID: 30181970; PMCID: PMC6116305; DOI: 10.4103/IJCIIS.IJCIIS_22_18;
  10. Jacquet GA, Hamade B, Diab KA, Sawaya R, Dagher GA, Hitti E, Bayram JD. The Emergency Department Crash Cart: A systematic review and suggested contents. World J Emerg Med. 2018; 9(2):93-98. PMID: 29576820; PMCID: PMC5847507; DOI: 10.5847/wjem.j.1920-8642.2018.02.002;
Showing 10 of 44 results. Show More

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I mentor students and resident physicians who are interested in exploring a career that involves global health work.

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