Daniel Fulford, PhD
Associate Professor
Boston University
Occupational Therapy

PhD, University of Miami
BA, University of California, Los Angeles

Pronouns: he/him/his

Dr. Fulford is a clinical psychologist and Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation Sciences, and Psychological & Brain Sciences at Boston University. His expertise in severe mental illness helps to bridge clinical research and practice conducted at Sargent College of Heath & Rehabilitation Sciences with the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences and education and training programs in BU Graduate Medical Sciences. Dr. Fulford is actively funded by the National Institutes of Health and other agencies and has a strong track record of published work in the areas of psychopathology, psychiatry, and mobile health. He was recognized as a "Face of the Future" by the Society for Research in Psychopathology and with a Visionary Award from the American Psychological Foundation.

Dr. Fulford’s research centers on uncovering biopsychosocial mechanisms involved in human motivation and social processes, including the assessment of pleasure, drive, and effort/cost computation as it applies to social motivation. A primary focus of his work has been on the identification and treatment of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders that involve dysregulated motivation (e.g., severe mental illnesses including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder; Parkinson's disease), with strong interest in the use of digital technologies to augment evidence-based assessment and intervention.

Boston University
Evans Center for Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research

Graduate Faculty (Primary Mentor of Grad Students)
Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, Graduate Medical Sciences

Associate Professor
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences
Psychological and Brain Sciences

Stable and dynamic neurobehavioral phenotypes of social isolation and loneliness in serious mental illness
03/15/2022 - 01/31/2027 (Multi-PI)
PI: Daniel Fulford, PhD
The General Hospital Corporation d/b/a Massachusetts General Hospital NIH NIMH

Supplement: Neurobehavioral mechanisms of social isolation and loneliness in serious mental illness
12/07/2022 - 06/30/2026 (Subcontract PI)
The General Hospital Corporation d/b/a Massachusetts General Hospital NIH NIMH

Neurobehavioral mechanisms of social isolation and loneliness in serious mental illness
09/01/2021 - 06/30/2026 (Multi-PI)
PI: Daniel Fulford, PhD
The General Hospital Corporation d/b/a Massachusetts General Hospital NIH NIMH

Cardiovascular regulation through social contact: Examining the impact of loneliness on heart rate variability in schizophrenia
11/02/2022 - 11/02/2024 (Key Person / Mentor)
American Psychological Foundation

Understanding Social Situations (USS): Training to improve social function in people with psychosis
11/01/2021 - 10/31/2024 (PI)
VA Connecticut Healthcare system

SCH: INT: Collaborative Research: Passive sensing of social isolation and loneliness: A digital phenotyping approach
09/23/2019 - 08/31/2024 (Multi-PI)
PI: Daniel Fulford, PhD
NIH/National Institute of Mental Health

Modeling Dimensions of Individual Variation in Adaptive Foraging Decisions
08/01/2021 - 07/31/2024 (Multi-PI)
PI: Daniel Fulford, PhD
NIH/National Institute of Mental Health

Understanding Social Situations (USS): Training to improve social function in people with psychosis
10/01/2020 - 09/30/2021 (PI)
VA Connecticut Healthcare system

Enhancing Social Functioning in Schizophrenia through Scalable Mobile Technology
02/17/2017 - 06/30/2020 (PI)
NIH/National Institute of Mental Health

Evaluation of an Online, Evidence-based Intervention for Transdiagnostic Paranoia in a Community Setting: Cross-Disiplinary Training and Implementation
06/01/2019 - 05/31/2020 (PI)
Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology

Showing 10 of 11 results. Show All Results


Yr Title Project-Sub Proj Pubs
2024 Stable and dynamic neurobehavioral phenotypes of social isolation and loneliness in serious mental illness 5R01MH125426-03
2024 Neurobehavioral mechanisms of social isolation and loneliness in serious mental illness 5R01MH127265-04
2024 Neurobehavioral mechanisms of social isolation and loneliness in serious mental illness 3R01MH127265-04S1
2023 Stable and dynamic neurobehavioral phenotypes of social isolation and loneliness in serious mental illness 5R01MH125426-02
2023 Neurobehavioral mechanisms of social isolation and loneliness in serious mental illness 5R01MH127265-03
2023 Supplement: Neurobehavioral mechanisms of social isolation and loneliness in serious mental illness 3R01MH127265-02S1
2023 Supplement: Neurobehavioral mechanisms of social isolation and loneliness in serious mental illness 3R01MH127265-03S1
2022 Stable and dynamic neurobehavioral phenotypes of social isolation and loneliness in serious mental illness 1R01MH125426-01A1
2022 Neurobehavioral mechanisms of social isolation and loneliness in serious mental illness 5R01MH127265-02
2022 Modeling Dimensions of Individual Variation in Adaptive Foraging Decisions 5R21MH124095-02
Showing 10 of 18 results. Show All Results

Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.

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  1. Fulford D, Marsch LA, Pratap A. Prescription Digital Therapeutics: An Emerging Treatment Option for Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry. 2024 Jul 01. PMID: 38960019
  2. Borrelli B, Bartlett YK, Fulford D, Frasco G, Armitage CJ, Wearden A. Behavioral Activation Mobile App to Motivate Smokers to Quit: Feasibility and Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Form Res. 2024 Apr 04; 8:e54912.View Related Profiles. PMID: 38573739; PMCID: PMC11027050; DOI: 10.2196/54912;
  3. Gangopadhyay I, Fulford D, Corriveau K, Mow J, Li PH, Arunachalam S. Pupils Dilate More to Harder Vocabulary Words than Easier Ones. Cogn Sci. 2024 Apr; 48(4):e13446. PMID: 38655881
  4. Leem SG, Fulford D, Onnela JP, Gard D, Busso C. Selective Acoustic Feature Enhancement for Speech Emotion Recognition With Noisy Speech. IEEE/ACM Trans Audio Speech Lang Process. 2024; 32:917-929. PMID: 39015743; PMCID: PMC11250502; DOI: 10.1109/taslp.2023.3340603;
  5. Luehring-Jones P, Fulford D, Palfai TP, Simons JS, Maisto SA. Alcohol, Sexual Arousal, and Partner Familiarity as Predictors of Condom Negotiation: An Experience Sampling Study. AIDS Behav. 2024 Mar; 28(3):854-867. PMID: 37751109
  6. Fulford D, Holt DJ. Social Withdrawal, Loneliness, and Health in Schizophrenia: Psychological and Neural Mechanisms. Schizophr Bull. 2023 Sep 07; 49(5):1138-1149. PMID: 37419082; PMCID: PMC10483452; DOI: 10.1093/schbul/sbad099;
  7. Kangarloo T, Mote J, Abplanalp S, Gold A, James P, Gard D, Fulford D. The Influence of Greenspace Exposure on Affect in People With and Those Without Schizophrenia: Exploratory Study. JMIR Form Res. 2023 Aug 03; 7:e44323. PMID: 37535418; PMCID: PMC10436123; DOI: 10.2196/44323;
  8. Gordon S, Mote J, Fulford D. Qualitative Analysis of Paranoia Reported in Clinical Interviews With Black and White Adults With Schizophrenia. Psychiatr Serv. 2023 Dec 01; 74(12):1263-1269. PMID: 37254507; PMCID: PMC10687302; DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.20220089;
  9. Girnis JL, Cavanaugh JT, Baker TC, Duncan RP, Fulford D, LaValley MP, Lawrence M, Nordahl T, Porciuncula F, Rawson KS, Saint-Hilaire M, Thomas CA, Zajac JA, Earhart GM, Ellis TD. Natural Walking Intensity in Persons With Parkinson Disease. J Neurol Phys Ther. 2023 Jul 01; 47(3):146-154.View Related Profiles. PMID: 37016469; PMCID: PMC10330027; DOI: 10.1097/NPT.0000000000000440;
  10. Zajac JA, Cavanaugh JT, Baker T, Duncan RP, Fulford D, Girnis J, LaValley M, Nordahl T, Porciuncula F, Rawson KS, Saint-Hilaire M, Thomas CA, Earhart GM, Ellis TD. Does clinically measured walking capacity contribute to real-world walking performance in Parkinson's disease? Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2022 Dec; 105:123-127.View Related Profiles. PMID: 36423521; PMCID: PMC9722599; DOI: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2022.11.016;
Showing 10 of 76 results. Show More

This graph shows the total number of publications by year, by first, middle/unknown, or last author.

Bar chart showing 76 publications over 15 distinct years, with a maximum of 13 publications in 2021

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