Steven D. Pizer, PhD
Boston University School of Public Health
Health Law, Policy & Management

PhD, Boston College
AB, Harvard College

Dr. Pizer is Professor of Health Law, Policy, and Management and Director of the doctoral program in Health Services Research at the Boston University School of Public Health. He also serves as Chief Economist for the Partnered Evidence-based Policy Resource Center at the US Department of Veterans Affairs. He is currently directing studies of demand for care and access to care, as well as effects of workforce retention programs and health information exchange. Dr. Pizer also designs randomized and observational program evaluations and performance metrics for national VA program offices. Prior to his graduate training in economics, Dr. Pizer worked for the Massachusetts Legislature and for several consumer organizations concerned with state insurance regulation.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility

We implemented a systematic review of our research activities to determine if we could add DEIJ analyses to our existing projects. That review will continue as we monitor progress on papers and projects. We have a paper under review that documents racial disparities in waiting times for outpatient care paid for by VA, with those disparities substantially worse when care is delivered by private providers compared to VA providers.

In the doctoral program we continue to recruit a diverse cohorts of students. We are tracking underrepresented minority and first-generation status as we conduct our applicant reviews.

At the VA, the administration is emphasizing DEIJ considerations when evaluating how program benefits are distributed. We are currently evaluating potential changes in national standards for access to care, and we will consider potential impacts on historically vulnerable populations in those evaluations.

VA Boston Healthcare System

PePREC VA Faculty and Staff Support Contract - 36C24E20D0016 VA Master Contract - Option Year 3 Task Order 36C24E23N0172
09/15/2023 - 09/15/2024 (PI)
VA Boston Healthcare System

DEEN_Training in Health Services Research for Vulnerable Populations
07/01/2023 - 06/30/2024 (Subcontract PI)
Boston Medical Center Corporation HHS AHRQ

PERNAT_Training in Health Services Research for Vulnerable Populations
07/01/2023 - 06/30/2024 (Subcontract PI)
Boston Medical Center Corporation HHS AHRQ

KACZOR_Training in Health Services Research for Vulnerable Populations
07/01/2023 - 06/30/2024 (Subcontract PI)
Boston Medical Center Corporation HHS AHRQ

PePREC VA Faculty and Staff Support Contract - 36C24E20D0016 VA Master Contract – Option Year 1 & 2
09/01/2021 - 08/31/2023 (PI)
VA Boston Healthcare System

Training in Health Services Research for Vulnerable Populations
07/01/2023 - 07/01/2023 (Subcontract PI)
Boston Medical Center Corporation HHS AHRQ

Training in Health Services Research for Vulnerable Populations
07/01/2019 - 06/30/2023 (Subcontract PI)
Boston Medical Center Corporation HHS AHRQ

Detection of Unethical Substance Use Disorder Treatment Providers
11/02/2018 - 09/30/2021 (Co-Investigator)
PI: Melissa Garrido, PhD
Laura and John Arnold Foundation

VA241-17-D-0092 VA Master Contract Task Order 14
09/15/2019 - 09/14/2021 (PI)
VA Boston Healthcare System

VA241-17-D-0092 VA Master Contract Task Order 15
09/15/2019 - 09/14/2021 (PI)
VA Boston Healthcare System

Showing 10 of 26 results. Show All Results


Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.

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  1. Tenso K, Li Y, Legler A, Sadej I, Kabdiyeva A, Garrido MM, Pizer SD. Medical training program size and clinical staff productivity and turnover. Health Serv Res. 2024 Jul 24.View Related Profiles. PMID: 39045876
  2. Li Y, Legler A, Kabdiyeva A, Nguyen P, Garrido M, Pizer S. Impact of Nurse Residency Program on Time-to-Fill Nurse Vacancies at the Veterans Health Administration. Med Care. 2024 Sep 01; 62(9):599-604.View Related Profiles. PMID: 38986114
  3. Shafer PR, Yuan Y, Feyman Y, Price ME, Kabdiyeva A, Figueroa SM, Shen YJ, Nebeker JR, Ward MC, Strombotne KL, Pizer SD. Effect of mental health staffing inputs on initiation of care among recently separated Veterans. Health Serv Res. 2024 Jun 02.View Related Profiles. PMID: 38826037
  4. Saeed I, Barr K, Palani S, Shafer P, Pizer S. Comparison of Full-Time Equivalent and Clinic Time Labor Input Measures in Productivity Metrics. J Healthc Manag. 2024 May-Jun 01; 69(3):178-189.View Related Profiles. PMID: 38728544
  5. Palani S, Saeed I, Legler A, Sadej I, MacDonald C, Kirsh SR, Pizer SD, Shafer PR. Effect of the Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks (MISSION) Act Scribes Trial on Emergency Department Provider Productivity and Patient Throughput Times. J Emerg Med. 2024 Jul; 67(1):e89-e98.View Related Profiles. PMID: 38824039
  6. Asfaw DA, Price ME, Carvalho KM, Pizer SD, Garrido MM. The effects of the Veterans Health Administration's Referral Coordination Initiative on referral patterns and waiting times for specialty care. Health Serv Res. 2024 Jun; 59(3):e14303.View Related Profiles. PMID: 38553984; PMCID: PMC11063088; DOI: 10.1111/1475-6773.14303;
  7. Shafer PR, Palani S, Saeed I, Legler A, Barr K, Carvalho K, Pizer SD. Costs and Productivity Benefits of the Department of Veterans Affairs Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks Act Scribes Trial. Value Health. 2024 Jun; 27(6):713-720.View Related Profiles. PMID: 38462222
  8. Rush E, Ozmen O, Kim M, Ortegon ER, Jones M, Park BH, Pizer S, Trafton J, Brenner LA, Ward M, Nebeker JR. A framework for inferring and analyzing pharmacotherapy treatment patterns. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2024 Mar 08; 24(1):68. PMID: 38459459; PMCID: PMC10924394; DOI: 10.1186/s12911-024-02469-4;
  9. Lum J, Sadej I, Pizer SD, Yee C. Telehealth Access and Substitution in the VHA. J Gen Intern Med. 2024 Feb; 39(Suppl 1):44-52. PMID: 38393611; PMCID: PMC10937886; DOI: 10.1007/s11606-023-08465-0;
  10. Li Y, Legler A, Tenso K, Garrido M, Pizer S. Impact of Medical Training Programs on Time-to-Fill Physician Vacancies at the Veterans Health Administration. Med Care. 2024 Mar 01; 62(3):182-188.View Related Profiles. PMID: 38180002
Showing 10 of 120 results. Show More

This graph shows the total number of publications by year, by first, middle/unknown, or last author.

Bar chart showing 120 publications over 25 distinct years, with a maximum of 13 publications in 2022

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