Social Media and Risk-reduction Training for Preterm Infant Care Practices (SMART Preemie)07/08/2024 - 06/30/2029 (Subcontract PI)
University of Massachusetts Medical School NIH NICHD2R01HD095060-06
Get Social Media and Risk-Reduction Training (GET SMART)09/15/2023 - 06/30/2028 (Subcontract PI)
Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia NIH NICHD5R01HD110568-02
Support via Online Social Networks to Promote Safe Infant Care Practices Toward Reducing Racial Disparities in Infant Mortality05/06/2021 - 01/31/2026 (Subcontract PI)
Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia NIH NIMHD5R01MD007702-09
Improving Care Giver Adherence to Recommended Infant Care Practices06/05/2019 - 03/31/2025 (Multi-PI)
Michael J. Corwin, MDNIH/National Institute of Child Health & Human Development5R01HD072815-10
Study of Attitudes and Factors Effecting Preterm Infant Care Practices (SAFE PREP)08/17/2022 - 06/30/2024 (Subcontract PI)
University of Massachusetts, Medical School NIH NICHD7R01HD095060-05
Social Confounders for Health Outcomes Linked to education08/24/2018 - 06/30/2024 (Multi-PI)
Michael J. Corwin, MDNIH/National Institute of Child Health & Human Development5R01HD091130-05
Intermittent Hypoxia and Caffeine in Infants Born Preterm (ICAF)09/07/2017 - 05/31/2024 (Subcontract PI)
Children's Research Institute NIH NICHD5R01HD089289-05
SUID-Reducing Infant Care Practices Among Opioid-Exposed Newborns03/01/2020 - 06/30/2023 (Subcontract PI)
Boston Medical Center Corporation Amer SIDS Inst Inc
Study of Attitudes and Factors Effecting Preterm Infant Care Practices (SAFE PREP)08/17/2018 - 04/30/2022 (Subcontract PI)
Boston Medical Center Corporation NIH NICHD5R01HD095060-04
Social Media and Risk-reduction Training for Infant Care Practices (SMART)06/01/2016 - 05/31/2018 (Multi-PI)
Michael J. Corwin, MDNIH/National Institute of Child Health & Human Development4R01HD072815-05
Showing 10 of 22 results.
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Medical Monitor Subject Matter Expert (SME)/Consultant for Advanced Drug Development and Phase 1 Clinical Trial05/18/2015 - 09/10/2016 (Subcontract PI)
Battelle Memorial Institute DOD Army
Social Media and Risk-reduction Training for Infant Care Practices (SMART)09/11/2012 - 05/31/2016 (Multi-PI)
Michael J. Corwin, MDNIH/National Institute of Child Health & Human Development5R01HD072815-04
Social Media and Risk-reduction Training for infant Care Practices (SMART) [CJ Foundation]12/01/2014 - 12/31/2015 (PI)
CJ Foundation for SIDS
Study of Attitudes and Factors Affecting Infant Care08/01/2009 - 07/31/2015 (PI)
NIH/National Institute of Child Health & Human Development5U10HD059207-05
A Phase I, Open-Label, Single-Center Dose Escalation Study to Evaluate the Dose-Limiting Toxicity of Intramuscular Administration of a New Oxime (MMB4)03/20/2012 - 03/31/2015 (Subcontract PI)
Battelle Memorial Institute DOD Army
Social Media and Risk-reduction Training for Infant Care Practices (SMART)- CJ Foundation12/23/2013 - 12/31/2014 (PI)
CJ Foundation for SIDS
Improving Asthma Outcomes Through Spirometry Distance Learning06/01/2010 - 05/31/2014 (Subcontract PI)
Seattle Children's Hospital NIH NHLBI5R01HL094579-03
A Phase I, Open-Label, Single-Center Dose Escalation Study to Evaluate the Dose-Limiting Toxicity of Intramuscular Administration of a New Oxime (MMB4)06/01/2011 - 04/30/2014 (Subcontract PI)
Battelle Memorial Institute DOD Army
Xylitol Syrup for the Prevention of Acute Otitis Media in Otitis-Prone Children09/01/2009 - 08/31/2012 (Subcontract PI)
The Children's Hospital Corporation NIH NIDCD5RC1DC010668-02
Event Recordings of High Risk Infants on Apnea Monitors09/30/1991 - 06/30/2008 (PI)
NIH/National Institute of Child Health & Human Development5 U10 HD029067 11
Neurobehavioral Consequences of Sleep Apnea in Children09/20/1999 - 03/31/2005 (Co-PI)
NIH/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute5 R01 HL62371 04
Collaborative Home Infant Monitoring Evaluation (CHIME)09/30/1991 - 08/31/2002 (PI)
NIH/National Institute of Child Health & Human Development3 U10 HD29067 08S3
Event Recordings of High Risk Infants on Apnea monitors07/03/2006 - 09/30/2009 (PI)
NIH-NICHD3U10 HD029067-14S1