Ellenberg SS, Keusch GT, Babiker AG, Edwards KM, Lewis RJ, Lundgren JD, Wells CD, Wabwire-Mangen F, McAdam KPWJ. Rigorous Clinical Trial Design in Public Health Emergencies Is Essential. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 04 17; 66(9):1467-1469. PMID: 29177461; PMCID: PMC5905619; DOI: 10.1093/cid/cix1032;
Peters DH, Keusch GT, Cooper J, Davis S, Lundgren J, Mello MM, Omatade O, Wabwire-Mangen F, McAdam KPWJ. In search of global governance for research in epidemics. Lancet. 2017 Oct 07; 390(10103):1632-1633. PMID: 29131784
Keusch GT, McAdam KPWJ. Clinical trials during epidemics. Lancet. 2017 Jun 24; 389(10088):2455-2457. PMID: 28656892
Keusch GT, Denno DM, Black RE, Duggan C, Guerrant RL, Lavery JV, Nataro JP, Rosenberg IH, Ryan ET, Tarr PI, Ward H, Bhutta ZA, Coovadia H, Lima A, Ramakrishna B, Zaidi AK, Hay Burgess DC, Brewer T. Environmental enteric dysfunction: pathogenesis, diagnosis, and clinical consequences. Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Nov 1; 59 Suppl 4:S207-12.View Related Profiles. PMID: 25305288; PMCID: PMC4481570; DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciu485;
Millum J, Grady C, Keusch G, Sina B. Introduction: the Fogarty International Research Ethics Education and Curriculum Development Program in historical context. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. 2013 Dec; 8(5):3-16. PMID: 24384512; PMCID: PMC4825803; DOI: 10.1525/jer.2013.8.5.3;
Keusch GT, Rosenberg IH, Denno DM, Duggan C, Guerrant RL, Lavery JV, Tarr PI, Ward HD, Black RE, Nataro JP, Ryan ET, Bhutta ZA, Coovadia H, Lima A, Ramakrishna B, Zaidi AK, Burgess DC, Brewer T. Implications of acquired environmental enteric dysfunction for growth and stunting in infants and children living in low- and middle-income countries. Food Nutr Bull. 2013 Sep; 34(3):357-64.View Related Profiles. PMID: 24167916; PMCID: PMC4643688; DOI: 10.1177/156482651303400308;
Okeke IN, Cruz JR, Keusch GT. Antibiotics for uncomplicated severe malnutrition. N Engl J Med. 2013 Jun 20; 368(25):2435-6. PMID: 23782190; DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1304407#SA2;
Amuguni H, Lee S, Kerstein K, Brown D, Belitsky B, Herrmann J, Keusch G, Sonenshein A, Tzipori S. Sublingual immunization with an engineered Bacillus subtilis strain expressing tetanus toxin fragment C induces systemic and mucosal immune responses in piglets. Microbes Infect. 2012 May; 14(5):447-56. PMID: 22198093; DOI: 10.1016/j.micinf.2011.12.001;
Molyneux D, Hallaj Z, Keusch GT, McManus DP, Ngowi H, Cleaveland S, Ramos-Jimenez P, Gotuzzo E, Kar K, Sanchez A, Garba A, Carabin H, Bassili A, Chaignat CL, Meslin FX, Abushama HM, Willingham AL, Kioy D. Zoonoses and marginalised infectious diseases of poverty: where do we stand? Parasit Vectors. 2011; 4:106. PMID: 21672216; PMCID: PMC3128850; DOI: 10.1186/1756-3305-4-106;
Amuguni JH, Lee S, Kerstein KO, Brown DW, Belitsky BR, Herrmann JE, Keusch GT, Sonenshein AL, Tzipori S. Sublingually administered Bacillus subtilis cells expressing tetanus toxin C fragment induce protective systemic and mucosal antibodies against tetanus toxin in mice. Vaccine. 2011 Jun 24; 29(29-30):4778-84. PMID: 21565244; DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.04.083;
Stewart KA, Keusch GT, Kleinman A. Values and global health governance. In: Global Health Ethics, Benatar S, Brock G, Eds. Cambridge University Press. London. 2011; pp 301-310.
Keusch GT. Models of cooperation, capacity building, and the future of global health. In: Routledge Handbook in Global Public Health. Parker R, Sommer M, Eds. Routledge. Oxford and New York. 2011; pp 497-504.
Keusch GT. Emerging infectious diseases: What’s new?. Worcester Med. 2011; 75:16-18.
Keusch GT. Shigellosis. In: Cecil Medicine, Goldman L, Schafer AI, Eds. Twenty-Fourth Edition. Saunders. Philadelphia. 2011.
Pang T, Daulaire N, Keusch G, Leke R, Piot P, Reddy S, Rys A, Szlezak N. The new age of global health governance holds promise. Nat Med. 2010 Nov; 16(11):1181. PMID: 21052062; DOI: 10.1038/nm1110-1181;
Lee S, Belitsky BR, Brinker JP, Kerstein KO, Brown DW, Clements JD, Keusch GT, Tzipori S, Sonenshein AL, Herrmann JE. Development of a Bacillus subtilis-based rotavirus vaccine. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2010 Nov; 17(11):1647-55. PMID: 20810679; PMCID: PMC2976104; DOI: 10.1128/CVI.00135-10;
Lee S, Belitsky BR, Brown DW, Brinker JP, Kerstein KO, Herrmann JE, Keusch GT, Sonenshein AL, Tzipori S. Efficacy, heat stability and safety of intranasally administered Bacillus subtilis spore or vegetative cell vaccines expressing tetanus toxin fragment C. Vaccine. 2010 Sep 24; 28(41):6658-65. PMID: 20709005; DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2010.08.016;
Moon S, Szlezák NA, Michaud CM, Jamison DT, Keusch GT, Clark WC, Bloom BR. The global health system: lessons for a stronger institutional framework. PLoS Med. 2010 Jan; 7(1):e1000193. PMID: 20126249; PMCID: PMC2799668; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000193;
Keusch GT, Kilama WL, Moon S, Szlezák NA, Michaud CM. The global health system: linking knowledge with action--learning from malaria. PLoS Med. 2010 Jan; 7(1):e1000179. PMID: 20087415; PMCID: PMC2799678; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000179;
Szlezák NA, Bloom BR, Jamison DT, Keusch GT, Michaud CM, Moon S, Clark WC. The global health system: actors, norms, and expectations in transition. PLoS Med. 2010 Jan; 7(1):e1000183. PMID: 20052277; PMCID: PMC2796301; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000183;
Keusch GT, Salam, MA, Kopecko D. Shigellosis. In: Tropical Infectious Diseases, Guerrant RL, Krogstad D, Maguire J, Walker J, Weller P, Eds. Third edition. Livingstone. NY. 2010.
Stewart KA, Keusch GT, Kleinman A. Values and moral experience in global health: bridging the local and the global. Glob Public Health. 2010; 5(2):115-21. PMID: 20213562; DOI: 10.1080/17441690903484201;
Keusch GT. Shigellosis. In Brachman PS, Abrutyn E (eds): Bacterial Infections of Humans, ed 4. Plenum Press. New York. 2009.
Sustaining Global Surveillance and Response to Emerging Zoonotic Diseases. Keusch GT, ite Pappaioanou M, González MC, Scott KA, Tsai P, Eds. National Academies Press. Washington DC. 2009.
Keusch GT, Stevens A. Technology transfer issues in biotechnology: The Future of Global Health Networks. In: Technology Transfer in Biotechnology. A Global Perspective Edited by Ganguli P, Prickril B, Khanna R. Wiley. 2009. 2009.
Prentice AM, Gershwin ME, Schaible UE, Keusch GT, Victora CG, Gordon JI. New challenges in studying nutrition-disease interactions in the developing world. J Clin Invest. 2008 Apr; 118(4):1322-9. PMID: 18382744; PMCID: PMC2276778; DOI: 10.1172/JCI34034;
Keusch GT. When you reach a fork in the road, take it: science and product development as linked paths. Am J Law Med. 2008; 34(2-3):141-9. PMID: 18697690
Waldor MK, Keusch GT. Cholera and other vibriosis. In: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th Edition. McGraw-Hill. 2008.
Keusch GT, Bart K, Miller M. Immunization Principles and Vaccine Use. In: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th Edition. McGraw-Hill. 2008.
Nugent R, Keusch GT. Global Health: Lessons from Bayh-Dole. In: Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation: A handbook of best practices. Krattiger A, Mahoney R, Nelson L et al. MIHR/PIPRA. Oxford UK. 2007.
Michels KM, Hofman KJ, Keusch GT, Hrynkow SH. Stigma and global health: looking forward. Lancet. 2006 Feb 11; 367(9509):538-9. PMID: 16473135
Keusch GT, Wilentz J, Kleinman A. Stigma and global health: developing a research agenda. Lancet. 2006 Feb 11; 367(9509):525-7. PMID: 16473128
Keusch GT. What do -omics mean for the science and policy of the nutritional sciences? Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Feb; 83(2):520S-522S. PMID: 16470024
Kis L, Heitzmann F, Keusch G, Möddel M. [Severe anemia in the framework of zidovudine treatment in HIV disease]. Praxis (Bern 1994). 2006 Jan 25; 95(4):119-22. PMID: 16485608
Keusch GT, Fontaine O, Bhargava A, Boschi–Pinto C, Bhutta ZA, Gotuzzo E, Rivera JA, Chow J, Shahid–Salles SA, Laxminarayan R. Chapter 19. Diarrheal Diseases. In: Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. Jamison DT, Breman JG, Measham AR, Alleyne G, Claeson M, Evans DB, Jha P, Mills A, Musgrove P. Eds. Oxford University Press. 2006; pp. 371-387.
Morel CM, Acharya T, Broun D, Dangi A, Elias C, Ganguly NK, Gardner CA, Gupta RK, Haycock J, Heher AD, Hotez PJ, Kettler HE, Keusch GT, Krattiger AF, Kreutz FT, Lall S, Lee K, Mahoney R, Martinez-Palomo A, Mashelkar RA, Matlin SA, Mzimba M, Oehler J, Ridley RG, Senanayake P, Singer P, Yun M. Health innovation networks to help developing countries address neglected diseases. Science. 2005 Jul 15; 309(5733):401-4. PMID: 16020723
Keusch GT, Kopecko D. Shigellosis. In: Tropical Infectious Diseases, Guerrant RL, Krogstad D, Maguire J, Walker J, Weller P, Eds. Second edition. Churchill Livingstone. NY. 2005.
Kosek M, Black RE, Keusch GT. Nutrition and Micronutrients in Tropical Infectious Diseases. In: Tropical Infectious Diseases, Guerrant RL, Krogstad D, Maguire J, Walker J, Weller P, Eds. Second edition. Churchill Livingstone. NY. 2005.
Hofman K, Primack A, Keusch G, Hrynkow S. Addressing the growing burden of trauma and injury in low- and middle-income countries. Am J Public Health. 2005 Jan; 95(1):13-7. PMID: 15623852; PMCID: PMC1449844; DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2004.039354;
Meydani SN, Leka LS, Fine BC, Dallal GE, Keusch GT, Singh MF, Hamer DH. Vitamin E and respiratory tract infections in elderly nursing home residents: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2004 Aug 18; 292(7):828-36.View Related Profiles. PMID: 15315997; PMCID: PMC2377357
Heddini A, Keusch GT, Davies CS. The multilateral initiative on malaria: past, present, and future. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2004 Aug; 71(2 Suppl):279-82. PMID: 15331848
Keusch GT. Take HEED--if not now, when? Environ Health Perspect. 2004 Mar; 112(3):A144-5. PMID: 14998761; PMCID: PMC1241875
Keusch GT. Global health, personal action. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 Mar 15; 38(6):879-80. PMID: 14999634
Keusch GT. Spreading effective AIDS care in poor countries, thoughts on the Partners-in-Health/Zanmi Lasante experience in Haiti. J Public Health Policy. 2004; 25(2):159-61. PMID: 15255382
Keusch GT. Intellectual Property and Licensing Impacts on Global Public Goods for Health: Options for public sector and academic leadership. IP Strategy Today. 2004; 10:1-22.
Keusch GT, Kopecko D. Shigellosis. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th Edition. McGraw-Hill. New York. 2004.
Keusch GT, Bart K, Miller M. Immunization Principles and Vaccine Use. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th Edition. McGraw-Hill. New York. 2004.
Keusch GT, Medlin CA. Tapping the power of small institutions. Nature. 2003 Apr 10; 422(6932):561-2. PMID: 12686973
Keusch GT. The history of nutrition: malnutrition, infection and immunity. J Nutr. 2003 Jan; 133(1):336S-340S. PMID: 12514322
Gonzales B, Keusch GT, Vellejo JG. Cholera. Cholera. In: Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Saunders. Philadelphia. 2003.
Kaplan S, Keusch GT. Diarrhea- and dysentery-causing Escherichia coli. In: Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Saunders. Philadelphia. 2003.
Keusch GT, Nugent RA. The role of intellectual property and licensing in promoting research in international health: perspectives from a public sector biomedical research agency. CMH Working Paper Series, Paper No. WG2:7. Commission on Macroeconomics and Health, World Health Organization. Geneva. 2002.
Keusch GT, Skirrow M. Enterobacteria and Miscellaneous Enteropathogenic and Food Poisoning Bacteria. In: Oxford Textbook of Medicine. Oxford University Press. Oxford. 2002.
Keusch GT. Shigella and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli. In: Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. New York. 2002.
Kang G, Pulimood AB, Koshi R, Hull A, Acheson D, Rajan P, Keusch GT, Mathan VI, Mathan MM. A monkey model for enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli infection. J Infect Dis. 2001 Jul 15; 184(2):206-10. PMID: 11424020
Keusch GT, Bart KJ. Immunization Principles and Vaccine Use. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 15th Edition. McGraw-Hill. New York. 2001.
Keusch GT. Superficial Gastro-intestinal Infections: A Clinical Overview. In: Molecular Medical Microbiology. Academic Press. New York. 2001.
Teklehaimanot A, Keusch G, Binder S. Malaria. Emerg Infect Dis. 2001; 7(3 Suppl):546-7. PMID: 11485663; PMCID: PMC2631846
Keusch GT. Shigellosis. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 15th Edition. McGraw-Hill. New York. 2001.
Breman JG, Egan A, Keusch GT. The intolerable burden of malaria: a new look at the numbers. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2001 Jan-Feb; 64(1-2 Suppl):iv-vii. PMID: 11425185
Keusch GT. Shigella. In: Molecular Medical Microbiology. Academic Press. New York. 2001.
Keusch GT. Toxin-associated Gastro-intestinal Disease: A Clinical Overview. In: Molecular Medical Microbiology. Academic Press. New York. 2001.
Keusch GT. Systemic Gastro-intestinal Infections: A Clinical Overview. In: Molecular Medical Microbiology. Academic Press. New York. 2001.
Keusch GT. Waldor, MK. Cholera and other vibrioses. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 15th Edition. McGraw-Hill. New York. 2001.
Keusch GT. Dietary supplements, botanicals, and probiotics: hope or hype?. Nutr Clin Care. 2001; 4:1-3.
Cevallos AM, Bhat N, Verdon R, Hamer DH, Stein B, Tzipori S, Pereira ME, Keusch GT, Ward HD. Mediation of Cryptosporidium parvum infection in vitro by mucin-like glycoproteins defined by a neutralizing monoclonal antibody. Infect Immun. 2000 Sep; 68(9):5167-75.View Related Profiles. PMID: 10948140; PMCID: PMC101770
Keusch GT. The National Institutes of Health agenda for international research in micronutrient nutrition and infection interactions. J Infect Dis. 2000 Sep; 182 Suppl 1:S139-42. PMID: 10944496
Zhang X, McDaniel AD, Wolf LE, Keusch GT, Waldor MK, Acheson DW. Quinolone antibiotics induce Shiga toxin-encoding bacteriophages, toxin production, and death in mice. J Infect Dis. 2000 Feb; 181(2):664-70. PMID: 10669353
Keusch GT. The potential impact of nutritional change on the global burden of viral disease. Nutr Rev. 2000 Feb; 58(2 Pt 2):S55-62. PMID: 10748618
Acheson DW, Kane AV, Keusch GT. Shiga toxins. Methods Mol Biol. 2000; 145:41-63. PMID: 10820715
Hurley BP, Jacewicz M, Thorpe CM, Lincicome LL, King AJ, Keusch GT, Acheson DW. Shiga toxins 1 and 2 translocate differently across polarized intestinal epithelial cells. Infect Immun. 1999 Dec; 67(12):6670-7. PMID: 10569789; PMCID: PMC97081
Thorpe CM, Hurley BP, Lincicome LL, Jacewicz MS, Keusch GT, Acheson DW. Shiga toxins stimulate secretion of interleukin-8 from intestinal epithelial cells. Infect Immun. 1999 Nov; 67(11):5985-93. PMID: 10531258; PMCID: PMC96984
Krishnan S, Ramakrishna BS, Keusch GT, Acheson DW, Pulimood AB, Mathan M. Effect of shiga toxin on NaCl transport in rat distal colon. Scand J Gastroenterol. 1999 Aug; 34(8):777-83. PMID: 10499478
Jacewicz MS, Acheson DW, Binion DG, West GA, Lincicome LL, Fiocchi C, Keusch GT. Responses of human intestinal microvascular endothelial cells to Shiga toxins 1 and 2 and pathogenesis of hemorrhagic colitis. Infect Immun. 1999 Mar; 67(3):1439-44. PMID: 10024592; PMCID: PMC96478
Kotler DP, Thea DM, Heo M, Allison DB, Engelson ES, Wang J, Pierson RN, St Louis M, Keusch GT. Relative influences of sex, race, environment, and HIV infection on body composition in adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 Mar; 69(3):432-9.View Related Profiles. PMID: 10075327
King AJ, Sundaram S, Cendoroglo M, Acheson DW, Keusch GT. Shiga toxin induces superoxide production in polymorphonuclear cells with subsequent impairment of phagocytosis and responsiveness to phorbol esters. J Infect Dis. 1999 Feb; 179(2):503-7. PMID: 9878039
Keusch GT. Host Response to Infection. In: Infectious Diseases, Armstrong D, Cohen J, Eds. Mosby. London. 1999.
Keusch GT. Nutrition and Infection. In: Tropical Infectious Diseases, Guerrant RL, Krogstad D, Maguire J, Walker J, Weller P, Eds. Churchill Livingstone. NY. 1999.
Keusch GT. Tropical Sprue. In: Infectious Diseases, Armstrong D, Cohen J, Eds. Mosby. London. 1999.
Thorpe CM, Flaumenhaft R, Hurley B, Jacewicz M, Acheson DW, Keusch GT. Shiga toxins do not directly stimulate alpha-granule secretion or enhance aggregation of human platelets. Acta Haematol. 1999; 102(1):51-5. PMID: 10473889
Keusch GT, Bennish ML. Shigellosis. In: Tropical Infectious Diseases, Guerrant RL, Krogstad D, Maguire J, Walker J, Weller P, Eds. Churchill Livingstone. NY. 1999.
Acheson DW, Reidl J, Zhang X, Keusch GT, Mekalanos JJ, Waldor MK. In vivo transduction with shiga toxin 1-encoding phage. Infect Immun. 1998 Sep; 66(9):4496-8. PMID: 9712806; PMCID: PMC108544
Joe A, Verdon R, Tzipori S, Keusch GT, Ward HD. Attachment of Cryptosporidium parvum sporozoites to human intestinal epithelial cells. Infect Immun. 1998 Jul; 66(7):3429-32. PMID: 9632617; PMCID: PMC108364
Keusch GT. Nutrition and Infection. In: Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition. Sadler M, Caballero B, Strain S, Eds. Academic Press. London. 1998.
Keusch GT, Acheson DWK, Marchant C, McIver J. Toxoid based active and passive immunization to prevent and/or modulate hemolytic-uremic syndrome due to Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli. VTEC97. Am Soc Microbiol. 1998; Washington DC.
Kotler DP, Thea DM, Allison DB, Wang J, St Louis M, Keusch GT, Pierson RN. Relative and interacting effects of sex, race, and environment upon body cell mass in healthy adults. Am J Hum Biol. 1998; 10(2):259-268.View Related Profiles. PMID: 28561439
Keusch GT. Immunity. Role of Micronutrients. In: Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition. Sadler M, Caballero B, Strain S, Eds. Academic Press. London. 1998.
YearBook of Infectious Diseases. Co-editor 1985-1993, Editor 1994-1998. Mosby YearBook. St. Louis. 1998.
Keusch GT. The rediscovery of Shiga toxin and its role in clinical disease. Jpn J Med Sci Biol. 1998; 51 Suppl:S5-22. PMID: 10211432
Keusch GT. Nutrition and immunity: from A to Z. Nutr Rev. 1998 Jan; 56(1 Pt 2):S3-4. PMID: 9481119
Keusch GT, Cash RA. A vaccine against rotavirus--when is too much too much? N Engl J Med. 1997 Oct 23; 337(17):1228-9. PMID: 9337384
Verdon R, Keusch GT, Tzipori S, Grubman SA, Jefferson DM, Ward HD. An in vitro model of infection of human biliary epithelial cells by Cryptosporidium parvum. J Infect Dis. 1997 May; 175(5):1268-72. PMID: 9129102
Keusch GT, Acheson DW. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura associated with Shiga toxins. Semin Hematol. 1997 Apr; 34(2):106-16. PMID: 9109212
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 72. Shigellosis. In: Infectious Diseases. Gorbach, S.L., Bartlett, J.G., Blacklow, N.R., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1997; 694-698.
Acheson, D.W.K., Sonenshein, A.L., Leong, J.M., Keusch, G.T. Heat stable spore-based expression of invasin-cell wall fusion proteins in Bacillus subtilis. In: Vaccines ‘97. Brown F, Burton D, Doherty P, Mekalanos J, Norrby E. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 1997; pp 179-184.
Keusch, G.T., Deresiewicz, R.L. Cholera and other vibrioses. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th Edition. Isselbacher, K.J., Braunwald, E., Wilson, J.D., Martin, J.B., Fauci, A.S., Kasper, D.L., Eds. McGraw Hill. New York. 1997; 962-968.
Cytokines, Cholera, and the Gut. Proceedings of the Joint Malnutrition and Cholera Panel Meeting of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Sciences Medical Program. Keusch GT, Kawakami M, Eds. IOS Press. Amsterdam. 1997.
Keusch, G.T., Acheson, D.W.K. Chapter 17. Enteric bacteria: "Secretory" (watery) diarrhea. In: Mechanisms of Microbial Disease, 3rd Edition. Schaechter, M., Medoff, G., Eisenstein, B.L., Eds. Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore. 1997.
Acheson, D.W.K., Keusch, G.T. Chapter 107. Diarrhea and dysentery causing Escherichia coli. In: Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 4rd Edition. Feigin, R.D., Cherry, J.D., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1997; 1282-1298.
Keusch, G.T. Shigellosis. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th Edition. Isselbacher, K.J., Braunwald, E., Wilson, J.D., Martin, J.B., Fauci, A.S., Kasper, D.L., Eds. McGraw-Hill. New York. 1997; 957-962.
Keusch, G.T., Bennish, M.L. Cholera. Current Pediatric Therapy, 17th Edition. Burg, F.D., Ingelfinger, J.R., Wald, E.R., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1997.
Keusch, G.T., Bennish, M.L. Chapter 29. Shigellosis. In: Bacterial Infections of Humans, 3rd Edition. Evans, A.S., Brachman, P.S., Eds. Plenum. New York. 1997; 631-656.
Keusch, G.T. Salmonellosis. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th Edition. Isselbacher, K.J., Braunwald, E., Wilson, J.D., Martin, J.B., Fauci, A.S., Kasper, D.L., Eds. McGraw-Hill. New York. 1997; 950-956.
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 206. Shigella. In: Infectious Diseases. Gorbach, S.L., Bartlett, J.G., Blacklow, N.R., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1997; 1804-1810.
Acheson D.W.K., Keusch, G.T. Salmonella and Yersinia Infections. In: Gastrointestinal Infection. Lamont, J.T., Ed. Raven Press. New York. 1997; 149-189.
Keusch, G.T., Bennish, M.L. Chapter 106. Cholera. In: Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 4th Edition. Feigin, R.D., Cherry, J.D., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1997; 1364-1380.
Keusch, G.T., Bart, K.J. Immunization principles and vaccine use. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th Edition. Isselbacher, K.J., Braunwald, E., Wilson, J.D., Martin, J.B., Fauci, A.S., Kasper, D.L., Eds. McGraw-Hill. New York. 1997; 758-771.
Keusch, G.T., Acheson, D.W.K. Chapter 18. Invasive and tissue damaging enteric bacterial pathogens: Bloody diarrhea and dysentery. In: Mechanisms of Microbial Disease, 3rd Edition. Schaechter, M., Medoff, G., Eisenstein, B.L., Eds. Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore. 1997.
Acheson DW, Moore R, De Breucker S, Lincicome L, Jacewicz M, Skutelsky E, Keusch GT. Translocation of Shiga toxin across polarized intestinal cells in tissue culture. Infect Immun. 1996 Aug; 64(8):3294-300. PMID: 8757867; PMCID: PMC174221
Keusch GT, Acheson DW, Aaldering L, Erban J, Jacewicz MS. Comparison of the effects of Shiga-like toxin 1 on cytokine- and butyrate-treated human umbilical and saphenous vein endothelial cells. J Infect Dis. 1996 May; 173(5):1164-70. PMID: 8627068
Thea DM, Porat R, Nagimbi K, Baangi M, St Louis ME, Kaplan G, Dinarello CA, Keusch GT. Plasma cytokines, cytokine antagonists, and disease progression in African women infected with HIV-1. Ann Intern Med. 1996 Apr 15; 124(8):757-62.View Related Profiles. PMID: 8633837
Acheson DWK, Lincicome LL, DE Breucker S, Keusch GT. Detection of Shiga-Like Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in Ground Beef and Milk by Commercial Enzyme Immunoassay. J Food Prot. 1996 Apr; 59(4):344-349. PMID: 31158989
Mühldorfer I, Hacker J, Keusch GT, Acheson DW, Tschäpe H, Kane AV, Ritter A, Olschläger T, Donohue-Rolfe A. Regulation of the Shiga-like toxin II operon in Escherichia coli. Infect Immun. 1996 Feb; 64(2):495-502. PMID: 8550198; PMCID: PMC173792
Keusch, G.T, Acheson, D.W.K. Chapter 5. Shigellosis. In: Enteric Infections and Immunity. Paradise, L.J., Bendinelli, M., Friedman, H., Eds. Plenum. New York. 1996; pp. 79-100.
Acheson, D.W.K., Keusch, G.T. Which Shiga toxin producing types of E. coli are important?. Am Soc Microbiol News. 1996; 62:302-306.
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 30. Immunologic Mechanisms in Infectious Diseases. In: Immunologic Disorders in Infants and Children, 4th Edition. Stiehm, E.R., Ed. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1996; pp. 956-974.
Calderwood SB, Acheson DWK, Keusch GT, Barrett TJ, Griffin PM, Strockbine NA, Swaminathan B, Kaper JB, Levine MM, Kaplan BS, Karch H, O'Brien AD, Obrig TG, Tarr PI, Takeda Y, Wachsmuth IK. Proposed new nomenclature for Shiga-like toxin (verotoxin) family. ASM News. 1996; 62:118-119.
Acheson DW, Levine MM, Kaper JB, Keusch GT. Protective immunity to Shiga-like toxin I following oral immunization with Shiga-like toxin I B-subunit-producing Vibrio cholerae CVD 103-HgR. Infect Immun. 1996 Jan; 64(1):355-7. PMID: 8557364; PMCID: PMC173768
Hale, T.L., Keusch, G.T. Shigella. In: Medical Microbiology, 4th Edition, S. Baron, Ed. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Menlo Park, CA. 1996; 303-310.
Jacewicz MS, Acheson DW, Mobassaleh M, Donohue-Rolfe A, Balasubramanian KA, Keusch GT. Maturational regulation of globotriaosylceramide, the Shiga-like toxin 1 receptor, in cultured human gut epithelial cells. J Clin Invest. 1995 Sep; 96(3):1328-35. PMID: 7657808; PMCID: PMC185755
Keusch GT, Hamer D, Joe A, Kelley M, Griffiths J, Ward H. Cryptosporidia--who is at risk? Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 1995 May 6; 125(18):899-908.View Related Profiles. PMID: 7770751
Keusch G. Interpretation of animal and human intervention trials. Nutr Rev. 1995 Apr; 53(4 Pt 2):S47-50; discussion S50-1. PMID: 7644154
Keusch GT, Jacewicz M, Acheson DW, Donohue-Rolfe A, Kane AV, McCluer RH. Globotriaosylceramide, Gb3, is an alternative functional receptor for Shiga-like toxin 2e. Infect Immun. 1995 Mar; 63(3):1138-41. PMID: 7868240; PMCID: PMC173124
Cruz JR, Cano F, Razin E, Acheson DW, Keusch GT. Fecal excretion of leukotriene C4 during human disease due to Shigella dysenteriae. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1995 Feb; 20(2):179-83. PMID: 7714683
Enteric Infection 2: Intestinal Helminths. Farthing MJG, Keusch GT, Wakelin D., Eds. Chapman & Hall. London. 1995.
Keusch, G.T., Gorbach, S.L. Chapter 65. Enteric microbial ecology and infection. Part 1. Bacteria. In: Bockus Gastroenterology, 5th Edition. Haubrich, W.S., Schaffner, F., Berk, J.E., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1995; pp. 1115-1130.
Acheson, D.W.K., Keusch, G.T. Chapter 53. Shigella and enteroinvasive E. coli. In: Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Blaser, M.J., Smith, P.D., Ravdin, J.I., Greenberg, H.B., Guerrant, R.L. Eds. Raven Press. New York. 1995; pp. 763-784.
Keusch GT. Symposium on vitamin A and immunity: Salient points and directions for future research. J Nutr Immunol. 1995; 4:133-143.
Acheson DW, De Breucker SA, Jacewicz M, Lincicome LL, Donohue-Rolfe A, Kane AV, Keusch GT. Expression and purification of Shiga-like toxin II B subunits. Infect Immun. 1995 Jan; 63(1):301-8. PMID: 7806370; PMCID: PMC172992
Keusch GT, Mobassaleh, M., Acheson, D.W.K., Jacewicz, M. Butyrate induces Gb3-galactosyltransferase and synthesis of the Shiga toxin receptor, Gb3, in MDCK cells. Immunol Infect Dis. 1995; 5:260-265.
Ortega-Barria E, Ward HD, Keusch GT, Pereira ME. Growth inhibition of the intestinal parasite Giardia lamblia by a dietary lectin is associated with arrest of the cell cycle. J Clin Invest. 1994 Dec; 94(6):2283-8. PMID: 7989583; PMCID: PMC330055
Jain MK, John TJ, Keusch GT. A review of human immunodeficiency virus infection in India. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 1994 Nov; 7(11):1185-94. PMID: 7932085
Mobassaleh M, Koul O, Mishra K, McCluer RH, Keusch GT. Developmentally regulated Gb3 galactosyltransferase and alpha-galactosidase determine Shiga toxin receptors in intestine. Am J Physiol. 1994 Oct; 267(4 Pt 1):G618-24. PMID: 7943326
Griffiths JK, Moore R, Dooley S, Keusch GT, Tzipori S. Cryptosporidium parvum infection of Caco-2 cell monolayers induces an apical monolayer defect, selectively increases transmonolayer permeability, and causes epithelial cell death. Infect Immun. 1994 Oct; 62(10):4506-14. PMID: 7927716; PMCID: PMC303137
Joe A, Hamer DH, Kelley MA, Pereira ME, Keusch GT, Tzipori S, Ward HD. Role of a Gal/GalNAc-specific sporozoite surface lectin in Cryptosporidium parvum-host cell interaction. J Eukaryot Microbiol. 1994 Sep-Oct; 41(5):44S.View Related Profiles. PMID: 7804243
Acheson DW, Keusch GT. The shigella paradigm and colitis due to enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli. Gut. 1994 Jul; 35(7):872-4. PMID: 8063211; PMCID: PMC1374830
Hamer DH, Ward H, Tzipori S, Pereira ME, Alroy JP, Keusch GT. Attachment of Cryptosporidium parvum sporozoites to MDCK cells in vitro. Infect Immun. 1994 Jun; 62(6):2208-13.View Related Profiles. PMID: 8188342; PMCID: PMC186499
Jacewicz MS, Mobassaleh M, Gross SK, Balasubramanian KA, Daniel PF, Raghavan S, McCluer RH, Keusch GT. Pathogenesis of Shigella diarrhea: XVII. A mammalian cell membrane glycolipid, Gb3, is required but not sufficient to confer sensitivity to Shiga toxin. J Infect Dis. 1994 Mar; 169(3):538-46. PMID: 8158025
Suckow MA, Keren DF, Brown JE, Keusch GT. Stimulation of gastrointestinal antibody to Shiga toxin by orogastric immunization in mice. Immunol Cell Biol. 1994 Feb; 72(1):69-74. PMID: 8157288
Keusch, G.T., Bart, K.J. Immunization principles and vaccine use. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 13th Edition. Isselbacher, K.J., Braunwald, E., Wilson, J.D., Martin, J.B., Fauci, A.S., Kasper, D.L., Eds. McGraw-Hill. New York. 1994; pp. 498-511.
Keusch, G.T. Salmonellosis. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 13th Edition. Isselbacher, K.J., Braunwald, E., Wilson, J.D., Martin, J.B., Fauci, A.S., Kasper, D.L., Eds. McGraw-Hill. New York. 1994; pp. 671-676.
Keusch, G.T. Shigellosis. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 13th Edition. Isselbacher, K.J., Braunwald, E., Wilson, J.D., Martin, J.B., Fauci, A.S., Kasper, D.L., Eds. McGraw-Hill. New York. 1994; pp. 676-679.
Keusch, G.T., Deresiewicz, R.L. Cholera and other vibrioses. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 13th Edition. Isselbacher, K.J., Braunwald, E., Wilson, J.D., Martin, J.B., Fauci, A.S., Kasper, D.L., Eds. McGraw-Hill. New York. 1994; pp. 681-685.
Jain MK, John TJ, Keusch GT. Epidemiology of HIV and AIDS in India. AIDS. 1994; 8 Suppl 2:S61-75. PMID: 7857570
Griffiths, J.K., Keusch, G.T. Eating Yuppie Cuisine. In: Infections of Leisure. Schlossberg, D., Ed. Springer-Verlag. New York. 1994; pp. 294-315.
Thea DM, St Louis ME, Atido U, Kanjinga K, Kembo B, Matondo M, Tshiamala T, Kamenga C, Davachi F, Brown C, et al. A prospective study of diarrhea and HIV-1 infection among 429 Zairian infants. N Engl J Med. 1993 Dec 2; 329(23):1696-702.View Related Profiles. PMID: 8232458
Mobassaleh M, Mishra K, Keusch GT. A quantitative immunostaining method for the measurement of UDP-galactose:lactosylceramide galactosyltransferase for the synthesis of globotriaosylceramide in rabbit small intestine and HeLa cells. Anal Biochem. 1993 Oct; 214(1):295-300. PMID: 8250238
Hull AE, Acheson DW, Echeverria P, Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT. Mitomycin immunoblot colony assay for detection of Shiga-like toxin-producing Escherichia coli in fecal samples: comparison with DNA probes. J Clin Microbiol. 1993 May; 31(5):1167-72. PMID: 8501216; PMCID: PMC262897
Thea DM, Glass R, Grohmann GS, Perriens J, Ngoy B, Kapita B, Atido U, Mabaluku M, Keusch GT. Prevalence of enteric viruses among hospital patients with AIDS in Kinshasa, Zaire. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1993 May-Jun; 87(3):263-6.View Related Profiles. PMID: 8236386
Acheson DW, Calderwood SB, Boyko SA, Lincicome LL, Kane AV, Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT. Comparison of Shiga-like toxin I B-subunit expression and localization in Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae by using trc or iron-regulated promoter systems. Infect Immun. 1993 Mar; 61(3):1098-104. PMID: 8432592; PMCID: PMC302844
Keusch GT. Antioxidants in infection. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 1993; 39 Suppl:S23-33. PMID: 8164064
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 17. Enteric bacteria: Diarrhea and Dysentery. In: Mechanisms of Microbial Disease. Schaechter, M., Medoff, G., Eisenstein, B.L., Eds. Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore. 1993; pp. 256-265.
Keusch, G.T., Thea, D.M. Chapter 18. Invasive and tissue damaging enteric bacterial pathogens. In: Mechanisms of Microbial Disease, 2nd Edition. Schaechter, M., Medoff, G., Eisenstein, B.L., Eds. Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore. 1993; pp. 264-280.
Keusch, G.T., Griffiths, J.K. Cholera. In: Current Pediatric Therapy, 14th Edition. Burg, F.D., Ingelfinger, J.R., Wald, E.R., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1993; pp. 634-636.
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 17. Enteric bacteria: "Secretory" (watery) diarrhea. In: Mechanisms of Microbial Disease, 2nd Edition. Schaechter, M., Medoff, G., Eisenstein, B.L., Eds. Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore. 1993; pp. 251-263.
Acheson DW, Jacewicz M, Kane AV, Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT. One step high yield affinity purification of shiga-like toxin II variants and quantitation using enzyme linked immunosorbent assays. Microb Pathog. 1993 Jan; 14(1):57-66. PMID: 8321118
Nerad JL, Griffiths JK, Van der Meer JW, Endres S, Poutsiaka DD, Keusch GT, Bennish M, Salam MA, Dinarello CA, Cannon JG. Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), IL-1 receptor antagonist, and TNF alpha production in whole blood. J Leukoc Biol. 1992 Dec; 52(6):687-92. PMID: 1464740
Thea DM, Pereira ME, Kotler D, Sterling CR, Keusch GT. Identification and partial purification of a lectin on the surface of the sporozoite of Cryptosporidium parvum. J Parasitol. 1992 Oct; 78(5):886-93.View Related Profiles. PMID: 1403433
Keusch GT, Thea DM, Kamenga M, Kakanda K, Mbala M, Brown C, Davachi F. Persistent diarrhea associated with AIDS. Acta Paediatr Suppl. 1992 Sep; 381:45-8.View Related Profiles. PMID: 1421940
Keusch GT. CGVD workshop: should Haemophilus influenzae type B conjugate vaccines be introduced into the EPI? Lancet. 1992 Mar 28; 339(8796):802-3. PMID: 1347819
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 218. Shigella. In: Infectious Diseases. Gorbach, S.L., Bartlett, J.G., Blacklow, N.R., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1992; pp. 1484-1489.
Keusch, G.T., Bennish, M.L. Chapter 64. Cholera. In: Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 3rd Edition. Feigin, R.D., Cherry, J.D., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1992; pp. 596-607.
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 75. Shigellosis. In: Infectious Diseases. Gorbach, S.L., Bartlett, J.G., Blacklow, N.R., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1992; pp. 575-579.
Keusch, G.T. Fever, infection and nutrition. In: Encyclopaedia of Food Science, Food Technology, and Nutrition. Sadler, M.J., Ed. Academic Press. London. 1992.
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 75. Shigellosis. In: Infectious Diseases. Gorbach, S.L., Bartlett, J.G., Blacklow, N.R., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1992; pp. 575-579.
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 3. Immunologic responses to infection. In: Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 3rd Edition. Feigin, R.D., Cherry, J.D., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1992; pp. 24-30.
Keusch, G.T. Effect of protein-energy interactions with reference to immune function and response to disease. In: Proceedings, IDECG Workshop on Protein-Energy Interactions. Schürch, B., Scrimshaw, N.S., Eds. Nestle Foundation. Lausanne. 1992.
Keusch, G.T., Thea, D.M. Chapter 18. The Salmonellae: Typhoid fever and Gastroenteritis. In: Mechanisms of Microbial Disease. Schaechter, M., Medoff, G., Eisenstein, B.L., Eds. Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore. 1992; pp. 266-275.
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 74. Nutrition and infection. In: Mechanisms of Microbial Disease, 2nd Edition. Schaechter, M., Medoff, G., Eisenstein, B.L., Eds. Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore. 1992; pp. 891-898.
Braden, C., Keusch, G.T. Chapter 65. Diarrhea and dysentery causing Escherichia coli. In: Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 3rd Edition. Feigin, R.D., Cherry, J.D., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1992; pp. 607-620.
Keusch, G.T. Malnutrition and the thymus gland. In: Nutrient Modulation of Immune Response. Cunningham-Rundles, C., Ed. Dekker, Inc. New York. 1992; pp. 283-299.
Keusch, G.T. Nutrition and infection. In: Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. 8th Ed. Shils, M.E., Olson, J.A., Shike, M. Lea & Febiger. Malvern, PA. 1992.
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 9. Nutrition. In: Infectious Diseases. Gorbach, S.L., Bartlett, J.G., Blacklow, N.R., Eds. pp. 76-79. Philadelphia. 1992; pp. 76-79.
O'Brien AD, Tesh VL, Donohue-Rolfe A, Jackson MP, Olsnes S, Sandvig K, Lindberg AA, Keusch GT. Shiga toxin: biochemistry, genetics, mode of action, and role in pathogenesis. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1992; 180:65-94. PMID: 1324134
Kane AV, Ward HD, Keusch GT, Pereira ME. In vitro encystation of Giardia lamblia: large-scale production of in vitro cysts and strain and clone differences in encystation efficiency. J Parasitol. 1991 Dec; 77(6):974-81. PMID: 1779302
Keusch GT. Nutritional effects on response of children in developing countries to respiratory tract pathogens: implications for vaccine development. Rev Infect Dis. 1991 May-Jun; 13 Suppl 6:S486-91. PMID: 1907399
Hart PJ, Monzingo AF, Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT, Calderwood SB, Robertus JD. Crystallization of the B chain of Shiga-like toxin I from Escherichia coli. J Mol Biol. 1991 Apr 20; 218(4):691-4. PMID: 2023244
Donohue-Rolfe A, Acheson DW, Keusch GT. Shiga toxin: purification, structure, and function. Rev Infect Dis. 1991 Mar-Apr; 13 Suppl 4:S293-7. PMID: 2047652
Keusch GT, Jacewicz M, Mobassaleh M, Donohue-Rolfe A. Shiga toxin: intestinal cell receptors and pathophysiology of enterotoxic effects. Rev Infect Dis. 1991 Mar-Apr; 13 Suppl 4:S304-10. PMID: 2047654
Keusch, G.T., Bennish, M.L. Chapter 29. Shigellosis. In: Bacterial Infections of Humans. Evans, A.S., Brachman, P.S., Eds. Plenum. New York. 1991; pp. 593-620.
Acheson, D.W.K., Donohue-Rolfe, A., Keusch, G.T. The Family of Shiga and Shiga-like Toxins. In: Sourcebook of Bacterial Protein Toxins, Alouf, J.E., Freer, J.H., Eds. Academic Press. London. 1991; pp. 415-433.
Keusch GT, Ward, H.D., Ortega-Barria, E., Galindo, N., Pereira, M.E.A. Molecular pathogenesis of Giardia lamblia: adherence and encystation. In: Molecular Pathogenesis of Gastrointestinal Infections. Wadstrom, T., Makela, H., Svennerhold, A.-M., Wolf-Watz, H., Eds. FEMS Symposium No. 58, Plenum Press, N.Y., 1991, pp. 237-247. Molecular pathogenesis of Giardia lamblia: adherence and encystation. Molecular Pathogenesis of Gastrointestinal Infections. Wadstrom, T., Makela, H., Svennerhold, A.-M., Wolf-Watz, H., Eds. FEMS Symposium No. 58. Plenum Press. N.Y. 1991; pp. 237-247.
Ward HD, Kane AV, Ortega-Barria E, Keusch GT, Pereira ME. Identification of developmentally regulated Giardia lamblia cyst antigens using GCSA-1, a cyst-specific monoclonal antibody. Mol Microbiol. 1990 Dec; 4(12):2095-102. PMID: 2089223
Keusch GT. Vitamin A supplements--too good not to be true. N Engl J Med. 1990 Oct 4; 323(14):985-7. PMID: 2119483
Donnenberg MS, Calderwood SB, Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT, Kaper JB. Construction and analysis of TnphoA mutants of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli unable to invade HEp-2 cells. Infect Immun. 1990 Jun; 58(6):1565-71. PMID: 2160428; PMCID: PMC258676
Ward HD, Keusch GT, Pereira ME. Induction of a phosphomannosyl binding lectin activity in Giardia. Bioessays. 1990 May; 12(5):211-5. PMID: 2196051
Donnenberg MS, Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT. A comparison of HEp-2 cell invasion by enteropathogenic and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 1990 May; 57(1-2):83-6. PMID: 2199306
Wilson CS, Ellner JJ, Dinarello CA, Keusch GT, el Kholy A. Dissociation of immunoregulatory function of blood monocytes from maturational state and expression of interleukin-1 in humans chronically infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1990 Mar; 42(3):234-42.View Related Profiles. PMID: 2107769
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 24. Nutrition and immune function. In: Tropical and Geographical Medicine, 2nd Edition. Warren, K.S., Mahmoud, A.A.F., Eds. McGraw-Hill. New York. 1990; pp. 178-184.
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 27. Enteric bacterial pathogens: Shigellae, Campylobacter, Salmonellae. In: Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 2nd Edition. K Holmes, P Mardh, PF Sparling, P Wiesner, Eds. McGraw-Hill. NY. 1990; pp. 295-303.
Tropical and Geographical Medicine, 2nd Edition. Keusch GT, Associate Editor. McGraw-Hill. New York. 1990.
Keusch GT. Micronutrients and susceptibility to infection. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1990; 587:181-8. PMID: 2193569
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 24. Nutrition and immune function. In: Tropical and Geographical Medicine, 2nd Edition. Warren, K.S., Mahmoud, A.A.F., Eds. McGraw-Hill. New York. 1990; pp. 178-184.
Keusch GT, Farthing MJ. Nutritional aspects of AIDS. Annu Rev Nutr. 1990; 10:475-501. PMID: 2200475
Acheson DW, Keusch GT, Lightowlers M, Donohue-Rolfe A. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for Shiga toxin and Shiga-like toxin II using P1 glycoprotein from hydatid cysts. J Infect Dis. 1990 Jan; 161(1):134-7. PMID: 2295845
Auclair, F., Keusch, G.T. Infective endocarditis prophylaxis. In: Current Therapy in Gastroenterology and Liver Disease- 3. Bayless, T. Decker. Toronto. 1990; pp 236-238.
Keusch, G.T., Formal, S.B., Bennish, M.L. Chapter 81. Shigellosis. In: Tropical and Geographical Medicine, 2nd Edition. Warren, K.S., Mahmoud, A.A.F., Eds. McGraw-Hill. New York. 1990; pp. 762-776.
Donohue-Rolfe A, Acheson DW, Kane AV, Keusch GT. Purification of Shiga toxin and Shiga-like toxins I and II by receptor analog affinity chromatography with immobilized P1 glycoprotein and production of cross-reactive monoclonal antibodies. Infect Immun. 1989 Dec; 57(12):3888-93. PMID: 2807552; PMCID: PMC259922
Kandel G, Donohue-Rolfe A, Donowitz M, Keusch GT. Pathogenesis of Shigella diarrhea. XVI. Selective targetting of Shiga toxin to villus cells of rabbit jejunum explains the effect of the toxin on intestinal electrolyte transport. J Clin Invest. 1989 Nov; 84(5):1509-17. PMID: 2681267; PMCID: PMC304016
Keusch GT, Bennish ML. Shigellosis: recent progress, persisting problems and research issues. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1989 Oct; 8(10):713-9. PMID: 2682504
Donohue-Rolfe A, Jacewicz M, Keusch GT. Isolation and characterization of functional Shiga toxin subunits and renatured holotoxin. Mol Microbiol. 1989 Sep; 3(9):1231-6. PMID: 2677606
Donnenberg MS, Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT. Epithelial cell invasion: an overlooked property of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) associated with the EPEC adherence factor. J Infect Dis. 1989 Sep; 160(3):452-9. PMID: 2668429
Mobassaleh M, Gross SK, McCluer RH, Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT. Quantitation of the rabbit intestinal glycolipid receptor for Shiga toxin. Further evidence for the developmental regulation of globotriaosylceramide in microvillus membranes. Gastroenterology. 1989 Aug; 97(2):384-91. PMID: 2663611
Jacewicz M, Feldman HA, Donohue-Rolfe A, Balasubramanian KA, Keusch GT. Pathogenesis of Shigella diarrhea. XIV. Analysis of Shiga toxin receptors on cloned HeLa cells. J Infect Dis. 1989 May; 159(5):881-9. PMID: 2651533
Enteric Infection. Farthing MJG, Keusch GT, Eds. Chapman & Hall. London. 1989.
Harari I, Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch G, Arnon R. Synthetic peptides of Shiga toxin B subunit induce antibodies which neutralize its biological activity. Infect Immun. 1988 Jun; 56(6):1618-24. PMID: 3286503; PMCID: PMC259446
Mobassaleh M, Donohue-Rolfe A, Jacewicz M, Grand RJ, Keusch GT. Pathogenesis of shigella diarrhea: evidence for a developmentally regulated glycolipid receptor for shigella toxin involved in the fluid secretory response of rabbit small intestine. J Infect Dis. 1988 May; 157(5):1023-31. PMID: 3283253
Neftel K, Keusch G, Cottagnoud P, Widmer U, Hany M, Gautschi K, Joos B, Walt H. [Are cephalosporins more active than penicillin G in poisoning with the deadly Amanita?]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 1988 Jan 16; 118(2):49-51. PMID: 3278370
Ward HD, Alroy J, Lev BI, Keusch GT, Pereira ME. Biology of Giardia lamblia. Detection of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine as the only surface saccharide moiety and identification of two distinct subsets of trophozoites by lectin binding. J Exp Med. 1988 Jan 1; 167(1):73-88. PMID: 3335831; PMCID: PMC2188814
Wiley RG, Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT, Oeltmann TN. Selective destruction of vagal sensory neurons using Shigella cytotoxin. Methods Enzymol. 1988; 165:250-4. PMID: 3068486
Keusch GT. Antimicrobial therapy for enteric infections and typhoid fever: state of the art. Rev Infect Dis. 1988 Jan-Feb; 10 Suppl 1:S199-205. PMID: 3279493
Donohue-Rolfe, A., Jacewicz, M., and Keusch, G.T. Chapter 33. Shiga toxin as an inhibitor of protein synthesis. In: Methods in Enzymology, Volume 165k, Harshman, S., Ed. Academic Press. Orlando. 1988; pp 231-235.
Wiley, R.G., Donohue-Rolfe, A., Keusch, G.T., Oeltmann, T.N. Selective destruction of vagal sensory neurons using shigella cytotoxin. In: Methods in Enzymology, Volume 165, Harshman, S., Ed. Academic Press. Orlando. 1988.
Donohue-Rolfe A, Jacewicz M, Keusch GT. Shiga toxin as inhibitor of protein synthesis. Methods Enzymol. 1988; 165:231-5. PMID: 3068485
Keusch, G.T., Donohue-Rolfe, A., Jascewicz, M., Kane, A.V. Chapter 22. Shiga toxin: Production and Purification. In: Methods in Enzymology, Volume 165, Harshman, S., Ed. Academic Press. Orlando. 1988; pp 152-162.
Keusch GT, Donohue-Rolfe A, Jacewicz M, Kane AV. Shiga toxin: production and purification. Methods Enzymol. 1988; 165:152-62, 399-401. PMID: 3231098
Ward HD, Lev BI, Kane AV, Keusch GT, Pereira ME. Identification and characterization of taglin, a mannose 6-phosphate binding, trypsin-activated lectin from Giardia lamblia. Biochemistry. 1987 Dec 29; 26(26):8669-75. PMID: 3442682
Echeverria P, Taylor DN, Donohue-Rolfe A, Supawat K, Ratchtrachenchai O, Kaper J, Keusch GT. HeLa cell adherence and cytotoxin production by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from infants with diarrhea in Thailand. J Clin Microbiol. 1987 Aug; 25(8):1519-23. PMID: 3305567; PMCID: PMC269261
Calderwood SB, Auclair F, Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT, Mekalanos JJ. Nucleotide sequence of the Shiga-like toxin genes of Escherichia coli. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1987 Jul; 84(13):4364-8. PMID: 3299365; PMCID: PMC305089
Muñoz CG, Keusch GT, Dinarello CA. A new micromethod for determination of interleukin-1 production from frozen human blood mononuclear cells. J Immunol Methods. 1987 May 4; 99(1):123-7. PMID: 3494787
Cruz JR, Chew F, Fernandez RA, Torun B, Goldstein AL, Keusch GT. Effects of nutritional recuperation on E-rosetting lymphocytes and in vitro response to thymosin in malnourished children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1987 May-Jun; 6(3):387-91. PMID: 3123632
Keusch GT, Cruz JR, Torun B, Urrutia JJ, Smith H, Goldstein AL. Immature circulating lymphocytes in severely malnourished Guatemalan children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1987 Mar-Apr; 6(2):265-70. PMID: 3121832
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 6, Part IV. Infective diarrhoeas: Strategies for control. In: Paediatric Gastroenterology. Anderson, C.M., Burke, V., Gracey, M., Eds. Blackwell Scientific. Melbourne. 1987; pp. 319-328.
Cash R, Keusch GT, Lamstein J. Child Health and Survival. The UNICEF GOBI-FFF Program. Croom Helm. London. 1987.
Edson CM, Farthing MJ, Thorley-Lawson DA, Keusch GT. An 88,000-Mr Giardia lamblia surface protein which is immunogenic in humans. Infect Immun. 1986 Dec; 54(3):621-5. PMID: 3536744; PMCID: PMC260214
Krause M, Fehr J, Gmür J, Keusch G, Frick P, Oelz O. [Microangiopathic hemolytic anemias. Clinical pattern, therapy and clinical course in 14 patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and hemolytic uremic syndrome]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 1986 Nov 29; 116(48):1666-74. PMID: 3798063
Seidah NG, Donohue-Rolfe A, Lazure C, Auclair F, Keusch GT, Chrétien M. Complete amino acid sequence of Shigella toxin B-chain. A novel polypeptide containing 69 amino acids and one disulfide bridge. J Biol Chem. 1986 Oct 25; 261(30):13928-31. PMID: 3771511
Fuchs G, Mobassaleh M, Donohue-Rolfe A, Montgomery RK, Grand RJ, Keusch GT. Pathogenesis of Shigella diarrhea: rabbit intestinal cell microvillus membrane binding site for Shigella toxin. Infect Immun. 1986 Aug; 53(2):372-7. PMID: 3755421; PMCID: PMC260885
Donohue-Rolfe A, Kelley MA, Bennish M, Keusch GT. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for shigella toxin. J Clin Microbiol. 1986 Jul; 24(1):65-8.View Related Profiles. PMID: 3522627; PMCID: PMC268833
Jacewicz M, Clausen H, Nudelman E, Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT. Pathogenesis of shigella diarrhea. XI. Isolation of a shigella toxin-binding glycolipid from rabbit jejunum and HeLa cells and its identification as globotriaosylceramide. J Exp Med. 1986 Jun 1; 163(6):1391-404. PMID: 3519828; PMCID: PMC2188132
Lev B, Ward H, Keusch GT, Pereira ME. Lectin activation in Giardia lamblia by host protease: a novel host-parasite interaction. Science. 1986 Apr 4; 232(4746):71-3. PMID: 3513312
Keusch GT, Scrimshaw NS. Selective primary health care: strategies for control of disease in the developing world. XXIII. Control of infection to reduce the prevalence of infantile and childhood malnutrition. Rev Infect Dis. 1986 Mar-Apr; 8(2):273-87. PMID: 3085193
Farthing MJ, Pereira ME, Keusch GT. Description and characterization of a surface lectin from Giardia lamblia. Infect Immun. 1986 Feb; 51(2):661-7. PMID: 3943906; PMCID: PMC262400
Keusch GT, Jacewicz M, Donohue-Rolfe A. Pathogenesis of shigella diarrhea: evidence for an N-linked glycoprotein shigella toxin receptor and receptor modulation by beta-galactosidase. J Infect Dis. 1986 Feb; 153(2):238-48. PMID: 3003205
Keusch, G.T., Donohue-Rolfe, A., Jacewicz, M. Chapter 13. Sugar binding bacterial toxins. In: Microbial Lectins and Agglutinins. Properties and Biological Activity. Mirelman, D., Ed. Wiley & Sons. New York. 1986; pp. 271-295.
Ward, H.D., Lev, B.I., Keusch, G.T., Pereira, M.E.A. Induction of lectin activity in Giardia. In: Molecular Strategies of Parasitic Invasion. UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. New Series, Vol. 42. Agabian, N., Goodman, H., Nogueira, N., Eds. Alan R. Liss. N.Y. 1986; pp 521-530.
Harari I, Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT, Arnon R. Synthetic peptides of Shiga toxin B-subunit induce antibodies which neutralize the biological activities of the toxin. Ann Sclavo Collana Monogr. 1986; 3(1-2):125-30. PMID: 3322336
Keusch GT, Farthing MJ. Nutrition and infection. Annu Rev Nutr. 1986; 6:131-54. PMID: 3524614
Farthing MJ, Keusch GT, Carey MC. Effects of bile and bile salts on growth and membrane lipid uptake by Giardia lamblia. Possible implications for pathogenesis of intestinal disease. J Clin Invest. 1985 Nov; 76(5):1727-32. PMID: 4056050; PMCID: PMC424194
Wiley RG, Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT. Axonally transported Shigella cytotoxin is neuronotoxic. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 1985 Sep; 44(5):496-506. PMID: 2411880
Ward HD, Alroy J, Lev BI, Keusch GT, Pereira ME. Identification of chitin as a structural component of Giardia cysts. Infect Immun. 1985 Sep; 49(3):629-34. PMID: 4030095; PMCID: PMC261227
Keusch GT, Solomons NW. Microorganisms, malabsorption, diarrhea and dysnutrition. J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol. 1985 Jul; 5(6):165-209.View Related Profiles. PMID: 3900337
Keusch, G.T., Solomons, N.W, E.J., Scherr, G.H., Eds. Chem-Orbital, Park Forest, 1985. pp. 165-209. Microorganisms, malabsorption, diarrhea, and dysnutrition. In: Advances in Human Nutrition. Calabrese, E.J., Scherr, G.H., Eds. Chem-Orbital. Park Forest. 1985; pp. 165-209.
Keusch, G.T., Gorbach, S.L. . Enteric microbial ecology and infection. Part 1. Bacteria. In: Bockus Gastroenterology, 4h Edition. Berk, J.E., Haubrich, W.S., Kalser, M.H., Roth, J.L.A., Schaffner, F. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1985.
Farthing, M.J.G., Keusch, G.T. Nutrition and infection. In: Pediatric Nutrition. G.C. Arneil and J. Metcoff, Eds. Butterworths. London. 1985; pp. 194-218.
Keusch GT, Donohue-Rolfe A, Jacewicz M. Shigella toxin and the pathogenesis of shigellosis. Ciba Found Symp. 1985; 112:193-214. PMID: 3847336
Keusch, G.T., Donohue-Rolfe, A., Jacewicz, M. Shigella toxin and the pathogenesis of shigellosis. In: Microbial Toxins and Diarrhoeal Disease. CIBA Foundation Symposium 112. D. Evered, J. Whelan, Eds. Pitman. London. 1985; pp 193-214.
Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT, Edson C, Thorley-Lawson D, Jacewicz M. Pathogenesis of Shigella diarrhea. IX. Simplified high yield purification of Shigella toxin and characterization of subunit composition and function by the use of subunit-specific monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. J Exp Med. 1984 Dec 1; 160(6):1767-81. PMID: 6392471; PMCID: PMC2187538
Keusch GT, Torun B, Johnston RB, Urrutia JJ. Impairment of hemolytic complement activation by both classical and alternative pathways in serum from patients with kwashiorkor. J Pediatr. 1984 Sep; 105(3):434-6. PMID: 6470864
Keusch GT, Jacewicz M. Primary amines and chloroquine inhibit cytotoxic responses to Shigella toxin and permit late antibody rescue of toxin treated cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1984 May 31; 121(1):69-76. PMID: 6428408
Keusch LS, Keusch GT. Growth of toxigenic Escherichia coli in oral rehydration solutions. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 1984 Apr; 2(2):139-43. PMID: 6370571
Tropical and Geographical Medicine. Keusch GT, Associate Editor. McGraw-Hill. 1984.
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 25. Nutrition and immune function. In: Tropical and Geographical Medicine. Warren, K.S., Mahmoud, A.A.F., Eds. McGraw-Hill. New York. 1984; pp. 212-218.
Keusch, G.T. Chapter 27. Enteric bacterial pathogens: Shigellae, Campylobacter, Salmonellae. In: Sexually Transmitted Diseases. K Holmes, P Mardh, PF Sparling, P Wiesner, Eds. McGraw-Hill. NY. 1984; pp. 295-303.
Keusch, G.T. Nutrition and infection. In: Current Clinical Topics in Infectious Diseases. Remington, J.S, and Swartz, M.N. (Eds). McGraw-Hill. New York. 1984; pp. 106-123.
Keusch, G.T., Formal, S.B. Chapter 76. Shigellosis. In: Tropical and Geographical Medicine. Warren, K.S., Mahmoud, A.A.F., Eds. McGraw-Hill. New York. 1984; pp. 723-736.
Keusch, G.T., Farthing, M.J.G. Chapter 14. Shigellosis. In: Textbook of Gastroenterology. Bouchier, I.A.D., Allan, R.N., Hodgson, H.J.F., Keighley, M.R.B., Eds. Bailliere Tindall. London. 1984; pp. 1041-1048.
Jacewicz M, Keusch GT. Pathogenesis of Shigella diarrhea. VIII. Evidence for a translocation step in the cytotoxic action of Shiga toxin. J Infect Dis. 1983 Nov; 148(5):844-54. PMID: 6355319
Farthing MJ, Varon SR, Keusch GT. Mammalian bile promotes growth of Giardia lamblia in axenic culture. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1983; 77(4):467-9. PMID: 6636273
Farthing, M.J.G., Pereira, M.E.A., Keusch, G.T. Giardia lamblia - red cell interactions: a model system for parasite adherence. Keusch, G.T., Wadstrom, T., Eds. Experimental Bacterial and Parasitic Infections. Elsevier. NY. 1983; pp. 331-341.
Donohue-Rolfe A, Keusch GT. Shigella dysenteriae 1 cytotoxin: periplasmic protein releasable by polymyxin B and osmotic shock. Infect Immun. 1983 Jan; 39(1):270-4. PMID: 6295958; PMCID: PMC347936
Keusch, G.T., Wolff, S.M. The development of geographic medicine programs in a department of medicine. In: Academic Medicine: Present and Future. Bowers, J.Z., Ed. Rockefeller Archives Press. NY. 1983; pp. 193-201.
Experimental Bacterial and Parasitic Infections. Keusch GT, Wadstrom T, Eds. Elsevier. New York. 1983.
Keusch, G.T. The epidemiology and pathophysiology of invasive bacterial diarrheas, with a note on biological considerations in control strategies. In: Diarrhea and Malnutrition. Chen, L.C., Scrimshaw, N.S., Eds. Plenum, New York, 1983. pp. 45-72. The epidemiology and pathophysiology of invasive bacterial diarrheas, with a note on biological considerations in control strategies. In: Diarrhea and Malnutrition. Chen, L.C., Scrimshaw, N.S., Eds. Plenum. New York. 1983; pp. 45-72.
Keusch GT, Donowitz M. Pathophysiological mechanisms of diarrhoeal diseases: diverse aetiologies and common mechanisms. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl. 1983; 84:33-43. PMID: 6314490
Keusch, G.T., Wilson, C., Waksal, S.D. Nutrition host defense and the lymphoid system. In: Advances in Host Defense Mechanisms. Gallin, J.I. and Fauci, A.S., Eds. Raven Press. N.Y. 1983; pp. 275-359.
Keusch GT. Immune function in the malnourished host. Pediatr Ann. 1982 Dec; 11(12):1004-14. PMID: 6818511
Wormser GP, Keusch GT, Heel RC. Co-trimoxazole (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole): an updated review of its antibacterial activity and clinical efficacy. Drugs. 1982 Dec; 24(6):459-518. PMID: 6759092
Farthing MJ, Pereira ME, Keusch GT. Giardia lamblia: evaluation of roller bottle cultivation. Exp Parasitol. 1982 Dec; 54(3):410-5. PMID: 7151948
Keusch GT, Ambinder EP, Kovacs I, Goldberg JD, Phillips DM, Holland JF. Role of opsonins in clinical response to granulocyte transfusion in granulocytopenic patients. Am J Med. 1982 Oct; 73(4):552-63. PMID: 6751084
Keusch GT. [Controlling bacterial ecology in infectious diarrhea: a logical strategy]. Arch Fr Pediatr. 1982 Aug-Sep; 39(7):455-62. PMID: 6756335
Keusch GT. Immune responses in parasitic diseases. Part A: general concepts. Rev Infect Dis. 1982 Jul-Aug; 4(4):751-5. PMID: 6812194
Keusch GT, Migasena P. Biological implications of polyparasitism. Rev Infect Dis. 1982 Jul-Aug; 4(4):880-2. PMID: 6750751
Keusch GT. Nutrition and infections. Compr Ther. 1982 May; 8(5):7-15. PMID: 7047064
Rayfield EJ, Ault MJ, Keusch GT, Brothers MJ, Nechemias C, Smith H. Infection and diabetes: the case for glucose control. Am J Med. 1982 Mar; 72(3):439-50. PMID: 7036735
Formal, S.B., Keusch, G.T. Shigella. In: Medical Microbiology, S. Baron, Ed. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Menlo Park, CA. 1982; pp 321-326.
Solomons, N.W., Keusch, G.T. Nutrition and infection - etiology and mechanisms of malabsorption and diarrhea. In: Clinical Disorders in Pediatric Nutrition. Vol. 2. Lifshitz, F. Ed. Dekker. N.Y. 1982; pp. 373-396.
Keusch GT. The role of bacterial adherence in infection. Monogr Pathol. 1982; (23):94-113. PMID: 6811863
Keusch, G.T. The role of bacterial adherence in infection. In: The Inflammatory Process and Infectious Diseases. G. Majno and R. Cotran, Eds. Williams and Wilkins. Baltimore, MD. 1982; pp. 94-113.
Keusch, G.T. Shigellosis. In: Critical Reviews in Tropical Medicine, R.K. Chandra, Ed. Plenum Press. N.Y. 1982; pp. 77-107.
Keusch, G.T. Shigellosis. In: Bacterial Infections of Humans. Evans, A.E., Feldman, H. Eds. Plenum. N.Y. 1982; pp. 487-509.
Solomons NW, Keusch GT. Nutritional implications of parasitic infections. Nutr Rev. 1981 Apr; 39(4):149-61.View Related Profiles. PMID: 7029357
Keusch, G.T. The Complex Biology of Infections. In: Nutrition in Health and Disease and International Development. A.E. Harper, G.K. Davis, Eds. A.R. Liss, Inc. New York. 1981; pp 435-452.
Keusch GT. Host defense mechanisms in protein energy malnutrition. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1981; 135:183-209. PMID: 6782841
Keusch, G.T. Yersinia. In: Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Feigin, R.D., Cherry, J.D., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1981; pp. 470-475.
Binswanger U, Keusch G, Bammatter F, Heule H, Kiss D. Peritonitis during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: improving patient defense by type of buffer of dialysate? Nephron. 1981; 28(6):300-2. PMID: 7312085
Keusch GT, Urrutia JJ, Guerrero O, Castaneda G, Smith H. Serum opsonic activity in acute protein-energy malnutrition. Bull World Health Organ. 1981; 59(6):923-9. PMID: 6802507; PMCID: PMC2396131
Wormser, G.P., Keusch, G.T. Yersinia enterocolitica: Clinical observations. In: Yersinia enterocolitica. E.J. Bottone, Ed. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. 1981; p. 83-93.
Keusch, G.T. Cholera. In: Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Feigin, R.D., Cherry, J.D., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1981; pp. 436-444.
Keusch, G.T. Enteroinvasive E. coli. In: Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Feigin, R.D., Cherry, J.D., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1981; pp. 452-455.
Keusch GT. The complex biology of infection. Prog Clin Biol Res. 1981; 77:435-52. PMID: 6977780
Keusch, G.T. Enterotoxigenic and Enteropathogenic E. coli. In: Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Feigin, R.D., Cherry, J.D., Eds. Saunders. Philadelphia. 1981; pp. 444-451.
Keusch, G.T. Effect of nutritional factors on macrophage production and function. In: Handbook of Nutritional Requirements in a Functional Context. Vol. II, M. Rechcigl, Jr. Ed. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. 1981; pp 115-125.
Keusch, G.T. Receptor-mediated endocytosis of Shigella cytotoxin. In: Middlebrook, J. and Kohn, L. Eds. Receptor Mediated Binding and Internalization of Toxins and Hormones. Academic Press. New York. 1981; pp. 95-110.
Keusch GT, Donohue-Rolfe A, Jacewicz M. Shigella toxin(s): description and role in diarrhea and dysentery. Pharmacol Ther. 1981; 15(3):403-38. PMID: 7048347
Keusch GT. Homing in on interventions in the malnutrition-infection complex. Am J Clin Nutr. 1980 Apr; 33(4):727-9. PMID: 6767388
Glück Z, Weidmann P, Mordasini R, Bachmann C, Riesen W, Peheim E, Keusch G, Meier A. Increased serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in men treated short-term with the diuretic chlorthalidone. Metabolism. 1980 Mar; 29(3):240-5. PMID: 7374438
Keusch, G.T. Bacterial diarrheas: Pathogenesis and principles for control and chemotherapy. In: Lifshitz, F., Ed. Clinical Disorders in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. Dekker. N.Y. 1980; p. 301-313.
Weidmann P, Beretta-Piccoli C, Keusch G, Glück Z, Mujagic M, Grimm M, Meier A, Ziegler WH. Sodium-volume factor, cardiovascular reactivity and hypotensive mechanism of diuretic therapy in mild hypertension associated with diabetes mellitus. Am J Med. 1979 Nov; 67(5):779-84. PMID: 507089
Wormser GP, Keusch GT. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in the United States. Ann Intern Med. 1979 Sep; 91(3):420-9. PMID: 382938
Keusch GT. Shigella infections. Clin Gastroenterol. 1979 Sep; 8(3):645-62. PMID: 387300
Keusch GT. Recognition mechanisms in infectious disease. Hosp Pract. 1979 Aug; 14(8):33-40. PMID: 478518
Keusch GT. Specific membrane receptors: pathogenetic and therapeutic implications in infectious diseases. Rev Infect Dis. 1979 May-Jun; 1(3):517-29. PMID: 399364
Glück Z, Weidmann P, Mordasini R, Peheim E, Bachmann C, Keusch G, Riesen W. [The effect of diuretic therapy on serum lipoproteins: an undesirable effect?]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 1979 Jan 27; 109(4):104-8. PMID: 219471
Keusch GT. Nutrition as a determinant of host response to infection and the metabolic sequellae of infectious diseases. Semin. Infect. Dis. 1979; 2:265.
Keusch GT. Ecological control of the bacterial diarrheas: a scientific strategy. Am J Clin Nutr. 1978 Dec; 31(12):2208-18. PMID: 364973
Gartenberg G, Bottone EJ, Keusch GT, Weitzman I. Hospital-acquired mucormycosis (Rhizopus rhizopodiformis) of skin and subcutaneous tissue: epidemiology, mycology and treatment. N Engl J Med. 1978 Nov 16; 299(20):1115-8. PMID: 703789
Gilbert HS, Rayfield EJ, Smith H, Keusch GT. Effects of acute endotoxemia and glucose administration on circulating leukocyte populations in normal and diabetic subjects. Metabolism. 1978 Aug; 27(8):889-99. PMID: 97490
Keusch GT, Douglas SD, Hammer G, Braden K. Antibacterial functions of macrophages in experimental protein-calorie malnutrition. II. Cellular and humoral factors for chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and intracellular bactericidal activity. J Infect Dis. 1978 Aug; 138(2):134-42. PMID: 98599
Keusch GT, Douglas SD, Braden K, Geller SA. Antibacterial functions of macrophages in experimental protein-calorie malnutrition. I. Description of the model, morphologic observations, and macrophage surface IgG receptors. J Infect Dis. 1978 Aug; 138(2):125-33. PMID: 98598
Keusch GT. The consequences of fever. Am J Clin Nutr. 1977 Aug; 30(8):1211-4. PMID: 888778
Keusch GT, Jacewicz M. Pathogenesis of Shigella diarrhea. VII. Evidence for a cell membrane toxin receptor involving beta1 leads to 4-linked N-acetyl-D-glucosamine oligomers. J Exp Med. 1977 Aug 1; 146(2):535-46. PMID: 327017; PMCID: PMC2180767
Keusch GT, Jacewicz M. The pathogenesis of Shigella diarrhea. VI. Toxin and antitoxin in Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei infections in humans. J Infect Dis. 1977 Apr; 135(4):552-6. PMID: 323376
Keusch GT. Bacterial toxins as virulence factors: Shiga bacillus dysentery viewed as a toxinosis. Mt Sinai J Med. 1977 Jan-Feb; 44(1):33-41. PMID: 321946
Keusch GT, Douglas, S.D., Hammer, G., Ugurbil, K. Macrophage Functions in Experimental Protein-Calorie Malnutrition. In: Malnutrition and the Immune Response. Raven Press. N.Y. 1977.
Keusch GT, Urrutia, J.J., Fernandez, R., Guerrero, O., Casteneda, G. Humoral and Cellular Aspects of Intracellular Bacterial Killing In Protein Calorie Malnutrition in Guatemala. In: Malnutrition and the Immune Response. Raven Press. N.Y. 1977.
Keusch, G.T. The biology of immunization. Malnutrition and the Immune Response. Raven Press. N.Y. 1977.
Keusch GT, Urrutia, J.J., Guerrero, I., Casteneda, G., Douglas, S.D. Rosette-forming Lymphocytes in Children with Protein-Calorie Malnutrition. Malnutrition and the Immune Response. Raven Press. N.Y. 1977.
Meyers BR, Keusch GT. Antibiotic algorithms. Overview of abuses, anecdotes, and assumptions with antimicrobial agents. N Y State J Med. 1976 Dec; 76(13):2171-6. PMID: 792755
Keusch GT. Fever. To be or not to be. N Y State J Med. 1976 Nov; 76(12):1998-2001. PMID: 792745
Ribner B, Keusch GT, Hanna BA, Perloff M. Combination amphotericin B-rifampin therapy for pulmonary aspergillosis in a leukemic patient. Chest. 1976 Nov; 70(5):681-3. PMID: 789031
Keusch GT, Present DH. Summary of a workshop on clindamycin colitis. J Infect Dis. 1976 May; 133(5):578-87. PMID: 1262717
Keusch GT, Present, D.H. Summary of a workshop on Clindamycin colitis. J. Infect. Dis. 1976; 133:578.
Keusch GT, Jacewicz M, Levine MM, Hornick RB, Kochwa S. Pathogenesis of shigella diarrhea. Serum anticytotoxin antibody response produced by toxigenic and nontoxigenic Shigella dysenteriae 1. J Clin Invest. 1976 Jan; 57(1):194-202. PMID: 1107354; PMCID: PMC436639
Keusch GT. Infection and cell metabolism. Mt Sinai J Med. 1976 Jan-Feb; 43(1):15-20. PMID: 1082086
Donowitz M, Keusch GT, Binder HJ. Effect of Shigella enterotoxin on electrolyte transport in rabbit ileum. Gastroenterology. 1975 Dec; 69(6):1230-7. PMID: 172398
Ribner B, Keusch GT, Robbins JB. Letter: Staphylococcus aureus antigen in cerebrospinal fluid cross-reactive with Haemophilus influenzae type b antiserum. Ann Intern Med. 1975 Sep; 83(3):370-1. PMID: 1080975
Leng B, Meyers BR, Hirschman SZ, Keusch GT. Susceptibilities of gram-negative bacteria to combinations of antimicrobial agents in vitro. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1975 Aug; 8(2):164-71. PMID: 810077; PMCID: PMC429284
Keusch GT, Douglas SD, Ugurbil K. Intracellular bactericidal activity of leukocytes in whole blood for the diagnosis of chronic granulomatous disease of childhood. J Infect Dis. 1975 May; 131(5):584-7. PMID: 1092771
Keusch GT, Jacewicz M. The pathogenesis of Shigella diarrhea. V. Relationship of shiga enterotoxin, neurotoxin, and cytotoxin. J Infect Dis. 1975 May; 131 Suppl:S33-9. PMID: 236346
McIver J, Grady GF, Keusch GT. Production and characterization of exotoxin(s) of Shigella dysenteriae type 1. J Infect Dis. 1975 May; 131(5):559-66. PMID: 1092769
Bottone EJ, Douglas SD, Rausen AR, Keusch GT. Association of Pseudomonas cepacia with chronic granulomatous disease. J Clin Microbiol. 1975 May; 1(5):425-8. PMID: 1176612; PMCID: PMC275137
Grady GF, Keusch GT, Deschner EE. Kinetics of absorption of toxin of Vibrio cholerae. J Infect Dis. 1975 Mar; 131(3):210-6. PMID: 1127253
Steinberg SE, Banwell JG, Yardley JH, Keusch GT, Hendrix TR. Comparison of secretory and histological effects of shigella and cholera enterotoxins in rabbit jejunum. Gastroenterology. 1975 Feb; 68(2):309-17. PMID: 1090481
Keusch GT, Donta ST. Classification of enterotoxins on the basis of activity in cell culture. J Infect Dis. 1975 Jan; 131(1):58-63. PMID: 162926
Keusch GT. Opportunistic infections in colon carcinoma. Am J Clin Nutr. 1974 Dec; 27(12):1481-5. PMID: 4611196
Riedler GF, Keusch G, Schmid M. [Bone-marrow toxicity, lactic acidosis, and disseminated intravascular coagulation following phenformin medication]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 1974 Aug 17; 104(33):1160-6. PMID: 4216957
Fisher K, Berger BW, Keusch GT. Subepidermal bullae secondary to Escherichia coli septicemia. Arch Dermatol. 1974 Jul; 110(1):105-6. PMID: 4608912
Rosenberg IH, Beisel WR, Gordon JE, Katz M, Keusch GT, Luckey TD, Mata LJ. Infant and child enteritis-malabsorption-malnutrition: the potential of limited studies with low-dose antibiotic feeding. Am J Clin Nutr. 1974 Mar; 27(3):304-9. PMID: 4205495
Keusch GT. Purification and properties of S. dysenteriae 1 enterotoxin. Symposium on Shiga Dysentery. Pan American Health Organization. Washington, D.C. 1974; p. 85.
Ravreby WD, Bottone EJ, Keusch GT. Group D streptococcal bacteremia, with emphasis on the incidence and presentation of infectious due to Streptococcus bovis. N Engl J Med. 1973 Dec 27; 289(26):1400-3. PMID: 4753940
Keusch GT, Douglas SD. Radiometric screening test for chronic granulomatous disease. J Nucl Med. 1973 Aug; 14(8):591-4. PMID: 4719715
Keusch G. Bacterial diarrheas. Am J Nurs. 1973 Jun; 73(6):1028-32. PMID: 4574034
Keusch GT, Grady GF, Deschner EE, Weinstein L. Biochemical effects of cholera enterotoxin. 3. Intestinal protein synthesis in the infant rabbit. Lab Invest. 1973 May; 28(5):593-6. PMID: 4702925
Keusch GT, Jacewicz M. Serum enterotoxin-neutralizing antibody in human shigellosis. Nat New Biol. 1973 Jan 3; 241(105):31-2. PMID: 4572837
Keusch GT Protein depletion and leukocyte function. In: Proceedings Symposium on Malnutrition and Functions of Blood Cells, p. 97. U.S.-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program, 1973. Protein depletion and leukocyte function. Proceedings Symposium on Malnutrition and Functions of Blood Cells. 1973; p. 97.
Axelrod J, Keusch GT, Bottone E, Cohen SM, Hirschman SZ. Endocarditis caused by Lactobacillus plantarum. Ann Intern Med. 1973 Jan; 78(1):33-7. PMID: 4485615
Keusch GT. Pathogenesis of Shigella diarrhea. 3. Effects of shigella enterotoxin in cell culture. Trans N Y Acad Sci. 1973 Jan; 35(1):51-8. PMID: 4567506
Keusch GT. Subclinical malabsorption in Thailand. I. Intestinal absorption in Thai children. Am J Clin Nutr. 1972 Oct; 25(10):1062-6. PMID: 4627873
Keusch GT, Plaut AG, Troncale FJ. Subclinical malabsorption in Thailand. II. Intestinal absorption in American military and Peace Corps personnel. Am J Clin Nutr. 1972 Oct; 25(10):1067-79. PMID: 5078331
Keusch GT, Grady GF, Takeuchi A, Sprinz H. The pathogenesis of shigella diarrhea. II. Enterotoxin-induced acute enteritis in the rabbit ileum. J Infect Dis. 1972 Jul; 126(1):92-5. PMID: 4556723
Mildvan D, Hirschman SZ, Meyers BR, Keusch GT. Extracellular cephalosporinases produced by gram-negative bacilli. Can J Microbiol. 1972 Jul; 18(7):1039-43. PMID: 4560914
Musher DM, Keusch GT, Weinstein L. Effects of various antisera on the morphology, phagocytic ability, and metabolism of guinea-pig peritoneal macrophages. J Infect Dis. 1972 Jun; 125(6):575-86. PMID: 5037012
Keusch GT, Jacewicz M, Hirschman SZ. Quantitative microassay in cell culture for enterotoxin of Shigella dysenteriae. J Infect Dis. 1972 May; 125(5):539-41. PMID: 4554110
Keusch GT, Grady GF, Mata LJ, McIver J. The pathogenesis of Shigella diarrhea. I. Enterotoxin production by Shigella dysenteriae I. J Clin Invest. 1972 May; 51(5):1212-8. PMID: 4560429; PMCID: PMC292252
Ratzan KR, Musher DM, Keusch GT, Weinstein L. Correlation of increased metabolic activity, resistance to infection, enhanced phagocytosis, and inhibition of bacterial growth by macrophages from Listeria- and BCG-infected mice. Infect Immun. 1972 Apr; 5(4):499-504. PMID: 4629124; PMCID: PMC422398
Lief PD, Keusch GT. Failure of cholera enterotoxin to alter cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate-mediated responses in toad urinary bladder. Infect Immun. 1972 Apr; 5(4):634-5. PMID: 4344305; PMCID: PMC422418
Keusch GT, Douglas SD, Mildvan D, Hirschman SZ. 14 C-glucose oxidation in whole blood: a clinical assay for phagocyte dysfunction. Infect Immun. 1972 Mar; 5(3):414-5. PMID: 4636293; PMCID: PMC422384
Keusch GT, Kaplan MM, Smith D, Ravanesi P. Persistent, fulminant watery diarrhea complicating chronic active hepatitis. Gastroenterology. 1972 Feb; 62(2):307-13. PMID: 4637989
Grady GF, Keusch GT. Pathogenesis of bacterial diarrheas (second of two parts). N Engl J Med. 1971 Oct 14; 285(16):891-900. PMID: 4329624
Grady GF, Keusch GT. Pathogenesis of bacterial diarrheas. I. N Engl J Med. 1971 Oct 7; 285(15):831-41. PMID: 4328301
Keusch GT, Weinstein L, Grady GF. Biochemical effects of cholera enterotoxin. II. Glucose metabolism in the intestine of the infant rabbit. J Infect Dis. 1971 Aug; 124(2):188-93. PMID: 5124971
Keusch GT. Why cholera may be important to doctors in the U.S. Med Times. 1971 Aug; 99(8):86-94. PMID: 4935860
Keusch GT, Plaut AG, Troncale FJ. The interpretation and significance of the xylose tolerance test in the tropics. J Lab Clin Med. 1970 Apr; 75(4):558-65. PMID: 5444344
Rahal JJ, Keusch GT, Weinstein L. Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation by purified staphylococcal alpha toxin. J Lab Clin Med. 1970 Mar; 75(3):442-8. PMID: 4244566
Keusch GT, Rahal JJ, Weinstein L, Grady GF. Biochemical effects of cholera enterotoxin: oxidative metabolism in the infant rabbit. Am J Physiol. 1970 Mar; 218(3):703-7. PMID: 4244290
Keusch GT, Troncale FJ, Buchanan RD. Malabsorption due to paromomycin. Arch Intern Med. 1970 Feb; 125(2):273-6. PMID: 5412015
Keusch GT, Troncale FJ, Plaut AG. Neomycin-induced malabsorption in a tropical population. Gastroenterology. 1970 Feb; 58(2):197-202. PMID: 5413018
Dalldorf FG, Keusch GT, Livingston HL. Transcellular permeability of capillaries in experimental cholera. Am J Pathol. 1969 Oct; 57(1):153-69. PMID: 5348383; PMCID: PMC2013601
Keusch GT, Olsson RA, Troncale FJ. Asymptomatic hepatitis in adults given gamma-globulin for prophylaxis. Clinical and laboratory features. Arch Intern Med. 1969 Sep; 124(3):326-9. PMID: 4185121
Juttijudata P, Keusch GT, Troncale FJ, Plaut AG, Buchanan RD, Bhamarapravathi N. Tropical sprue in Thailand. Report of the first documented case. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1969 Jul; 18(4):618-20. PMID: 5795454
Keusch GT, Troncale FJ, Thavaramara B, Prinyanont P, Anderson PR, Bhamarapravathi N. Lactase deficiency in Thailand: effect of prolonged lactose feeding. Am J Clin Nutr. 1969 May; 22(5):638-41. PMID: 5819594
Keusch GT, Troncale FJ, Miller LH, Promadhat V, Anderson PR. Acquired lactose malabsorption in Thai children. Pediatrics. 1969 Apr; 43(4):540-5. PMID: 5777069
Troncale FJ, Miller LH, Keusch GT, Comer DS, Chittayasothorn K, Petchkit W, Nye SW. Occurrence of ceroid pigment without malabsorption in Thailand. Gastroenterology. 1968 Jun; 54(6):1122-8. PMID: 5656331
Troncale FJ, Keusch GT, Miller LH, Olsson RA, Buchanan RD. Normal absorption in Thai subjects with non-specific jejunal abnormalities. Br Med J. 1967 Dec 9; 4(5579):578-80. PMID: 6060115; PMCID: PMC1749319
Keusch GT, Atthasampunna P, Finkelstein RA. A vascular permeability defect in experimental cholera. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1967 Mar; 124(3):822-5. PMID: 6023423
Bannerman RM, Keusch G, Kreimer-Birnbaum M, Vance VK, Vaughan S. Thalassemia intermedia, with iron overload, cardiac failure, diabetes mellitus, hypopituitarism and porphyrinuria. Am J Med. 1967 Mar; 42(3):476-86. PMID: 6019460
Keusch GT, O'Connell CJ. The susceptibility of bacteroides to the penicillins and cephalothin. Am J Med Sci. 1966 Apr; 251(4):428-32. PMID: 5910227