Hearne S, Jernigan DH. Who Will Advocate to Keep the Public Healthy? Establishing Competency-Based Advocacy Training for the Public Health Field. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2024 Jan-Feb 01; 30(1):3-7. PMID: 37966950
Hearne SA, Jernigan DH, Frey M, Matthews GW, Baker EL. Strengthening Advocacy Skills for Public Health Leaders. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2023 Nov-Dec 01; 29(6):950-952. PMID: 37738602
Yeh JC, Premachandra B, Lewis NA, Niederdeppe J, Jernigan DH. Identities, drinking behaviors and cancer beliefs among African-American and White American adults: A qualitative analysis. J Ethn Subst Abuse. 2023 Jul 12; 1-22. PMID: 37435873
Moreno MA, Jenkins MC, Trangenstein PJ, Whitehill JM, Stratman ZE, Jernigan DH. Adolescents' Views on Preventing Youth Cannabis Marketing Exposure: A Concept Mapping Approach. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2023 Sep; 84(5):684-692. PMID: 37219037; PMCID: PMC10600966; DOI: 10.15288/jsad.22-00299;
Yeh JC, Niederdeppe J, Lewis NA, Jernigan DH. Social Media Campaigns to Influence Alcohol Consumption and Related Harms, Attitudes, and Awareness: A Systematic Review. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2023 Jul; 84(4):546-559. PMID: 37014651
Jernigan DH. Alcohol Producers' Success in Blocking Alcohol Marketing Research: A Comment on Mitchell and McCambridge (2023). J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2023 Mar; 84(2):342-343. PMID: 37132576
Rossheim ME
Gonzalez-Pons K
Tillett K
Treffers RD
Trangenstein PJ
Lerch J
Faxman F
Greene K
LoParco C
Jernigan DH. Alcopops disproportionately consumed by minors in sexual assault cases. Health Behavior Research. 2023; 6(4).
Rossheim ME, LoParco CR, Walker A, Livingston MD, Trangenstein PJ, Olsson S, McDonald KK, Yockey RA, Luningham JM, Kong AY, Henry D, Walters ST, Thombs DL, Jernigan DH. Delta-8 THC Retail Availability, Price, and Minimum Purchase Age. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2024 Feb; 9(1):363-370. PMID: 36342930; PMCID: PMC11071109; DOI: 10.1089/can.2022.0079;
Rossheim ME, Peterson MS, Livingston MD, Dunlap P, Trangenstein PJ, Tran K, Emechebe OC, McDonald KK, Treffers RD, Jernigan DH, Thombs DL. Eye-tracking to examine differences in alcohol product appeal by sex among young people. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2022 Nov 02; 48(6):734-744. PMID: 36206530
Jernigan DH. Protecting Children in Social Media. JAMA Pediatr. 2022 Sep 01; 176(9):848-849. PMID: 35816324
Jernigan DH. Economic Competition in the Alcohol Trade Should Not Trump Public Health. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2022 Sep; 83(5):637-639. PMID: 36136432
Trangenstein PJ, Tiongson PJD, Lu Y, Lipson SK, Xuan Z, Naimi TS, Jernigan DH. Gender and sexual identity and harms from others' drinking among U.S. college students: Results from a multi-campus survey. J Am Coll Health. 2024 Oct; 72(7):1978-1982.View Related Profiles. PMID: 36036804; PMCID: PMC9971347; DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2022.2112045;
Trangenstein PJ, Jernigan DH. Commentary on Gunadi et al.: Opportunities to design more policy-relevant evaluations of non-medical cannabis legalization. Addiction. 2022 Oct; 117(10):2660-2661. PMID: 35821596
Swahn MH, Culbreth R, Fodeman A, Cottrell-Daniels C, Tumwesigye NM, Jernigan DH, Kasirye R, Obot I. Heavy drinking and problem drinking among youth in Uganda: A structural equation model of alcohol marketing, advertisement perceptions and social norms. Drug Alcohol Rev. 2022 Sep; 41(6):1444-1456. PMID: 35761763; PMCID: PMC9546093; DOI: 10.1111/dar.13497;
Trangenstein PJ, Gora Combs K, Whitehill JM, Jenkins MC, Jernigan DH, Moreno MA. Typology of Adolescents Exposed to Non-medical Cannabis Marketing and Associations with Consumption Patterns. Prev Sci. 2022 Oct; 23(7):1276-1286. PMID: 35622192; PMCID: PMC10326727; DOI: 10.1007/s11121-022-01378-0;
Swahn MH, Culbreth R, Cottrell-Daniels C, Tumwesigye NM, Jernigan DH, Kasirye R, Obot I. Social Norms Regarding Alcohol Use, Perceptions of Alcohol Advertisement and Intent to Drink Alcohol among Youth in Uganda. Int J Health Promot Educ. 2024; 62(6):546-562. PMID: 39734589; PMCID: PMC11670886; DOI: 10.1080/14635240.2022.2047093;
Moreno MA, Jenkins M, Binger K, Kelly L, Trangenstein PJ, Whitehill JM, Jernigan DH. A Content Analysis of Cannabis Company Adherence to Marketing Requirements in Four States. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2022 01; 83(1):27-36. PMID: 35040757; PMCID: PMC8819899; DOI: 10.15288/jsad.2022.83.27;
Jernigan DH, Cureg JB, Mitchell M, Arria AM. Improving Campus Alcohol Policies Through Assessment and Scoring. Health Promot Pract. 2023 Mar; 24(2):366-372. PMID: 34823384
Gapstur SM, Bandera EV, Jernigan DH, LoConte NK, Southwell BG, Vasiliou V, Brewster AM, Naimi TS, Scherr CL, Shield KD. Alcohol and Cancer: Existing Knowledge and Evidence Gaps across the Cancer Continuum. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2022 01; 31(1):5-10.View Related Profiles. PMID: 34728469; PMCID: PMC8755600; DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-21-0934;
Jernigan DH, Ramirez RR, Castrucci B, Patterson C, Castillo G. Cannabis: Moving Forward, Protecting Health. APHA Press. Washington, D.C. 2021; 200.
Trangenstein PJ, Peddireddy SR, Cook WK, Rossheim ME, Monteiro MG, Jernigan DH. Alcohol Policy Scores and Alcohol-Attributable Homicide Rates in 150 Countries. Am J Prev Med. 2021 09; 61(3):311-319. PMID: 34229927; PMCID: PMC8769715; DOI: 10.1016/j.amepre.2021.03.020;
Ross CS, Babor TF, Bartholow BD, DeJong W, Fitzgerald N, Jackson KM, Jernigan DH, Naimi TS, Noel JK, Petticrew M, Severi K, Siegel MB, Stockwell T, Tori M, Xuan Z. Call to restore funding to monitor youth exposure to alcohol advertising. Addiction. 2021 10; 116(10):2922-2923.View Related Profiles. PMID: 34060173
Jernigan DH. Cannabis chains of influence from a US perspective. Addiction. 2021 11; 116(11):2950-2951. PMID: 34105204
Trangenstein PJ, Whitehill JM, Jenkins MC, Jernigan DH, Moreno MA. Cannabis Marketing and Problematic Cannabis Use Among Adolescents. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2021 03; 82(2):288-296. PMID: 33823976; PMCID: PMC8864622; DOI: 10.15288/jsad.2021.82.288;
Rossheim ME, McDonald KK, Soule EK, Gimm GW, Livingston MD, Barnett TE, Jernigan DH, Thombs DL. Electronic cigarette explosion/burn and poisoning related emergency department visits, 2018-2019. Am J Emerg Med. 2020 12; 38(12):2637-2640. PMID: 33041151
Trangenstein PJ, Sadler R, Morrison CN, Jernigan DH. Looking Back and Moving Forward: The Evolution and Potential Opportunities for the Future of Alcohol Outlet Density Measurement. Addict Res Theory. 2021; 29(2):117-128. PMID: 33883975; PMCID: PMC8054780; DOI: 10.1080/16066359.2020.1751128;
Rehm J, Kilian C, Ferreira-Borges C, Jernigan D, Monteiro M, Parry CDH, Sanchez ZM, Manthey J. Alcohol use in times of the COVID 19: Implications for monitoring and policy. Drug Alcohol Rev. 2020 05; 39(4):301-304. PMID: 32358884; PMCID: PMC7267161; DOI: 10.1111/dar.13074;
Swahn MH, Culbreth R, Salazar LF, Tumwesigye NM, Jernigan DH, Kasirye R, Obot IS. The Prevalence and Context of Alcohol Use, Problem Drinking and Alcohol-Related Harm among Youth Living in the Slums of Kampala, Uganda. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 04 03; 17(7). PMID: 32260246; PMCID: PMC7178083; DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17072451;
Trangenstein PJ, Jernigan DH. The Health Impact of Alcohol on American Cities: Modeling the Local Burden of Current Alcohol Use in One Jurisdiction. J Urban Health. 2020 04; 97(2):260-270. PMID: 32124209; PMCID: PMC7101462; DOI: 10.1007/s11524-019-00403-y;
Trangenstein PJ, Gray C, Rossheim ME, Sadler R, Jernigan DH. Alcohol Outlet Clusters and Population Disparities. J Urban Health. 2020 02; 97(1):123-136. PMID: 31264024; PMCID: PMC7010879; DOI: 10.1007/s11524-019-00372-2;
Jernigan DH, Trangenstein PJ. What's next for WHO's global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol? Bull World Health Organ. 2020 Mar 01; 98(3):222-223. PMID: 32132758; PMCID: PMC7047030; DOI: 10.2471/BLT.19.241737;
Trangenstein PJ, Eck RH, Lu Y, Webster D, Jennings JM, Latkin C, Milam AJ, Furr-Holden D, Jernigan DH. The Violence Prevention Potential of Reducing Alcohol Outlet Access in Baltimore, Maryland. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2020 01; 81(1):24-33. PMID: 32048598; PMCID: PMC7024813; DOI: 10.15288/jsad.2020.81.24;
Ross CS, Henehan ER, Jernigan DH. Youth Exposure to Alcohol Advertising in the United States: Assessment of Two Types of Television Ratings and Implications for Voluntary Advertising Guidelines. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2020 01; 81(1):34-38.View Related Profiles. PMID: 32048599; PMCID: PMC7024815; DOI: 10.15288/jsad.2020.81.34;
Whitehill JM, Trangenstein PJ, Jenkins MC, Jernigan DH, Moreno MA. Exposure to Cannabis Marketing in Social and Traditional Media and Past-Year Use Among Adolescents in States With Legal Retail Cannabis. J Adolesc Health. 2020 02; 66(2):247-254. PMID: 31708374; PMCID: PMC6980270; DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2019.08.024;
Rossheim ME, Yurasek AM, Greene KM, Gonzalez-Pons KM, Barry AE, Thombs DL, Trangenstein PJ, Nelson C, Cavazos T, Treffers RD, Jernigan DH. The Federal Trade Commission's mandated Four Loko labeling fails to facilitate accurate estimation of alcohol content by college students. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2020 07 03; 46(4):430-437. PMID: 31592678
Trangenstein PJ, Whitehill JM, Jenkins MC, Jernigan DH, Moreno MA. Active cannabis marketing and adolescent past-year cannabis use. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019 11 01; 204:107548. PMID: 31550611; PMCID: PMC6878135; DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.107548;
Rossheim ME, Greene KM, Yurasek AM, Barry AE, Gonzalez-Pons KM, Trangenstein PJ, Cavazos T, Nelson C, Treffers RD, Thombs DL, Jernigan DH. Underage drinkers' first experience consuming a popular brand of supersized alcopop. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2020 07 03; 46(4):421-429. PMID: 31442085
Byron MJ, Cohen JE, Frattaroli S, Gittelsohn J, Drope JM, Jernigan DH. Implementing smoke-free policies in low- and middle-income countries: A brief review and research agenda. Tob Induc Dis. 2019; 17:60. PMID: 31582949; PMCID: PMC6770618; DOI: 10.18332/tid/110007;
Trangenstein PJ, Curriero FC, Jennings JM, Webster D, Latkin C, Eck RH, Jernigan DH. Methods for Evaluating the Association Between Alcohol Outlet Density and Violent Crime. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2019 08; 43(8):1714-1726. PMID: 31157919; PMCID: PMC6679806; DOI: 10.1111/acer.14119;
Rossheim ME, Thombs DL, Treffers RD, Trangenstein PJ, McDonald KK, Ahmad R, Siklo SS, Gonzalez-Pons KM, Suzuki S, Jernigan DH. Price of Four Loko in Large U.S. Cities, 2018. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2019 07; 43(7):1585-1590. PMID: 31066910; PMCID: PMC6878890; DOI: 10.1111/acer.14080;
Trangenstein P, Wall P, Jernigan D. Collateral damage from college drinking: A conceptual framework for alcohol's harms to others among US college students. Subst Use Misuse. 2019; 54(8):1297-1308. PMID: 31008671; PMCID: PMC6510638; DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2019.1573836;
Jernigan DH, Shields K, Mitchell M, Arria AM. Assessing Campus Alcohol Policies: Measuring Accessibility, Clarity, and Effectiveness. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2019 05; 43(5):1007-1015. PMID: 30865305; PMCID: PMC6502686; DOI: 10.1111/acer.14017;
Jernigan DH. Prevention of Substance Use (Zili Sloboda, Hanno Petras, Elizabeth Robertson, Ralph Hingson, eds.). Alcohol Marketing and Promotion. Springer. Switzerland. 2019; 119-130. View Publication
Trangenstein PJ, Morojele NK, Lombard C, Jernigan DH, Parry CDH. Heavy drinking and contextual risk factors among adults in South Africa: findings from the International Alcohol Control study. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2018 12 05; 13(1):43. PMID: 30518429; PMCID: PMC6280515; DOI: 10.1186/s13011-018-0182-1;
Trangenstein PJ, Curriero FC, Webster D, Jennings JM, Latkin C, Eck R, Jernigan DH. Outlet Type, Access to Alcohol, and Violent Crime. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2018 11; 42(11):2234-2245. PMID: 30256427; PMCID: PMC6214776; DOI: 10.1111/acer.13880;
Rossheim ME, Thombs DL, Krall JR, Jernigan DH. College Students' Underestimation of Blood Alcohol Concentration from Hypothetical Consumption of Supersized Alcopops: Results from a Cluster-Randomized Classroom Study. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2018 07; 42(7):1271-1280. PMID: 29846956
Esser MB, Jernigan DH. Policy Approaches for Regulating Alcohol Marketing in a Global Context: A Public Health Perspective. Annu Rev Public Health. 2018 04 01; 39:385-401. PMID: 29608872
Kane JC, Johnson RM, Iwamoto DK, Jernigan DH, Harachi TW, Bass JK. Pathways linking intergenerational cultural dissonance and alcohol use among Asian American youth: The role of family conflict, parental involvement, and peer behavior. J Ethn Subst Abuse. 2019 Oct-Dec; 18(4):613-633. PMID: 29452050; PMCID: PMC6163085; DOI: 10.1080/15332640.2018.1428709;
Grossman ER, Binakonsky J, Jernigan D. The Use of Regulatory Power by U.S. State and Local Alcohol Control Agencies to Ban Problematic Products. Subst Use Misuse. 2018 07 03; 53(8):1229-1238. PMID: 29257916; PMCID: PMC6176862; DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2017.1402054;
Ramirez RL, Jernigan DH. Increasing Alcohol Taxes: Analysis of Case Studies From Illinois, Maryland, and Massachusetts. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2017 Sep; 78(5):763-770. PMID: 28930064; PMCID: PMC5675427; DOI: 10.15288/jsad.2017.78.763;
Wada R, Chaloupka FJ, Powell LM, Jernigan DH. Employment impacts of alcohol taxes. Prev Med. 2017 Dec; 105S:S50-S55. PMID: 28823685
Brennan E, Wakefield MA, Durkin SJ, Jernigan DH, Dixon HG, Pettigrew S. Public awareness and misunderstanding about DrinkWise Australia: a cross-sectional survey of Australian adults. Aust N Z J Public Health. 2017 Aug; 41(4):352-357. PMID: 28664575
Arria AM, Jernigan DH. Addressing College Drinking as a Statewide Public Health Problem: Key Findings From the Maryland Collaborative. Health Promot Pract. 2018 03; 19(2):303-313. PMID: 28582999; PMCID: PMC5711644; DOI: 10.1177/1524839917711399;
Parry CDH, Trangenstein P, Lombard C, Jernigan DH, Morojele NK. Support for alcohol policies from drinkers in the City of Tshwane, South Africa: Data from the International Alcohol Control study. Drug Alcohol Rev. 2018 04; 37 Suppl 1:S210-S217. PMID: 28493419; PMCID: PMC5969057; DOI: 10.1111/dar.12554;
Jernigan DH, Padon A, Ross C, Borzekowski D. Self-Reported Youth and Adult Exposure to Alcohol Marketing in Traditional and Digital Media: Results of a Pilot Survey. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2017 Mar; 41(3):618-625.View Related Profiles. PMID: 28219114
Monteiro MG, Babor TF, Jernigan D, Brookes C. Alcohol marketing regulation: from research to public policy. Addiction. 2017 01; 112 Suppl 1:3-6. PMID: 28070937
Babor TF, Jernigan D, Brookes C, Brown K. Toward a public health approach to the protection of vulnerable populations from the harmful effects of alcohol marketing. Addiction. 2017 01; 112 Suppl 1:125-127. PMID: 28070938
Lobstein T, Landon J, Thornton N, Jernigan D. Use of digital media for alcohol marketing: Response to Carah & Meurk. Addiction. 2017 02; 112(2):371-372. PMID: 27896885
Esser MB, Gururaj G, Rao GN, Jayarajan D, Sethu L, Murthy P, Jernigan DH, Benegal V. Harms from alcohol consumption by strangers in five Indian states and policy implications. Drug Alcohol Rev. 2017 Sep; 36(5):682-690. PMID: 27862473
Jernigan D, Noel J, Landon J, Thornton N, Lobstein T. Alcohol marketing and youth alcohol consumption: a systematic review of longitudinal studies published since 2008. Addiction. 2017 Jan; 112 Suppl 1:7-20. PMID: 27565582
Landon J, Lobstein T, Godfrey F, Johns P, Brookes C, Jernigan D. International codes and agreements to restrict the promotion of harmful products can hold lessons for the control of alcohol marketing. Addiction. 2017 Jan; 112 Suppl 1:102-108. PMID: 27753203
Lobstein T, Landon J, Thornton N, Jernigan D. The commercial use of digital media to market alcohol products: a narrative review. Addiction. 2017 Jan; 112 Suppl 1:21-27. PMID: 27327239
Byron MJ, Cohen JE, Frattaroli S, Gittelsohn J, Jernigan DH. Using the theory of normative social behavior to understand compliance with a smoke-free law in a middle-income country. Health Educ Res. 2016 12; 31(6):738-748. PMID: 27923863
Grossman ER, Jernigan DH, Miller NA. Do Juvenile Curfew Laws Reduce Underage Drinking? J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2016 07; 77(4):589-95. PMID: 27340963; PMCID: PMC4987071
Esser MB, Waters H, Smart M, Jernigan DH. Impact of Maryland's 2011 alcohol sales tax increase on alcoholic beverage sales. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2016 07; 42(4):404-11. PMID: 27064821; PMCID: PMC6438373; DOI: 10.3109/00952990.2016.1150485;
Kane JC, Johnson RM, Robinson C, Jernigan DH, Harachi TW, Bass JK. Longitudinal Effects of Acculturation on Alcohol Use among Vietnamese and Cambodian Immigrant Women in the USA. Alcohol Alcohol. 2016 Nov; 51(6):702-709. PMID: 26956427; PMCID: PMC6279072; DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agw007;
Esser MB, Rao GN, Gururaj G, Murthy P, Jayarajan D, Sethu L, Jernigan DH, Benegal V. Physical abuse, psychological abuse and neglect: Evidence of alcohol-related harm to children in five states of India. Drug Alcohol Rev. 2016 09; 35(5):530-8. PMID: 26913538; DOI: 10.1111/dar.12377;
Esser MB, Bao J, Jernigan DH, Hyder AA. Evaluation of the Evidence Base for the Alcohol Industry's Actions to Reduce Drink Driving Globally. Am J Public Health. 2016 Apr; 106(4):707-13. PMID: 26890181; PMCID: PMC4986059; DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.303026;
Medina Mora ME, Monteiro M, Room R, Rehm J, Jernigan D, Sanchez-Moreno D, Real T. In: Mental, Neurological and Substance Use Disorders, Volume 8 of Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries, 3rd edition (Patel V, Chisholm D, Vos T, Medina Mora ME, Dua T eds.). Alcohol and alcohol use disorders. World Bank. Washington, DC. 2016; 8.
Byron MJ, Cohen JE, Gittelsohn J, Frattaroli S, Nuryunawati R, Jernigan DH. Influence of religious organisations' statements on compliance with a smoke-free law in Bogor, Indonesia: a qualitative study. BMJ Open. 2015 Dec 14; 5(12):e008111. PMID: 26667011; PMCID: PMC4679994; DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008111;
Kane JC, Johnson RM, Robinson C, Jernigan DH, Harachi TW, Bass JK. The Impact of Intergenerational Cultural Dissonance on Alcohol Use Among Vietnamese and Cambodian Adolescents in the United States. J Adolesc Health. 2016 Feb; 58(2):174-80. PMID: 26598062; PMCID: PMC4724507; DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2015.10.002;
Siegel M, Ross CS, Albers AB, DeJong W, King C, Naimi TS, Jernigan DH. The relationship between exposure to brand-specific alcohol advertising and brand-specific consumption among underage drinkers--United States, 2011-2012. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2016; 42(1):4-14.View Related Profiles. PMID: 26479468; PMCID: PMC4767625; DOI: 10.3109/00952990.2015.1085542;
Siegel M, Kurland RP, Castrini M, Morse C, de Groot A, Retamozo C, Roberts SP, Ross CS, Jernigan DH. Potential youth exposure to alcohol advertising on the internet: A study of internet versions of popular television programs. J Subst Use. 2016; 21(4):361-367.View Related Profiles. PMID: 27212891; PMCID: PMC4871618; DOI: 10.3109/14659891.2015.1029023;
Esser MB, Jernigan DH. Multinational Alcohol Market Development and Public Health: Diageo in India. Am J Public Health. 2015 Nov; 105(11):2220-7. PMID: 26378848; PMCID: PMC4605177; DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302831;
Esser MB, Gururaj G, Rao GN, Jernigan DH, Murthy P, Jayarajan D, Lakshmanan S, Benegal V. Harms to Adults from Others' Heavy Drinking in Five Indian States. Alcohol Alcohol. 2016 Mar; 51(2):177-85. PMID: 26884508; PMCID: PMC4804108; DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agv078;
Jernigan DH, Babor TF. The concentration of the global alcohol industry and its penetration in the African region. Addiction. 2015 Apr; 110(4):551-60. PMID: 25771689
Babor TF, Robaina K, Jernigan D. The influence of industry actions on the availability of alcoholic beverages in the African region. Addiction. 2015 Apr; 110(4):561-71. PMID: 25510339
Ross CS, Maple E, Siegel M, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Padon AA, Borzekowski DL, Jernigan DH. The relationship between population-level exposure to alcohol advertising on television and brand-specific consumption among underage youth in the US. Alcohol Alcohol. 2015 May; 50(3):358-64.View Related Profiles. PMID: 25754127; PMCID: PMC4398991; DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agv016;
Albers AB, Siegel M, Ramirez RL, Ross C, DeJong W, Jernigan DH. Flavored alcoholic beverage use, risky drinking behaviors, and adverse outcomes among underage drinkers: results from the ABRAND Study. Am J Public Health. 2015 Apr; 105(4):810-5.View Related Profiles. PMID: 25713955; PMCID: PMC4358196; DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302349;
Belt O, Stamatakos K, Ayers AJ, Fryer VA, Jernigan DH, Siegel M. Vested interests in addiction research and policy. Alcohol brand sponsorship of events, organizations and causes in the United States, 2010-2013. Addiction. 2014 Dec; 109(12):1977-85.View Related Profiles. PMID: 25384933; PMCID: PMC4228795; DOI: 10.1111/add.12727;
Albers AB, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Siegel M, Jernigan DH. The relationship between alcohol price and brand choice among underage drinkers: are the most popular alcoholic brands consumed by youth the cheapest? Subst Use Misuse. 2014 Nov; 49(13):1833-43.View Related Profiles. PMID: 25183436; PMCID: PMC4192130; DOI: 10.3109/10826084.2014.935790;
Meisel PL, Sparks A, Eck R, Jernigan D. Baltimore City's landmark alcohol and tobacco billboard ban: an implementation case study. Inj Prev. 2015 Feb; 21(1):63-7. PMID: 25052495
Ross CS, Maple E, Siegel M, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Ostroff J, Padon AA, Borzekowski DL, Jernigan DH. The relationship between brand-specific alcohol advertising on television and brand-specific consumption among underage youth. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2014 Aug; 38(8):2234-42.View Related Profiles. PMID: 24986257; PMCID: PMC4146644; DOI: 10.1111/acer.12488;
Smith KC, Cukier S, Jernigan DH. Defining strategies for promoting product through 'drink responsibly' messages in magazine ads for beer, spirits and alcopops. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2014 Sep 01; 142:168-73. PMID: 24999061
Roberts SP, Siegel MB, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Jernigan DH. The relationships between alcohol source, autonomy in brand selection, and brand preference among youth in the USA. Alcohol Alcohol. 2014 Sep-Oct; 49(5):563-71.View Related Profiles. PMID: 25113176; PMCID: PMC4128668; DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agu034;
Esser MB, Jernigan DH. Assessing restrictiveness of national alcohol marketing policies. Alcohol Alcohol. 2014 Sep-Oct; 49(5):557-62. PMID: 25113175
Staras SA, Livingston MD, Christou AM, Jernigan DH, Wagenaar AC. Heterogeneous population effects of an alcohol excise tax increase on sexually transmitted infections morbidity. Addiction. 2014 Jun; 109(6):904-12. PMID: 24450730; PMCID: PMC4013225; DOI: 10.1111/add.12493;
Ross CS, Ostroff J, Jernigan DH. Evidence of underage targeting of alcohol advertising on television in the United States: lessons from the Lockyer v. Reynolds decisions. J Public Health Policy. 2014 Feb; 35(1):105-18.View Related Profiles. PMID: 24424494; PMCID: PMC4842938; DOI: 10.1057/jphp.2013.52;
Jernigan D, Rushman A. Measuring youth exposure to alcohol marketing on social networking sites: Challenges and prospects. Journal of Public Health Policy. 2014; 35(1):91-104.
Esser M, Jernigan D. In Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health. Alcohol policy and interventions. World Health Organization. Geneva. 2014.
Jernigan DH, Rushman AE. Measuring youth exposure to alcohol marketing on social networking sites: challenges and prospects. J Public Health Policy. 2014 Feb; 35(1):91-104. PMID: 24284473
Limaye RJ, Rutkow L, Rimal RN, Jernigan DH. Informal alcohol in Malawi: stakeholder perceptions and policy recommendations. J Public Health Policy. 2014 Feb; 35(1):119-31. PMID: 24257631
Smith KC, Cukier S, Jernigan DH. Regulating alcohol advertising: content analysis of the adequacy of federal and self-regulation of magazine advertisements, 2008-2010. Am J Public Health. 2014 Oct; 104(10):1901-11. PMID: 24228667; PMCID: PMC4167100; DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301483;
Mosher JF, Cohen EN, Jernigan DH. Commercial host (dram shop) liability: current status and trends. Am J Prev Med. 2013 Sep; 45(3):347-53. PMID: 23953363
Jernigan DH, Cukier S, Ross C, Ahmed SR, Stolbach A. Alcohol Brand Use and Injury in the Emergency Department: A Pilot Study. Subst Use Misuse. 2014 Jan 01; 49(1-2):59-65. PMID: 23905584
Jernigan D. Why South Africa's proposed advertising ban matters. Addiction. 2013 Jul; 108(7):1183-5. PMID: 23659887
Jernigan DH, Sparks M, Yang E, Schwartz R. Using public health and community partnerships to reduce density of alcohol outlets. Prev Chronic Dis. 2013 Apr 11; 10:E53. PMID: 23578401; PMCID: PMC3625442; DOI: 10.5888/pcd10.120090;
Siegel M, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Fortunato EK, Albers AB, Heeren T, Rosenbloom DL, Ross C, Ostroff J, Rodkin S, King C, Borzekowski DL, Rimal RN, Padon AA, Eck RH, Jernigan DH. Brand-specific consumption of alcohol among underage youth in the United States. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2013 Jul; 37(7):1195-203.View Related Profiles. PMID: 23398328; PMCID: PMC3655157; DOI: 10.1111/acer.12084;
Hines A, Jernigan DH. Developing a comprehensive curriculum for public health advocacy. Health Promot Pract. 2012 Nov; 13(6):733-7. PMID: 22991279
Jernigan DH. Who is minding the virtual alcohol store? Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012 Sep; 166(9):866-7. PMID: 22566519
Babor T, Rehm J, Jernigan D, Vaeth P, Monteiro M, Lehman H. Alcohol, diabetes, and public health in the Americas. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2012 Aug; 32(2):151-5. PMID: 23099877
Rhoades E, Jernigan DH. Risky messages in alcohol advertising, 2003-2007: results from content analysis. J Adolesc Health. 2013 Jan; 52(1):116-21. PMID: 23260844
Jernigan D. Commentary on Hicks et al. (2012): alcohol cues and narrowed perceptions - speculating about implications. Addiction. 2012 Jun; 107(6):1081. PMID: 22563835
DiLoreto JT, Siegel M, Hinchey D, Valerio H, Kinzel K, Lee S, Chen K, Shoaff JR, Kenney J, Jernigan DH, DeJong W. Assessment of the average price and ethanol content of alcoholic beverages by brand--United States, 2011. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2012 Jul; 36(7):1288-97.View Related Profiles. PMID: 22316218; PMCID: PMC3349795; DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-0277.2011.01721.x;
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Jernigan DH. Global alcohol producers, science, and policy: the case of the International Center for Alcohol Policies. Am J Public Health. 2012 Jan; 102(1):80-9. PMID: 22095330; PMCID: PMC3490544; DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300269;
Jernigan DH. Public health tools for holding self-regulators accountable: lessons from the alcohol experience. Health Promot Pract. 2011 May; 12(3):336-40. PMID: 21518922
Jernigan DH. Framing a public health debate over alcohol advertising: the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth 2002-2008. J Public Health Policy. 2011 May; 32(2):165-79. PMID: 21346788
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Jernigan DH. The DeMarco factor: interview with a health policy advocate. Health Promot Pract. 2010 May; 11(3):306-9. PMID: 20495097
Schwartz MB, Ross C, Harris JL, Jernigan DH, Siegel M, Ostroff J, Brownell KD. Breakfast cereal industry pledges to self-regulate advertising to youth: will they improve the marketing landscape? J Public Health Policy. 2010 Apr; 31(1):59-73.View Related Profiles. PMID: 20200526; DOI: 10.1057/jphp.2009.50;
Jernigan DH. Meeting the challenge of change. Health Promot Pract. 2010 Jan; 11(1):21-2. PMID: 20038650
Jernigan DH. Alcohol advertising regulation: where to from here? Addiction. 2009 Jul; 104(7):1166-7. PMID: 19563561
King C, Siegel M, Jernigan DH, Wulach L, Ross C, Dixon K, Ostroff J. Adolescent exposure to alcohol advertising in magazines: an evaluation of advertising placement in relation to underage youth readership. J Adolesc Health. 2009 Dec; 45(6):626-33.View Related Profiles. PMID: 19931836; DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2009.03.012;
Jernigan DH. Alcohol-branded merchandise: the need for action. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009 Mar; 163(3):278-9. PMID: 19255399
Jernigan DH. The global alcohol industry: an overview. Addiction. 2009 Feb; 104 Suppl 1:6-12. PMID: 19133910
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Jernigan D. The need for restraint. Addiction. 2007 Nov; 102(11):1747-8. PMID: 17935582
Jernigan DH. Importance of reducing youth exposure to alcohol advertising. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006 Jan; 160(1):100-2. PMID: 16389218
Jernigan DH, Ostroff J, Ross C. Alcohol advertising and youth: a measured approach. J Public Health Policy. 2005 Sep; 26(3):312-25.View Related Profiles. PMID: 16167559
Jernigan DH, Mosher JF. Editors' introduction: alcohol marketing and youth--public health perspectives. J Public Health Policy. 2005 Sep; 26(3):287-91. PMID: 16167556
Jernigan D. The USA: alcohol and young people today. Addiction. 2005 Mar; 100(3):271-3. PMID: 15733235
Jernigan DH, Ostroff J, Ross C, O'Hara JA. Sex differences in adolescent exposure to alcohol advertising in magazines. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004 Jul; 158(7):629-34.View Related Profiles. PMID: 15237061
Rehm J, Room R, Monteiro M, Gmel G, Graham K, Rehn N, Sempos CT, Frick U, Jernigan D. In: Comparative Quantification of Health Risks. Global and Regional Burden of Disease Attributable to Selected Major Risk Factors (Ezzati M, Lopez AD, Rodgers A, Murray CJL (Eds.). Alcohol. World Health Organization. Geneva. 2004; 1:959-1108.
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Jernigan D. In: Mental Health and the Global Development Agenda: What Role for the World Bank?. Alcohol in development and in health and social policy. World Bank. Washington, DC. 2004.
Room R, Graham K, Rehm J, Jernigan D, Monteiro M. Drinking and its burden in a global perspective: policy considerations and options. Eur Addict Res. 2003 Oct; 9(4):165-75. PMID: 12970585
Rehm J, Room R, Monteiro M, Gmel G, Graham K, Rehn N, Sempos CT, Jernigan D. Alcohol as a risk factor for global burden of disease. Eur Addict Res. 2003 Oct; 9(4):157-64. PMID: 12970584
Rehm J, Rehn N, Room R, Monteiro M, Gmel G, Jernigan D, Frick U. The global distribution of average volume of alcohol consumption and patterns of drinking. Eur Addict Res. 2003 Oct; 9(4):147-56. PMID: 12970583
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Jernigan D. Global ramifications of European alcohol policies. Addiction. 2002 Jun; 97(6):615-7. PMID: 12084122
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Rehm J, Monteiro M, Room R, Gmel G, Jernigan D, Frick U, Graham K. Steps towards constructing a global comparative risk analysis for alcohol consumption: determining indicators and empirical weights for patterns of drinking, deciding about theoretical minimum, and dealing with different consequences. Eur Addict Res. 2001 Aug; 7(3):138-47. PMID: 11509844
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Jernigan DH. Applying commodity chain analysis to changing modes of alcohol supply in a developing country. Addiction. 2000 Dec; 95 Suppl 4:S465-75. PMID: 11218345
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Jernigan DH, Mosher JF. Permission for profits. Addiction. 2000 Feb; 95(2):190-1. PMID: 10723843
Jernigan D. In Monitoring Guidelines for Alcohol. Estimating Per Capita Alcohol Consumption. World Health Organization. Geneva. 2000.
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Jernigan DH, Mosher JF. Research agendas on international trade in alcohol. J Public Health Policy. 1988; 9(4):503-18. PMID: 3235681
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