S. Russo, T. Ranzani, C. J. Walsh, R. J. Wood. An Additive Millimeter-Scale Fabrication Method for Soft Biocompatible Actuators and Sensors. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2017. View Publication
Ranzani, S. Russo, F. Schwab, C. J. Walsh, R. J. Wood. Proceedings of Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Deployable stabilization mechanisms for endoscopic procedures. 2017.
Becker, T. Ranzani, S. Russo, R. J. Wood. The 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Pop-Up Tissue Retraction Mechanism for Endoscopic Surgery. 2017.
Ranzani, S. Russo, C. J. Walsh, R. J. Wood. Proc. of 6th Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics. A soft suction-based end effector for endoluminal tissue manipulation. 2016.
Gafford, T. Ranzani, S. Russo, H. Aihara, R. J. Wood, C. J. Walsh, C. Thompson. Proceedings of Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Snap-On Robotic Wrist Module for Enhanced Dexterity in Endoscopy. 2016; 4398-4405.
Russo, T. Ranzani, J. Gafford, C. J. Walsh, R. J. Wood. Proceedings of Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Soft pop-up mechanisms for micro surgical tools: design and characterization of compliant millimeter-scale articulated structures. 2016; 750-757.
T. Ranzani, M. Cianchetti, G. Gerboni, I. De Falco, A. Menciassi. A Soft Modular Manipulator for Minimally Invasive Surgery: Design and Characterization of a Single Module. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 2016; 32(1).
Russo S, Ranzani T, Liu H, Nefti-Meziani S, Althoefer K, Menciassi A. Soft and Stretchable Sensor Using Biocompatible Electrodes and Liquid for Medical Applications. Soft Robot. 2015 Dec 01; 2(4):146-154. PMID: 27625915; PMCID: PMC4997627; DOI: 10.1089/soro.2015.0011;
Ranzani T, Gerboni G, Cianchetti M, Menciassi A. A bioinspired soft manipulator for minimally invasive surgery. Bioinspir Biomim. 2015 May 13; 10(3):035008. PMID: 25970550
Elsayed Y, Lekakou C, Ranzani T, Cianchetti M, Morino M, Arezzo A, Menciassi A, Geng T, Saaj CM. Crimped braided sleeves for soft, actuating arm in robotic abdominal surgery. Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2015; 24(4):204-10. PMID: 25744663
S. Sina, Y. Noh, M. Li, T. Ranzani, H. Liu, K. Althoefer. Macrobend optical sensing for pose measurement in soft robot arms. Smart Materials and Structures. 2015; 24.
Quinlivan, A. T. Asbeck, D. Wagner, T. Ranzani, S. Russo, C. J. Walsh. Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2015). Force Transfer Characterization of a Soft Exosuit for Gait Assistance. Boston. 2015.
Sareh, Y. Noh, T. Ranzani, H. A. Wurdemann, H. Liu, K. Althoefer. 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). A 7.5mm Steiner chain fiber-optic system for multi-segment flex sensing. 2015; 2336-2341.
G. Gerboni, T. Ranzani, A. Diodato, G. Ciuti, M. Cianchetti, A. Menciassi. Modular soft mechatronic manipulator for minimally invasive surgery (MIS): overall architecture and development of a fully integrated soft module. 2015; 50(11):2865-2878. View Publication
T. Ranzani, G. Ciuti, G. Tortora, A. Arezzo, S. Arolfo, M. Morino, A. Menciassi. A Novel Device for Measuring Forces in Endoluminal Procedures. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 2015; 12:116. View Publication
G. Tortora, T. Ranzani, I. De Falco, P. Dario, A. Menciassi. A Miniature Robot for Retraction Tasks under Vision Assistance in Minimally Invasive Surgery. Robotics. 2014; 3(1):70-82. View Publication
M. Li, T. Ranzani, S. Sareh, L. Seneviratne, P. Dasgupta, H. Wurdemann, K. Althoefer. Multi-Fingered Haptic Palpation utilizing Granular Jamming Stiffness Feedback Actuators. Smart Materials and Structures. 2014.
Noh, S. Sareh, J. Back, H.A. Wurdemann, Ranzani T, E.L. Secco, A. Faragasso, H. Liu, K. Althoefer. Proceedings of Robotics and Automation (ICRA). A Three Axial Body Force Sensor for Flexible Manipulator. 2014; 6388-6393.
Manwell, T. Vítek, T. Ranzani, A. Menciassi, K. Althoefer and H. Liu. 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). Elastic mesh braided worm robot for locomotive endoscopy. Chicago. 2014; 848-851.
A. Jiang, T. Ranzani, G. Gerboni, L. Lekstutyte, K. Althoefer, P. Dasgupta, T. Nanayakkara. Robotic Granular Jamming: Does the Membrane Matter?. Soft Robotics. 2014; 1(3):192-201.
Cianchetti, T. Ranzani, G. Gerboni, T. Nanayakkara, K. Althoefer, P. Dasgupta, A. Menciassi. Soft robotics technologies to address shortcomings in today’s minimally invasive surgery: the STIFF-FLOP approach. Soft Robotics. 2014; 1(2):122-131.
Manwell T, Vítek T, Ranzani T, Menciassi A, Althoefer K, Liu H. Elastic mesh braided worm robot for locomotive endoscopy. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2014; 2014:848-51. PMID: 25570092
Wang, T. Geng, Y. Elsayed, T. Ranzani, C. Saaj and C. Lekakou. 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). A new coefficient-adaptive orthonormal basis function model structure for identifying a class of pneumatic soft actuators. 2014; 530-535.
Zimmermann M, Ranzani T, Menciassi A, Menciassi A, Kellner B. Development of a Cable Actuated Joint for a Surgical Robotic Flexible Arm. Biomed Tech (Berl). 2013 08; 58 Suppl 1. PMID: 24043112
M. Silvestri, T. Ranzani, A. Argiolas, M. Vatteroni, A. Menciassi. A multi-point of view 3D camera system for minimally invasive surgery. Sensors and Actuators A: Phys. 2013; 202:204-210.
Ranzani, M. Silvestri, A. Argiolas, M. Vatteroni, A. Menciassi. Proceedings of Robotics and Automation (ICRA). A novel trocar-less, multi-point of view, magnetic actuated laparoscope. 2013; 1199-1204.
Salerno, T. Mazzocchi, T. Ranzani, F. Mulana, P. Dario, A. Menciassi. 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Safety systems in magnetic driven wireless capsule endoscopy. 2013; 3090-3095.
Tortora, M. Salerno, T. Ranzani, S. Tognarelli, P. Dario, A. Menciassi. 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). A modular magnetic platform for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery. 2013; 6265-6268.
Tortora G, Salerno M, Ranzani T, Tognarelli S, Dario P, Menciassi A. A modular magnetic platform for Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013; 2013:6265-8. PMID: 24111172
Di Natali, T. Ranzani, M. Simi, A. Menciassi and P. Valdastri. Proceedings of Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Trans-abdominal Active Magnetic Linkage for robotic surgery: Concept definition and model assessment. 2012; 695-700.
Ranzani, C. Di Natali, M. Simi, A. Menciassi, P. Dario, P. Valdastri. Proc. of 4th Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics. A novel surgical robotic platform minimizing access trauma. London. 2011.