Ronni Ann Schnell, DMD
Clinical Professor
Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine
General Dentistry

DMD, Boston University
BA, Queens College, City University of New York

Projects in progress:

1. Academic – Introduction of an Evidence Based Dentistry Program into the curriculum of DMD3 and AS2 dental students; Clinical Topics in Removable Prosthodontics. This segment teaches the students to be critical thinkers and evaluate the evidence prior to making a clinical decision for using a new dental product or clinical technique. Their project involves research of a PICO question, collecting and analyzing the evidence and preparing and presenting a Powerpoint to be discussed in class.

2. Academic – Assessment of the variety of different teaching tools employed in my courses and the effect of their success upon the student’s learning.
Our students come from a wide demographic and possess different learning styles. I have attempted to address those styles by utilizing the following tools including but not limited to: Powerpoints, annotations, DVD’s, podcasts, hands-on demonstrations, evidence-based and problem-based learning activities.

3. Clinical – Presentation of a predictable and yet simple way to design cast partial denture frameworks. By following a recipe containing a flow chart of the rules of partial denture design, one can methodically arrive at a fool proof method of designing cast partial denture frameworks for definitive treatment with long term success.

4. Clinical – Predoctoral Implantology Program; the diagnosis, treatment planning and restoration of 2 mandibular implant fixtures with a lower overdenture and respective attachments. Presentation of the data will show the trends since the inception of this 3-year program.

Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.

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  1. Janket SJ, Surakka M, Jones JA, Lam A, Schnell RA, Rose LM, Walls AW, Meurman JH. Removable dental prostheses and cardiovascular survival: a 15-year follow-up study. J Dent. 2013 Aug; 41(8):740-6.View Related Profiles. PMID: 23770385; DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2013.05.009;
  2. Spears R, Leite LP, Schnell RA, Dellinges M, Brooks HE, Itaya LE. AEGD programs: why now, why more? J Dent Educ. 2013 Jan; 77(1):17-23. PMID: 23314461

This graph shows the total number of publications by year, by first, middle/unknown, or last author.

Bar chart showing 2 publications over 1 distinct years, with a maximum of 2 publications in 2013


2015 Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity: Teacher Appreciation Award
2013 Academy of General Dentistry: Lifelong Learning and Service Recognition Award
2012 Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity: Teacher Appreciation Award
2010 Boston Uniersity Goldman School of Dental Medicine: Spencer N. Frankl Award for Excellence in Teaching
2008 Lambda Mu Chapter : Omicron Kappa Upsilon
Contact for Mentoring:

635 Albany Street
Boston MA 02118
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