Institutional Career Development04/15/2020 - 03/31/2025 (PI)
NIH/National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences5KL2TR001411-09
Creating Opportunities for Underrepresented Researchers to Achieve Growth and Excellence (COURAGE)07/15/2022 - 05/31/2027 (Multi-PI)
Natalia E. Morone, MD, MSMassachusetts General Hospital NIH1U24DK132733-01
Mentoring and Patient-Oriented Research in Mind and Body Practices09/15/2021 - 08/31/2026 (PI)
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health/NIH/DHHS
COPC Administrative Supplement to Group-Based Mindfulness for Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain in the Primary Care09/06/2022 - 08/31/2025 (PI)
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health/NIH/DHHS3UH3AT010621-04S1
Group-Based Mindfulness for Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain in the Primary Care Setting - UH3
09/18/2020 - 08/31/2025 (PI)
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health/NIH/DHHS4UH3AT010621-02
IMPACT: Integrative Mindfulness-Based Predictive Approach for Chronic low back pain Treatment09/21/2023 - 08/31/2024 (Multi-PI)
Natalia E. Morone, MD, MSWorcester Polytechnic Institute NIH NINDS1UG3NS135168-01
Diversity Supplement for Group-based mindfulness for patients with chronic pain in the primary care setting09/15/2021 - 08/31/2024 (PI)
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health/NIH/DHHS3UH3AT010621-03S1
Building Up08/15/2019 - 06/30/2024 (Multi-PI)
Natalia E. Morone, MD, MSUniversity of Pittsburgh NIH NIGMS1U01GM132133-01
Admin Supplement to Group-Based Mindfulness for Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain in the Primary Care09/15/2021 - 08/31/2023 (PI)
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health/NIH/DHHS3UH3AT010621-03S2
Creating and Optimizing Mindfulness Measures to Enhance and Normalize Clinical Evaluation(COMMENCE)07/01/2018 - 06/30/2023 (Subcontract PI)
Natalia E. Morone, MD, MSNorthwestern University NIH NCCIH
Integrated Technology-Based Intervention to Reduce Heavy Drinking and Chronic Pain among Patients…05/15/2019 - 04/30/2023 (Subcontract PI)
Natalia E. Morone, MD, MSBoston University NIH NIAAA
Showing 10 of 12 results.
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Group-based mindfulness for patients with chronic low back pain in the primary care setting09/28/2019 - 08/31/2021 (PI)
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health/NIH/DHHS1UG3AT010621-01
Leading Emerging and Diverse Scientist to Success(LEADS)06/01/2018 - 07/31/2021 (Subcontract PI)
Natalia E. Morone, MD, MSUniversity of Pittsburgh NIH NIGMS