Juanita Belton, PA-C, MPH
Assistant Professor
Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine

MPH, Boston University School of Medicine
BS, Clark Atlanta University

Juanita Belton, PA-C, MPH joined Boston University Medical Center's Dempsey Center for Digestive Disease in 2018 as a Physician Assistant in the Crohn's and Colitis Research Center. She is specializes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and general GI including IBS, GERD, and abd pain. Mrs. Belton received her Bachelor of Biology from the Historically Black College Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, Georgia. She went on to attend Boston University School of Public Health Concentrating in Maternal and Child Health. After earning her MPH, she joined BMC's Project Trust for three years providing HIV, Hep C, and STD testing and Education. She left Project Trust to attend Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences earning her Masters in Physician Assistant Studies. She has 10 years experience practicing as a Physician Assistant. Before bringing her skills to BMC, she previously practiced Gastroenterology and Primary Care at Cambridge Health Alliance in Everett, MA and in Correctional Medicine at Hampden Correctional Center in Western, Mass. She is currently an instructor in Gastroenterology at Chobanian and Avedisian School of Medicine.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility

Racial Champion, Division of Gastroenterology
Development of DEI working group, implementation of DEI book club, created Grand Rounds DEI Education Series

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