Predoctoral Training in Primary Care07/01/2004 - 06/30/2007 (PI)
HHS/HRSA/Bureau of Health Professionals5 D56 HP03355-02-00
Electronic Learning in Family Medicine07/01/1999 - 06/30/2004 (PI)
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Predoctoral Training in Primary Care07/01/2000 - 06/30/2003 (PI)
HHS/HRSA/Bureau of Health Professionals5 D16 HP00009 03
Virtual World Health Behavior Counseling for Patients with Diabetes08/31/2010 - 08/30/2013 (PI)
NIH-NLM1RC1 LM010412-01
Development and Delivery of Lectures in the Virtual World Second Life for the Research Methods Cours04/01/2010 - 06/30/2012 (PI)
World Health Org
WHO eLearning Project12/03/2007 - 12/31/2010 (PI)
World Health Org
Solving the Adoption of Innovation Dilemma for Solo and Small-Group Practices01/01/2007 - 12/31/2009 (PI)
Phys Fdn for Health Ctr Excellence
Antenatal Care Online Course03/01/2005 - 07/31/2008 (PI)
World Health Org
TV-Based Self-Management Platform for Children with Asthma06/27/2006 - 03/31/2008 (PI)
BL Healthcare NIH-NICHD1 R43 HD051194-01
Boston Healthnet Fund07/01/2004 - 06/30/2007 (PI)
Boston Healthnet Corporation
Managing Chronic Disease with Internet Supported Team06/01/2003 - 06/30/2007 (PI)
The Commonwealth Fund
Distance Education for Health (WHO)04/01/2003 - 04/30/2005 (PI)
World Health Org