Autism Secondary Data Analysis Research (SDAR) Program09/01/2022 - 09/15/2023 (PI)
Maternal and Child Health Bureau/HRSA/DHHS
Testing the Effectiveness of an Adapted Family-Centered Autism Transition Intervention in a Safety Net Hospital Setting
11/01/2022 - 08/31/2023 (PI)
Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Fund
Autism Adaptive Community-Based Treatment to Improve Outcomes Using Navigators (ACTION) Network09/07/2017 - 07/31/2023 (Subcontract PI)
Jocelyn Kuhn, PhDFlorida State University College of Medicine NIH1R01HD093055-01
2/2-Testing the impact of early screening on the long-term outcomes of children with ASD03/09/2020 - 12/31/2021 (PI)
National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS1R01MH121599-01