Chadi Tannoury, MD, FAOA
Associate Professor
Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
Orthopaedic Surgery

MD, Lebanese University

Dr. Chadi Tannoury was born in Lebanon and earned his medical training at the Lebanese University of Beirut, and completed his Orthopaedic residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia and his fellowship training in Spine surgery at RUSH university medical center in Chicago.

Dr. Tannoury is trained to treat a wide spectrum of spinal pathologies including but not limited to minimally invasive spine surgery, spinal surgery for degenerative conditions, reconstructive spinal surgery for deformative conditions, and surgery for spinal trauma.

While in training, Dr. Tannoury won multiple awards and honors recognizing his outstanding clinical achievements and highlighting the outstanding level of kindness and compassion for the patient entrusted to his care. Additionally, Dr. Tannoury extensively investigated and published numerous basic science and groundbreaking clinical orthopaedic researches.

Through his clinical and academic achievements, Dr. Tannoury proved a national and international distinction via multiple podium presentations, grand rounds presentations, and contributed to the orthopaedic literature with more than 50 peer reviewed articles, book chapters, and selected abstracts.

Moreover, Dr. Tannoury’s work expanded beyond the art of medicine into the art of medical illustrations, and his drawings complimented multiple publications and contributed to better understanding of various spinal pathologies and surgical techniques.

Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.

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  1. Hayashi D, Regnard NE, Ventre J, Marty V, Clovis L, Lim L, Nitche N, Zhang Z, Tournier A, Ducarouge A, Kompel AJ, Tannoury C, Guermazi A. Deep learning algorithm enables automated Cobb angle measurements with high accuracy. Skeletal Radiol. 2024 Dec 17.View Related Profiles. PMID: 39688663
  2. Saade A, Tannoury T, Bhale R, Singh V, Das A, Tannoury C. Hardware failure following multilevel posterior percutaneous fixation using the minimally invasive antepsoas (MIS-ATP) approach in adult spine deformity. J Spine Surg. 2024 Sep 23; 10(3):438-449.View Related Profiles. PMID: 39399085; PMCID: PMC11467289; DOI: 10.21037/jss-23-127;
  3. Saade A, Denwood HM, Tannoury T, Tannoury C. Surgical management of intramedullary cervical spinal sarcoidosis complicated by transient unilateral weakness: A case report. Surg Neurol Int. 2024; 15:76.View Related Profiles. PMID: 38628516; PMCID: PMC11021060; DOI: 10.25259/SNI_41_2024;
  4. Tannoury T, Seo HH, Saade A, Chahine MN, Atallah B, Tannoury C. Evaluating the safe zone for lumbar pedicle screws: are midline crossing screws indicative of pedicle breach? Spine J. 2024 Apr; 24(4):617-624.View Related Profiles. PMID: 37939920
  5. Tannoury T, Saade A, Thomas DC, Wisco J, Ajmi Q, Singh V, AbdalKader M, Tannoury C. The "V" Sign: A Reliable Anatomic and Radiographic Landmark for Posterior Percutaneous S1 Screw Placement. JB JS Open Access. 2023; 8(3).View Related Profiles. PMID: 37675205; PMCID: PMC10476810; DOI: 10.2106/JBJS.OA.22.00079;
  6. Chokshi FH, Kadom N, Dwivedi N, Kundu S, Moussa AY, Tannoury C, Tannoury T. Corrigendum to "Radiographic Cobb Angle: A Feature of Congenital Lumbar Spine Stenosis". Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology Volume 48, Issue 1, January-February 2019, Pages 45-49. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 2023 Mar 22.View Related Profiles. PMID: 36964072
  7. Chokshi FH, Kadom N, Dwivedi N, Kundu S, Moussa AY, Tannoury C, Tannoury T. Corrigendum to "Radiographic Cobb Angle: A Feature of Congenital Lumbar Spine Stenosis". Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology Volume 48, Issue 1, January-February 2019, Pages 45-49. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 2023; 52(4):312.View Related Profiles. PMID: 36964072
  8. Samartzis D, Aboushaala K, Albert TJ, Cha T, Chee A, Diwan AD, Espinoza-Orias A, Hu SS, Inoue N, Jacobs JJ, Lenke LG, Louie PK, Martin JT, Nassr A, Oh C, Phillips FM, Riew KD, Shen FH, Tannoury C, Vaccaro AR, Wong AYL, Yoon ST. Howard S. An: 2023 ISSLS Wiltse Lifetime Achievement Award. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2023 Mar 17. PMID: 36940256
  9. Samartzis D, Aboushaala K, Albert TJ, Cha T, Chee A, Diwan AD, Espinoza-Orias A, Hu SS, Inoue N, Jacobs JJ, Lenke LG, Louie PK, Martin JT, Nassr A, Oh C, Phillips FM, Riew KD, Shen FH, Tannoury C, Vaccaro AR, Wong AYL, Yoon ST. Howard S. An: 2023 International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine Wiltse Lifetime Achievement Award. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2023 Jun 01; 48(11):810-813. PMID: 36940256
  10. Tarawneh OH, Garay-Morales S, Liu IZ, Pakhchanian H, Kazim SF, Roster K, McDaniel L, Tabaie SA, Vellek J, Raiker R, Schmidt MH, Bowers CA, Tannoury T, Tannoury C. Impact of COVID-19 on Spinal Diagnosis and Procedural Volume in the United States. Global Spine J. 2024 Jul; 14(6):1714-1727.View Related Profiles. PMID: 36688402; PMCID: PMC9892815; DOI: 10.1177/21925682231153083;
Showing 10 of 91 results. Show More

This graph shows the total number of publications by year, by first, middle/unknown, or last author.

Bar chart showing 89 publications over 19 distinct years, with a maximum of 13 publications in 2017


2016 Elsevier - The Spine Journal: Highly Cited Research Award
2016 Spine Technology and Educational Group: Educational Scholarship Award
2014 Spine Technology and Educational Group: Educational Scholarship Award
2010-2011 Thomas Jefferson University Hospital: Everett Gordon Award
2010-2011 Thomas Jefferson University Hospital: Orthopaedic In-Training Exam Award
2010 OREF: AOA Leadership Forum
2009 OREF - ORS: Clinician Scientist Development Program
2009-2010 Thomas Jefferson University Hospital: Mark Chilton Award
2009-2010 Thomas Jefferson University Hospital: Orthopaedic In-Training Exam Award

1- Nishant Dwivedi, MS 2016-2017,BUSM Summer research project "Lumbar Lordosis and Congenital Lumbar Stenosis Project" Co-author (See publications)
2- Liliana Cygan, BA, 2016-2017, Candidate, Master of Science Thesis Mentorship “Safety of Multilevel Anterior Cervical Fusion”
3- Christopher Krukonis, PA Student, 2017-2018 Candidate, Master of Science. Thesis Mentorship “Development of adjacent segment disease following Multilevel Anterior Cervical Fusion"
4- Kathleen Chen, MS 2018-Present Research Fellow Ongoing Research projects
5- Avilash Das, MS 2018-Present BUSM Summer research project Ongoing Research Projects
6- Rahul Bhale, MS 2017-Present BUSM, Research Fellow Ongoing Research Projects
7- Molly Vora, MS 2018-Present BUSM Summer research project Ongoing Research Projects
8- Nirupa Gadi, MS 2018-Present BUSM, Research Fellow Ongoing Research Projects
9- Jeongeum Kim, Undergraduate Student 2018-Present Research-for-Credit, BU Biology Ongoing Research Projects
10- Katharine Workman, MS 2018-Present Research Fellow Ongoing Research Projects
11- Alyssa Gaimmanco, MS 2018-Present Research Fellow Ongoing Research Projects

1- Jason Pittman, MD 2014-Present, Resident Fellowship, Training, Career Coaching, Co-author (See publications)
2- Anthony Degiacomo, MD 2014-2015, Resident Residency, Co-author (See publications)
3- Eric Chen, MD 2016-2017, Resident Residency Training, Co-author (See publications)
4- Brian Mercer, MD 2017-Present, Resident Residency Training, Career coaching, Co-author (See publications)
5- David Sing, MD 2017-Present, Resident Residency Training, Career coaching, Co-author (See publications)
6- Justin Koh, MD 2018-Present, Resident Residency Training, Career coaching, “Opioid in Orthopedic” Research

1- Chirag Berry MD, 2013-2014, Clinical Fellow Fellowship training, Career Coaching
2- Sourabh Mukherjee, MD 2014-2015, Clinical Fellow Fellowship training, Career Coaching
3- Omar Alnori, MD 2015-Present, Clinical Fellow Fellowship training, Career Coaching, Co-author (See publications)
4- Ahmed Moussa, MD 2016-2017, Research Fellow, Creation of Orthopedic Spine Research Data base at BUMC, Co-author (See publications)
5- Akhil Tawari, MD 2016-Present, Clinical Fellow Fellowship training, Career Coaching, Co-author (See publications)
6- Abhijeet Kadam, MD 2017-2018, Clinical Fellow Fellowship training, Career Coaching, Co-author (See publications)
7- Kaveh Haddadi, MD 2017-2018, Research Fellow Creation of Orthopedic Spine Research Data base at BUMC, Co-author (See publications)
8- Harish Kempegowda, MD 2018-Present Clinical Fellow Fellowship training, Career Coaching, Co-author (See publications)
9- Giuseppe Orlando, MD 2018-Present Clinical Fellow Fellowship training, Career Coaching, Ongoing Research Projects

1- Ibrahim Raphael, MS 2009-2011, Foreign Medical Student , Research Fellowship
2- Joseph Karam, MS 2009-Present, Foreign Medical Student Research Fellowship, Orthopedic Residency, Career Coaching
3- Yazeed Gussous, MD 2010-Present, Orthopedic Resident University of Chicago Fellowship Training, Career Coaching

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