Mariner WK. Beyond Lifestyle: Governing the Social Determinants of Health. American Journal of Law & Medicine. 2016; 42:284-309. View Publication
Mariner WK. Reconsidering constitutional protection for health information privacy. Univ. of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law. 2016; 18(3):975-1054. View Publication
Mariner WK. Beyond Lifestyle: Governing the Social Determinants of Health. Am J Law Med. 2016 05; 42(2-3):284-309. PMID: 29086640
Mariner WK, Cannella ME. The Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights: Window Dressing for Data Mining?. Human Rights. 2016; 41(4):20-21.
Mariner WK. The picture begins to assert itself: Rules of construction for Essential Health Benefits in health insurance plans subject to the Affordable Care Act. Annals of Health Law. 2015; 24(2):437-469. View Publication
Mariner WK, Annas GJ. PUBLIC HEALTH LAW, SECOND EDITION. Matthew Bender. NY. 2014.
Mariner WK. Paternalism, Public Health, and Behavioral Economics: A Problematic Combination. Connecticut Law Review. 2014; 46(5):1817-1838. View Publication
Mariner WK. Allocating Responsibility for Health Care Decisions under the United States Affordable Care Act. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública [Portuguese Journal of Public Health]. 2014; 2(32):144-150 . View Publication
Mariner WK. Health insurance is dead; long live health insurance. Am J Law Med. 2014; 40(2-3):195-214. PMID: 25211992
Mariner WK. Did Legal Education Fail Health Reform? And How Health Law Can Help. Indiana Health Law Review. 2013; 10(1):1-37. View Publication
Mariner WK, Glantz LH, Annas GJ. . Reframing Federalism -- The Affordable Care Act (and Broccoli) in the Supreme Court. New Engl J Med. July 18, 2012, PMID: 22809363, http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMhle1208437. 2012. View Publication
Mariner WK, Hall MA, Gluck AR, Fried C. Brief of 104 Health Law Professors as Amici Curiae in Support of Petititoners, in U.S. Department of Health and Human Services v. State of Florida, No. 11-398, Supreme Court of the United States (Jan. 13, 2012). 2012.
Mariner WK. The Affordable Care Act Individual Coverage Requirement: Ways to Frame the Commerce Clause Issue. Annals of Health Law. 2012; 21:45-62.
Mariner WK. . The Affordable Care Act and Health Promotion: The Role of Insurance in Defining Responsibility for Health Risks and Costs. Duquesne L. Rev. 2012; 50: 271-331. 2012.
Mariner WK, Balkin JM, Somin I. The constitutionality of the individual mandate. N Engl J Med. 2011 Oct 27; 365(17):e36. PMID: 22030004; DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1111039;
Mariner WK. Health reform: what's insurance got to do with it? Recognizing health insurance as a separate species of insurance. Am J Law Med. 2010; 36(2-3):436-51. PMID: 20726404
Lobato de Faria P, Mariner WK, Annas GJ. Defining health law or the Edgewood Syndrome. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública. 2010; 25:117-125.
Mariner WK, Annas GJ, Parmet WE. Pandemic Preparedness: A Return to the Rule of Law. Drexel L. Rev. 2009; 1: 341-382. 2009.
Mariner WK. Toward an architecture of health law. Am J Law Med. 2009; 35(1):67-87. PMID: 19534256
Mariner WK. . Legal responsibility to research subjects: liability and compensation for injury. The Oxford Textbook of Clinical Research Ethics, Emmanuel EJ et al., eds. 2008; 682-696.
Mariner WK. . Social solidarity and personal responsibility in health reform. Connecticut Insurance Law Journal. 2008; 14(2):199-228.
Mariner WK. Health Affairs. An epidemic of disease reporting. Book review of Searching Eyes: Privacy, the State, and Disease Surveillance in America, by Amy L. Fairchild, Ronald Bayer, and James Colgrove. 2008; 27(6):1742-1743.
Mariner WK, Lobato de Faria P., eds., . Law and Ethics in Rationing Access to Care in a High-Cost Global Economy. 2008.
Mariner WK. DePaul Law Review. Book Review: The Health Care Mess by Julius B. Richmond and
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Mariner WK. Mission creep: public health surveillance and medical privacy. Boston Univ L Rev. 2007; 87:347-395.
Mariner WK. Law in the name of public health: Ignoring freedoms and entitlements. Progressive Lawyering, Globalization and Markets: Rethinking Ideology and Strategy, Clare Dalton, ed. 2007; 309-341.
Wing KR, Mariner WK, Annas GJ, Strouse, DS. . Public Health Law. 2007.
Mariner WK. . Medicine and public health: crossing legal boundaries. Journal of Health Care Law & Policy. 2007; 10:121-151.
Mariner WK. The role of law in controlling epidemics: lessons from TB, HIV and SARS. The Role of Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights to Promote a Safer and Healthier World, Paula Lobato de Faria, ed. 2006; 123-182.
Mariner WK. Law and public health: beyond emergency preparedness. J Health Law. 2005; 38(2):247-85. PMID: 16270670
James Sabin, Robert Fanelli, Helen Flaherty, Nawfal Istfan, Wendy Mariner, Janet Nally Barnes, Janey S.A. Pratt, Laura Rossi, Patricia Samour. Best practice guidelines on informed consent for weight loss surgery patients. Obesity Research. 2005; 13:250-253.
Mariner WK. The Supreme Court's limitation of managed-care liability. N Engl J Med. 2004 Sep 23; 351(13):1347-52. PMID: 15385665
Mariner WK. Law and health system change. Health Aff (Millwood). 2004 Jul-Aug; 23(4):284. PMID: 15318591
Mariner WK. Can consumer-choice plans satisfy patients? Problems with theory and practice in health insurance contracts. Brooklyn Law Review. 2004; 69(2):485-542.
Mariner WK. Taking informed consent seriously in global HIV vaccine research. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2003 Feb 1; 32(2):117-23. PMID: 12571519
Mariner WK. Public health and law: past and future visions. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 2003; 28(2-3):525-552.
Mariner WK. Independent external review of health maintenance organizations' medical-necessity decisions. N Engl J Med. 2002 Dec 26; 347(26):2178-82. PMID: 12501237
Mariner WK. Human subjects. National Law Journal. 2002; A25.
Mariner WK. Managed care liability. Journal of Public Health Policy. 2002; 22(2):238-241.
Mariner WK. Bioterrorism Act – the wrong response. National Law Journal. 2001; A21.
Parmet WE, Mariner WK. A health act that jeopardizes public health. The Boston Globe. 2001; A15.
Mariner WK. Medical error reporting: professional tensions between confidentiality & liability. Issue Brief (Mass Health Policy Forum). 2001 Nov 6; (13):1-35. PMID: 12776711
Mariner WK. Slouching toward managed care liability: reflections on doctrinal boundaries, paradigm shifts, and incremental reform. J Law Med Ethics. 2001 Fall-Winter; 29(3-4):253-77. PMID: 12056367
Mariner WK. Fair Test for Health Plans. National Law Journal. 2001; A21.
Mariner WK. Legal issues in HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment in the Russian
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Mariner WK. Court rethinks searches. National Law Journal. 2001; A21.
Mariner WK. Patients must have rights. National Law Journal. 2001; A21.
Mariner WK. European Health Forum Gastein 2000: Congress Report. The merger between public health and health law—the US situation. International Forum Gastein. Bad Hofgastein. 2001; 173-179.
Mariner WK. The common law of human experimentation. Encyclopedia of Ethical, Legal, and Policy Issues in Biotechnology, TH Murray, MJ Mehllman, eds. 2001. View Publication
Mariner WK, Feeley FG. The role of law in Russian health reform: report to the
United States Agency for International Development. 2001. View Publication
Mariner WK. Managed care shortchanges the future of health. Newsday. 2000; A50.
Mariner WK. What recourse? Liability for managed-care decisions and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. N Engl J Med. 2000 Aug 24; 343(8):592-6. PMID: 10954770
Mariner WK. Texas-Aetna pact not so good for all. National Law Journal. 2000; A19.
Mariner WK. “Insurance” is a misnomer. National Law Journal. 2000; A21.
Mariner WK. Rx for HMOs: a new agency. The Boston Sunday Globe. 2000; E3.
Mariner WK. The search for public health ethics. Leadership in Public Health. 2000; 5:3-10.
Mariner WK. Sorting out disability. National Law Journal. 1999; A22.
Mariner WK. ERISA’s protection fails for health benefits. National Law Journal. 1999; A22.
Mariner WK. Going Hollywood with patient rights in managed care. JAMA. 1999 Mar 3; 281(9):861. PMID: 10071013
Glantz LH, Annas GJ, Grodin MA, Mariner WK. Research in developing countries: taking "benefit" seriously. Hastings Cent Rep. 1998 Nov-Dec; 28(6):38-42.View Related Profiles. PMID: 9868610
Mariner WK. Mortal Peril: Our Inalienable Right to Health Care? by Richard A. Epstein. JAMA. 1998 Jan 28; 279(4):330-1. PMID: 11645015
Mariner WK. Patient rights and consumer rights in managed care. Medical Ethics. 1998; 4:8.
Mariner WK. Standards of care and standard form contracts: distinguishing patient rights and consumer rights in managed care. J Contemp Health Law Policy. 1998; 15(1):1-55. PMID: 9988993
Mariner WK. Physician assisted suicide and the Supreme Court: putting the constitutional claim to rest. Am J Public Health. 1997 Dec; 87(12):2058-62. PMID: 9431307; PMCID: PMC1381265
Mariner WK. Public confidence in public health research ethics. Public Health Rep. 1997 Jan-Feb; 112(1):33-6. PMID: 9018285; PMCID: PMC1381835
Mariner WK. From where to eternity?. Bostonia. 1997; 28-31.
Mariner WK. State regulation of managed care and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. N Engl J Med. 1996 Dec 26; 335(26):1986-90. PMID: 8960481
Mariner WK. Liability for managed care decisions: the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the uneven playing field. Am J Public Health. 1996 Jun; 86(6):863-9. PMID: 8659664; PMCID: PMC1380409
Mariner WK. Managed-Care gag cheats the patients. National Law Journal. 1996; A19:A20.
Mariner WK. Research in emergency care without consent: new proposed FDA rules. Lancet. 1995 Dec 9; 346(8989):1505-6. PMID: 7491041
Mariner WK. AIDS phobia, public health warnings, and lawsuits: deterring harm or rewarding ignorance? Am J Public Health. 1995 Nov; 85(11):1562-8. PMID: 7485674; PMCID: PMC1615706
Mariner WK. Rationing health care and the need for credible scarcity: why Americans can't say no. Am J Public Health. 1995 Oct; 85(10):1439-45. PMID: 7573634; PMCID: PMC1615628
Mariner WK. . Office of Technology Assessment, Congress of the United States. Liability and compensation for adverse reactions to HIV vaccines. Adverse Reactions to HIV Vaccines: Medical, Ethical, and Legal Issues, OTA-BP-H-163. U S Government Printing Office. Washington DC. 1995; 79-159.
Mariner WK. Business vs. medical ethics: conflicting standards for managed care. J Law Med Ethics. 1995; 23(3):236-46. PMID: 8713140
Mariner WK. Patients' rights after health care reform: who decides what is medically necessary? Am J Public Health. 1994 Sep; 84(9):1515-20. PMID: 8092386; PMCID: PMC1615162
Mariner WK. Patients' rights to care under Clinton's Health Security Act: the structure of reform. Am J Public Health. 1994 Aug; 84(8):1330-5. PMID: 8059899; PMCID: PMC1615447
Mariner WK. Outcomes assessment in health care reform: promise and limitations. Am J Law Med. 1994; 20(1-2):37-57. PMID: 7801980
Mariner WK. . Compensation for research injuries. Women and Health Research: Ethical and Legal Issues of Including Women in Clinical Studies, Vol. II. (Institute of Medicine). National Academy Press. Washington DC. 1994; II:113-126.
Mariner WK. Medical technology assessment--intended for whom? Am J Public Health. 1993 Nov; 83(11):1525-6. PMID: 8238670; PMCID: PMC1694896
Mariner WK. Distinguishing "exploitable" from "vulnerable" populations: when consent is not the issue. Ethics and Research on Human Subjects: International Guidelines (Bankowski Z, Levine RJ, eds.). WHO/CIOMS. Geneva, Switzerland. 1993; 44-55.
Mariner WK. Problems with employer-provided health insurance--the Employee Retirement Income Security Act and health care reform. N Engl J Med. 1992 Dec 3; 327(23):1682-5. PMID: 1435904
Mariner WK. The Supreme Court, abortion, and the jurisprudence of class. Am J Public Health. 1992 Nov; 82(11):1556-62. PMID: 1443311; PMCID: PMC1694608
Mariner WK. Activists and the AIDS business. Science. 1992 Sep 25; 257(5078):1975-6. PMID: 17753498
Mariner WK. Mum's the word: the Supreme Court and family planning. Am J Public Health. 1992 Feb; 82(2):296-301. PMID: 1739169; PMCID: PMC1694310
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Glantz LH, Mariner WK, Annas GJ. Risky business: setting public health policy for HIV-infected health care professionals. Milbank Q. 1992; 70(1):43-79.View Related Profiles. PMID: 1316993
Mariner WK. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Health Aff (Millwood). 1992; 11(1):255-65. PMID: 1577380
Mariner WK. The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code: Human Rights in Human
Experimentation (Annas GJ, Grodin MA, eds.). AIDS research and the Nuremberg Code. Oxford University Press. New York. 1992; 286-303.
Mariner WK. Jurimetrics Journal of Law, Science & Technology. Book Review: What Kind of Life: The Limits of Medical Progress, by Daniel Callahan. 1991; 31:349-355.
Mariner WK. Medical and Health Annual 1992. Health Care Law. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago. 1991; 312-316.
Mariner WK. Report for Recommendation 91-4: Innovation and challenge: the first year of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Administrative Conference of the United States, Recommendations and Reports 1991. Administrative Conference of the United States. Washington DC. 1991; 409-527.
Mariner WK. The ethical conduct of clinical trials of HIV vaccines. Eval Rev. 1990 Oct; 14(5):538-64. PMID: 11656282
Mariner WK. New FDA drug approval policies and HIV vaccine development. Am J Public Health. 1990 Mar; 80(3):336-41. PMID: 2305921; PMCID: PMC1404696
Annas GJ, Glantz LH, Mariner WK. The right of privacy protects the doctor-patient relationship. JAMA. 1990 Feb 9; 263(6):858-61.View Related Profiles. PMID: 2296149
Annas GJ, Glantz LH, Mariner WK, Johnsen D, Wilder MJ, Orentlicher D, Pine RN, Michelman FI, Redlich N, Neuwirth SR, Carty-Bennia D. Perspectives on the abortion controversy: amici for appellees -- Brief for bioethicists for privacy as amicus curiae supporting appellees Webster and women's equality Webster and the fundamental right to make medical decisions Abortion counseling and the First Amendment: open questions after Webster Brief for 885 law professors in support of maintaining adherence to the Roe decision. Am J Law Med. 1990 Jan 8; 15(2-3):169-203.View Related Profiles. PMID: 11656584
Mariner WK, Glantz LH, Annas GJ. Pregnancy, drugs, and the perils of prosecution. Crim Justice Ethics. 1990 Winter-Spring; 9(1):30-41.View Related Profiles. PMID: 11650909
Mariner WK. Trends in Product Liability Law and No Fault Compensation for Drug Induced Injuries (Shulman, SR and Lasagna, L, eds.). The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in the United States: a preliminary overview. Tufts University. Boston MA. 1990.
Annas GJ, Glantz LH, Mariner WK. The right of privacy and the doctor patient relationship. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1990; 263:858-861.
Mariner WK. Why clinical trials of AIDS vaccines are premature. Am J Public Health. 1989 Jan; 79(1):86-91. PMID: 2642371; PMCID: PMC1349480
Mariner WK. Equitable access to biomedical advances: getting beyond the rights impasse. Conn Law Rev. 1989; 21(3):571-603. PMID: 11650430
Andrews L, Mariner WK. Report of the National Conference on Birth, Death, and Law. Jurimetrics Journal of Law, Science & Technology. 1989; 29:403-436.
Andrews LB, Mariner WK. National Conference on Birth, Death, and Law: report. Jurimetrics. 1989; 29(4):403-36. PMID: 11652560
Annas GJ, Glantz LH, Mariner WK. Brief for bioethicists for privacy as amicus curiae supporting appellees. Am J Law Med. 1989; 15(2-3):169-77.View Related Profiles. PMID: 2603858
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Mariner WK. . Informed consent in the post modern era. Law & Social Inquiry. 1988; 13:385-406.
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Mariner WK, Gallo RC. Getting to market: the scientific and legal climate for developing an AIDS vaccine. Law Med Health Care. 1987; 15(1-2):17-26. PMID: 3669712
Mariner WK, Nelson LJ. Report on the American Society of Law & Medicine's Health Teachers Conference. Cahier de Droit Medical et d'Ethique Medicale. 1987; 14:87-90.
Mariner WK, Clark ME. Confronting the immunization problem: proposals for compensation reform. Am J Public Health. 1986 Jun; 76(6):703-8. PMID: 3706602; PMCID: PMC1646786
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Mariner WK. . Prospective payment for hospital services: social responsibility and the limits of legal standards. Cumberland Law Review. 1986; 17:379-415.
Mariner WK. Access to health care and equal protection of the law: the need for a new heightened scrutiny. Am J Law Med. 1986; 12(3-4):345-80. PMID: 3330409
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Mariner WK. The law and the public's health, by K.R. Wing. Journal of Legal Medicine. 1986; 7(1):113-123.
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Mariner WK, ed. Health Law and Professional Education: Report of the Task Force on Health Law Curricula. U. Detroit Law Review. 1985; 63:245 301.
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Mariner WK. Decision making in the care of terminally ill incompetent persons: concerns about the role of the courts. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1984 Oct; 32(10):739-46. PMID: 6481053
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