Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other
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Patwari AK. Management of Diarrhea - Changing Trends in Last 50 Years. Indian Pediatr. 2018 01 15; 55(1):63-65. PMID: 29396937
Jain P, Patwari AK. Responding to Reviewers Comments. Indian Pediatr. 2016 Dec 15; 53(12):1093-1095. PMID: 28064263
Patwari AK. Programmatic perspective of single dose hepatitis A vaccine administered in childhood. Indian Pediatr. 2015 Aug; 52(8):661-2. PMID: 26388622
Sharma P, Kumar CM, Patwari AK. Clinical profile of early diagnosed dengue fever in hospitalized children in South Delhi. Indian J Pediatr. 2014 Sep; 81(9):975. PMID: 24633950; DOI: 10.1007/s12098-014-1386-7;
Kumar CM, Patwari AK. Updated national guidelines for pediatric tuberculosis in India, 2012: some unresolved issues. Indian Pediatr. 2013 Aug; 50(8):801-2. PMID: 24036650
Patwari AK. Millennium development goals and child undernutrition. Indian Pediatr. 2013 May 8; 50(5):449-52. PMID: 23778725
Patwari AK, Kumar S, Beard J. Undernutrition among infants less than 6 months of age: an underestimated public health problem in India. Matern Child Nutr. 2015 Jan; 11(1):119-26.View Related Profiles. PMID: 23551459; DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12030;
Patwari AK. Risk factors for mortality in children hospitalized with pneumonia. Indian Pediatr. 2012 Nov; 49(11):869-70. PMID: 23255698
Kapoor A, Patwari AK, Kumar P, Jain A, Narayan S. Serum soluble interleukin-2 receptor, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha as markers of celiac disease activity. Indian J Pediatr. 2013 Feb; 80(2):108-13. PMID: 22766904; DOI: 10.1007/s12098-012-0830-9;
Showing 10 of 112 results.
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Patwari AK. Indian Medical Association and Unicef: Prevention and treatment of childhood diarrhea. Diarrhea prevention and control need for integrated approaches. J Indian Med Assoc. 2012 May; 110(5):339-40. PMID: 23360034
Nair H, Hazarika I, Patwari A. A roller-coaster ride: Introduction of pentavalent vaccine in India. J Glob Health. 2011 Jun; 1(1):32-5. PMID: 23198099; PMCID: PMC3484747
Chaturvedi S, Arora NK, Dasgupta R, Patwari AK. Are we reluctant to talk about cultural determinants? Indian J Med Res. 2011 Apr; 133:361-3. PMID: 21537086; PMCID: PMC3103166
Mathew JL, Patwari AK, Gupta P, Shah D, Gera T, Gogia S, Mohan P, Panda R, Menon S. Acute respiratory infection and pneumonia in India: a systematic review of literature for advocacy and action: UNICEF-PHFI series on newborn and child health, India. Indian Pediatr. 2011 Mar; 48(3):191-218. PMID: 21478555
Rizal A, Beard J, Patwari A. Acute respiratory infection Boston university's collaborative research work in the last decade. Indian Pediatr. 2010 Jan; 47(1):19-24.View Related Profiles. PMID: 20139473
Rachakonda G, Choudekar A, Parveen S, Bhatnagar S, Patwari A, Broor S. Genetic diversity of noroviruses and sapoviruses in children with acute sporadic gastroenteritis in New Delhi, India. J Clin Virol. 2008 Sep; 43(1):42-8. PMID: 18602864; DOI: 10.1016/j.jcv.2008.05.006;
Agarwal S, Narayan S, Sharma S, Kahkashan E, Patwari AK. Hemophagocytic syndrome associated with visceral leishmaniasis. Indian J Pediatr. 2006 May; 73(5):445-6. PMID: 16741336
Patwari AK, Kapur G, Satyanarayana L, Anand VK, Jain A, Gangil A, Balani B. Catch-up growth in children with late-diagnosed coeliac disease. Br J Nutr. 2005 Sep; 94(3):437-42. PMID: 16176616
Kapur G, Patwari AK, Narayan S, Anand VK. Serum prolactin in celiac disease. J Trop Pediatr. 2004 Feb; 50(1):37-40. PMID: 14984168
Kapur G, Patwari AK, Narayan S, Anand VK. Iron supplementation in children with celiac disease. Indian J Pediatr. 2003 Dec; 70(12):955-8. PMID: 14719782
Patwari AK, Anand VK, Kapur G, Narayan S. Clinical and nutritional profile of children with celiac disease. Indian Pediatr. 2003 Apr; 40(4):337-42. PMID: 12736407
Goel N, Sherwal BL, Patwari AK, Bajaj P, Choudhury M. Evaluation of invasive and non-invasive diagnostic modalities for Helicobacter pylori infection in children. Indian Pediatr. 2003 Feb; 40(2):141-6. PMID: 12626829
Banerjee TK, Patwari AK, Dutta R, Anand VK, Chabra A. Cladosporium bantianum meningitis in a neonate. Indian J Pediatr. 2002 Aug; 69(8):721-3. PMID: 12356227
Jain A, Patwari AK, Bajaj P, Kashyap R, Anand VK. Association of gastroesophageal reflux disease in young children with persistent respiratory symptoms. J Trop Pediatr. 2002 Feb; 48(1):39-42. PMID: 11866335
Patwari AK, Bajaj P, Kashyp R, Anand VK, Gangil A, Jain A, Kapoor G. Diagnostic modalities for gastroesophageal reflux. Indian J Pediatr. 2002 Feb; 69(2):133-6. PMID: 11929028
Patwari AK, Raina N. Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI): a robust strategy. Indian J Pediatr. 2002 Jan; 69(1):41-8. PMID: 11876120
Gangil A, Patwari AK, Aneja S, Ahuja B, Anand VK. Feeding problems in children with cerebral palsy. Indian Pediatr. 2001 Aug; 38(8):839-46. PMID: 11520994
Gangil A, Patwari AK, Bajaj P, Kashyap R, Anand VK. Gastroesophageal reflux disease in children with cerebral palsy. Indian Pediatr. 2001 Jul; 38(7):766-70. PMID: 11463964
Patwari AK, Anand VK, Malhotra V, Balani B, Gangil A, Jain A, Kapoor G. Brush cytology: an adjunct to diagnostic upper GI endoscopy. Indian J Pediatr. 2001 Jun; 68(6):515-8. PMID: 11450381
Balani B, Kumar R, Patwari AK, Anand VK. Bilateral adrenal cysts in a newborn. Indian Pediatr. 2000 Dec; 37(12):1370-3. PMID: 11119342
Basu S, Patwari AK, Aneja S, Anand VK, Seth A, Taluja V. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis: a clinical dilemma. J Trop Pediatr. 2000 Dec; 46(6):380-1. PMID: 11191155
Balani B, Patwari AK, Bajaj P, Diwan N, Anand VK. Recurrent abdominal pain--a reappraisal. Indian Pediatr. 2000 Aug; 37(8):876-81. PMID: 10951636
Sarkar R, Basu S, Patwari AK, Sharma RC, Dutta AK, Sardana K. An appraisal of pediatric dermatological emergencies. Indian Pediatr. 2000 Apr; 37(4):425-9. PMID: 10781239
Kumar R, Balani B, Patwari AK, Anand VK, Ahuja B. Goldenhar syndrome with rare associations. Indian J Pediatr. 2000 Mar; 67(3):231-3. PMID: 10838727
Mohan B, Patwari AK, Anand VK. Hepatic dysfunction in childhood dengue infection. J Trop Pediatr. 2000 Feb; 46(1):40-3. PMID: 10730040
Kumar R, Balani B, Patwari AK, Aneja S, Anand VK. CHARGE association. Indian Pediatr. 1999 Sep; 36(9):927-30. PMID: 10744875
Singh UK, Patwari AK, Sinha RK, Kumar R. Prognostic value of serum C-reactive protein in kala-azar. J Trop Pediatr. 1999 Aug; 45(4):226-8. PMID: 10467834
Bhatnagar S, Patwari AK, Narayan S, Lalit S, Anand VK. Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome. Indian Pediatr. 1999 Aug; 36(8):824-7. PMID: 10742740
Bansal D, Patwari AK, Logani KB, Malhotra VL, Anand VK. Study of diagnostic modalities and pathology of Helicobacter pylori infection in children. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 1999 Jul; 42(3):311-5. PMID: 10862290
Patwari AK. Helicobacter pylori infection in Indian children. Indian J Pediatr. 1999; 66(1 Suppl):S63-70. PMID: 11132472
Patwari AK. Diarrhoea and malnutrition interaction. Indian J Pediatr. 1999; 66(1 Suppl):S124-34. PMID: 11132459
Patwari AK, Arora NK, Sibal A. Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition have made major progress during the last two decades. Indian J Pediatr. 1999; 66(1 Suppl):S1-3. PMID: 11132455
Aggarwal A, Ganguly S, Anand VK, Patwari AK. Efficacy and safety of intravenous ketamine for sedation and analgesia during pediatric endoscopic procedures. Indian Pediatr. 1998 Dec; 35(12):1211-4. PMID: 10216697
Singh SN, Patwari AK, Dutta R, Taneja N, Anand VK. Naegleria meningitis. Indian Pediatr. 1998 Oct; 35(10):1012-5. PMID: 10216726
Singh SK, Chandra J, Patwari AK, Aneja S, Anand VK, Dutta AK. Tuberculous meningitis in early infancy. Indian Pediatr. 1998 Sep; 35(9):887-90. PMID: 10216598
Aggarwal A, Chandra J, Aneja S, Patwari AK, Dutta AK. An epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome in children in Delhi. Indian Pediatr. 1998 Aug; 35(8):727-32. PMID: 10216566
Bansal D, Patwari AK, Malhotra VL, Malhotra V, Anand VK. Helicobacter pylori infection in recurrent abdominal pain. Indian Pediatr. 1998 Apr; 35(4):329-35. PMID: 9770887
Aggarwal A, Arora S, Patwari AK. Breastfeeding among urban women of low-socioeconomic status: factors influencing introduction of supplemental feeds before four months of age. Indian Pediatr. 1998 Mar; 35(3):269-73. PMID: 9707884
Bansal D, Patwari AK, Logani KB, Jain R, Anand VK. Congenital hepatic fibrosis. Indian Pediatr. 1998 Feb; 35(2):170-2. PMID: 9707862
Seema, Patwari AK, Satyanarayana L. Relactation: an effective intervention to promote exclusive breastfeeding. J Trop Pediatr. 1997 Aug; 43(4):213-6. PMID: 9283123
Julka R, Deb M, Patwari AK, Jain M. Mycobacterial lymphadenitis. Indian Pediatr. 1997 Apr; 34(4):334-7. PMID: 9332100
Patwari AK. Helicobacter pylori infection. Indian Pediatr. 1996 Nov; 33(11):899-903. PMID: 9141823
Anand VK, Arora S, Patwari AK, Agarwal GD, Dewan N. Multidrug resistance in Vibrio cholerae. Indian Pediatr. 1996 Sep; 33(9):774-7. PMID: 9057408
Patwari AK. A standard regimen for treatment of plasmodium vivax malaria. Indian Pediatr. 1996 Sep; 33(9):792-4. PMID: 9057417
Sibal A, Patwari AK, Anand VK, Chhabra AK, Chandra D. Associated infections in persistent diarrhoea--another perspective. J Trop Pediatr. 1996 Apr; 42(2):64-7. PMID: 8984216
Patwari AK, Aneja S, Ravi RN, Singhal PK, Arora SK. Convulsions in tuberculous meningitis. J Trop Pediatr. 1996 Apr; 42(2):91-7. PMID: 8984221
Patwari AK. Resuscitation of infants by nasal route. Indian Pediatr. 1996 Apr; 33(4):350-2. PMID: 8772921
Patwari AK, Aneja S, Chandra D, Singhal PK. Long-term anticonvulsant therapy in tuberculous meningitis--a four-year follow-up. J Trop Pediatr. 1996 Apr; 42(2):98-103. PMID: 8984222
Patwari AK. Breastfeeding and atopy. Indian Pediatr. 1996 Mar; 33(3):265-6. PMID: 8772861
Patwari AK, Bisht S, Srinivasan A, Deb M, Chattopadhya D. Aetiology of pneumonia in hospitalized children. J Trop Pediatr. 1996 Feb; 42(1):15-20. PMID: 8820615
Patwari AK. Cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities in seizures. Indian Pediatr. 1996 Jan; 33(1):83-5. PMID: 8772968
Chandra J, Anand V, Patwari AK, Mandal RN, Aneja S, Sharma D. Kala-azar: experience from a non-endemic area in India. J Trop Pediatr. 1995 Oct; 41(5):298-300. PMID: 8531263
Mahajan R, Lodha A, Anand R, Patwari AK, Anand VK, Garg DP. Cranial sonography in bacterial meningitis. Indian Pediatr. 1995 Sep; 32(9):989-93. PMID: 8935262
Amin V, Patwari AK, Kumar G, Anand VK, Diwan N, Peshin S. Clinical profile of cholera in young children--a hospital based report. Indian Pediatr. 1995 Jul; 32(7):755-61. PMID: 8617551
Patwari AK, Singh BS, Manorama DE. Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone in acute bacterial meningitis. Ann Trop Paediatr. 1995 Jun; 15(2):179-83. PMID: 7677422
Patwari AK. Experiences in case management of diarrhoea in large hospitals. J Indian Med Assoc. 1995 Jun; 93(6):243-4, 236, 242. PMID: 7499899
Chhabra A, Patwari AK, Aneja S, Chandra J, Anand VK, Ahluwalia TP. Neuromuscular manifestations of diarrhea related hypokalemia. Indian Pediatr. 1995 Apr; 32(4):409-15. PMID: 8635803
Patwari AK, Anand VK, Aneja S, Sharma D. Persistent diarrhea: management in a diarrhea treatment unit. Indian Pediatr. 1995 Mar; 32(3):277-84. PMID: 8613280
Dewan V, Patwari AK, Jain M. Subclinical vitamin A deficiency in infants and young children. Indian Pediatr. 1995 Feb; 32(2):221-4. PMID: 8635785
Dewan V, Patwari AK, Jain M, Dewan N. A randomized controlled trial of vitamin A supplementation in acute diarrhea. Indian Pediatr. 1995 Jan; 32(1):21-5. PMID: 8617529
Singh BS, Patwari AK, Deb M. Serum sodium and osmolal changes in tuberculous meningitis. Indian Pediatr. 1994 Nov; 31(11):1345-50. PMID: 7896331
Patwari AK. Multidrug resistant Shigella infections in children. J Diarrhoeal Dis Res. 1994 Sep; 12(3):182-6. PMID: 7868824
Patwari AK, Srinivasan A, Diwan N, Aneja S, Anand VK, Peshin S. Rotavirus as an aetiological organism in acute watery diarrhoea in Delhi children: reappraisal of clinical and epidemiological characteristics. J Trop Pediatr. 1994 Aug; 40(4):214-8. PMID: 7932934
Jagadish K, Patwari AK, Sarin SK, Prakash C, Srivastava DK, Anand VK. Hepatic manifestations in typhoid fever. Indian Pediatr. 1994 Jul; 31(7):807-11. PMID: 7890343
Mehra S, Aneja S, Choudhury M, Patwari AK. Vitamin A deficiency in children with acute diarrhoea. J Diarrhoeal Dis Res. 1994 Jun; 12(2):125-8. PMID: 7963342
Chandra J, Patwari AK. Diagnosis and treatment of kala-azar. Indian Pediatr. 1994 Jun; 31(6):741-8. PMID: 7896411
Patwari AK, Deb M, Dudeja M, Jayasheela M, Agarwal A, Singh P. Clinical and laboratory predictors of invasive diarrhoea in children less than five years old. J Diarrhoeal Dis Res. 1993 Dec; 11(4):211-6. PMID: 8188992
Anand VK, Patwari AK. Amebiasis in children. Indian Pediatr. 1993 Nov; 30(11):1373-8. PMID: 8039869
Mishra S, Kumar H, Anand VK, Patwari AK, Sharma D. ARI control programme: results in hospitalized children. J Trop Pediatr. 1993 Oct; 39(5):288-92. PMID: 8271336
Singh BS, Patwari AK, Deb M. Cerebrospinal fluid osmolal changes in bacterial meningitis. Indian Pediatr. 1993 Oct; 30(10):1193-7. PMID: 8077010
Antony TJ, Patwari AK, Anand VK, Pillai PK, Aneja S, Sharma D. Duodenal string test in typhoid fever. Indian Pediatr. 1993 May; 30(5):643-7. PMID: 8282391
Patwari AK. Communication with mothers--key to child survival. Indian J Pediatr. 1992 Sep-Oct; 59(5):555-9. PMID: 1459676
Chattopadhya D, Chatterjee R, Anand VK, Kumari S, Patwari AK. Lower respiratory tract infection in hospitalized children due to respiratory syncytial (RS) virus during a suspected epidemic period of RS virus in Delhi. J Trop Pediatr. 1992 Apr; 38(2):68-73. PMID: 1569638
Mishra S, Patwari AK, Anand VK, Pillai PK, Aneja S, Chandra J, Sharma D. Multidrug resistant typhoid fever: therapeutic considerations. Indian Pediatr. 1992 Apr; 29(4):443-8. PMID: 1506095
Patwari AK, Kumar H, Anand VK, Aneja S, Sharma D. Diarrhea training and treatment unit: experience from a teaching hospital. Indian J Pediatr. 1991 Nov-Dec; 58(6):775-81. PMID: 1818871
Patwari AK. Cost effective strategy for promotion of appropriate case management of diarrheal diseases--establishment of DTUs. Indian J Pediatr. 1991 Nov-Dec; 58(6):783-7. PMID: 1818872
Mishra S, Patwari AK, Anand VK, Pillai PK, Aneja S, Chandra J, Sharma D. A clinical profile of multidrug resistant typhoid fever. Indian Pediatr. 1991 Oct; 28(10):1171-4. PMID: 1797669
Patwari AK, Anand V, Kumar H, Aneja S, Mullick D. Knowledge and perceptions of residents regarding case management of acute diarrhea. Indian Pediatr. 1991 Aug; 28(8):887-92. PMID: 1808076
Srinivasan A, Patwari AK, Logani KB, Madhulika. Malignant histiocytosis with jaundice and splenomegaly. Indian J Pediatr. 1990 Nov-Dec; 57(6):793-4. PMID: 2131312
Aneja S, Kumar H, Jain V, Patwari AK. Road to health card: perceptions and skills of health personnel. Indian Pediatr. 1990 Nov; 27(11):1218-20. PMID: 2081647
Gupta PC, Patwari AK, Mullick DN. Alopecia with rickets: an end organ unresponsiveness to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D--a case report. Indian J Med Sci. 1990 Sep; 44(9):239-43. PMID: 2269515
Singhal PK, Taneja DK, Patwari AK, Mullick DN. Advantages of breast feeding--knowledge among paramedical health personnel and mothers. Indian Pediatr. 1989 May; 26(5):492-5. PMID: 2599621
Halder D, Nagpaul I, Patwari AK, Mullick DN. Chloroquine psychosis. Indian J Pediatr. 1988 Nov-Dec; 55(6):983-5. PMID: 3235150
Patwari AK, Aneja S, Mandal RN, Mullick DN. Acute respiratory infections in children: a hospital based report. Indian Pediatr. 1988 Jul; 25(7):613-7. PMID: 3220536
Singhal PK, Kumar H, Rastogi V, Saili A, Patwari AK, Mullick DN. Accidental poisoning. Indian Pediatr. 1988 Apr; 25(4):350-3. PMID: 3265696
Singhal PK, Taneja DK, Patwari AK, Mullick DN. Breast feeding--a primary prevention. J Trop Pediatr. 1988 Apr; 34(2):92-3. PMID: 3385860
Halder D, Patwari AK. Acute rheumatic fever at 3 years of age. Indian Pediatr. 1988 Apr; 25(4):395-6. PMID: 3225056
Patwari AK, Kulkarni R, Aneja S, Audu I. Anthropometric standards of privileged neonates in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Cent Afr J Med. 1988 Apr; 34(4):78-84. PMID: 3248302
Patwari AK, Aneja S. Urinary schistosomiasis in schoolchildren. Trop Doct. 1988 Jan; 18(1):1-4. PMID: 3124307
Singhal PK, Patwari AK, Kanodia KK, Mullick DN. Third generation cephalosporins. Indian Pediatr. 1987 Dec; 24(12):1131-5. PMID: 3330059
Yachha SK, Patwari A, Bhan S, Hussain A, Singh D. Cerebrospinal fluid and blood glucose levels in febrile convulsions. Indian Pediatr. 1981 Feb; 18(2):117-9. PMID: 7263003
Patwari A, Aneja S, Singh G, Manhas RS. A study of taeniasis in children. Indian Pediatr. 1980 Jun; 17(6):515-7. PMID: 7216400
Manhas RS, Patwari A, Raina C, Singh A. Acute nephritis in Kashmiri children--a clinical and epidemiological profile (a study of 350 cases). Indian Pediatr. 1979 Nov; 16(11):1015-21. PMID: 541057
Aneja S, Manchanda R, Patwari A, Sagreiya K, Bhargava SK. Normal hematological values in newborns. Indian Pediatr. 1979 Sep; 16(9):781-6. PMID: 536019
Patwari A, Aneja S, Jasrotia JS, Gandotra VK. Health and nutritional status of school children in Kathua District of Jammu & Kashmir. Indian Pediatr. 1979 Sep; 16(9):797-802. PMID: 536021
Patwari A, Joseph PK, Aneja S, Ghosh S. Serum haptoglobins in childhood malaria. Indian Pediatr. 1979 Aug; 16(8):665-7. PMID: 397925
Patwari A, Nabi G, Nadroo AM, Singh D, Manhas RS. Pulmonary changes in rickets in children. Indian Pediatr. 1979 May; 16(5):413-5. PMID: 511321
Patwari A, Aneja S, Berry AM, Ghosh S. Hepatic dysfunction in childhood malaria. Arch Dis Child. 1979 Feb; 54(2):139-41. PMID: 373643; PMCID: PMC1545372
Patwari A, Aneja S, Berry AM, Ghosh S. Neonatal malaria--a clinico-hematological profile. Indian Pediatr. 1978 Oct; 15(10):847-9. PMID: 730310
Singh D, Kite P, Patwari A. Nitro blue tetrazolium test in neonates. Indian Pediatr. 1978 Sep; 15(9):747-9. PMID: 569643
Ghosh S, Patwari A, Mohan M, Berry AM. Clinical and hematologic peculiarities of malaria in infancy. A study of 40 infants. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 1978 Apr; 17(4):369-71. PMID: 346290
Mohan M, Berry AM, Dass PB, Patwari A. Congenital sub-glottic stenosis--(a case report). Indian Pediatr. 1977 Sep; 14(9):739-40. PMID: 612630
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