Andrew Hickey
Research Assistant
Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
Virology, Immunology & Microbiology

Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.

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  1. Weir BW, Wirtz AL, Chemnasiri T, Baral SD, Decker M, Dun C, Hnin Mon SH, Ungsedhapand C, Dunne EF, Woodring J, Pattanasin S, Sukwicha W, Thigpen MC, Varangrat A, Warapornmongkholkul A, O'Connor S, Ngo JP, Qaragholi N, Sisel HI, Truong JM, Janyam S, Linjongrat D, Sriplienchan S, Sirivongrangson P, Rooney JF, Sullivan P, Chua-Intra B, Hickey AC, Beyrer C. High PrEP uptake, adherence, persistence and effectiveness outcomes among young Thai men and transgender women who sell sex in Bangkok and Pattaya, Thailand: findings from the open-label combination HIV prevention effectiveness (COPE) study. Lancet Reg Health Southeast Asia. 2023 Aug; 15:100217. PMID: 37614346; PMCID: PMC10442968; DOI: 10.1016/j.lansea.2023.100217;
  2. Li SS, Hickey A, Shangguan S, Ehrenberg PK, Geretz A, Butler L, Kundu G, Apps R, Creegan M, Clifford RJ, Pinyakorn S, Eller LA, Luechai P, Gilbert PB, Holtz TH, Chitwarakorn A, Sacdalan C, Kroon E, Phanuphak N, de Souza M, Ananworanich J, O'Connell RJ, Robb ML, Michael NL, Vasan S, Thomas R. HLA-B*46 associates with rapid HIV disease progression in Asian cohorts and prominent differences in NK cell phenotype. Cell Host Microbe. 2022 Aug 10; 30(8):1173-1185.e8. PMID: 35841889; PMCID: PMC9380401; DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2022.06.005;
  3. Wang Z, Dang HV, Amaya M, Xu Y, Yin R, Yan L, Hickey AC, Annand EJ, Horsburgh BA, Reid PA, Smith I, Eden JS, Xu K, Broder CC, Veesler D. Potent monoclonal antibody-mediated neutralization of a divergent Hendra virus variant. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 May 31; 119(22):e2122769119. PMID: 35617431; PMCID: PMC9295758; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2122769119;
  4. Truong JM, Chemnasiri T, Wirtz AL, Mon SHH, Varangrat A, Decker M, Janyam S, Linjongrat D, Sirivongrangson P, Hickey AC, Weir BW, Beyrer C. Diverse contexts and social factors among young cisgender men and transgender women who sell or trade sex in Bangkok and Pattaya, Thailand: formative research for a PrEP program implementation study. AIDS Care. 2022 Nov; 34(11):1443-1451. PMID: 35473429; PMCID: PMC9596612; DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2022.2067317;
  5. Weir BW, Dun C, Wirtz AL, Mon SHH, Qaragholi N, Chemnasiri T, Pattanasin S, Sukwicha W, Varangrat A, Dunne EF, Holtz TH, Janyam S, Jin H, Linjongrat D, Mock PA, Thigpen MC, Rooney JF, Sullivan PS, Hickey AC, Sirivongrangson P, Beyrer C. Transactional sex, HIV and health among young cisgender men and transgender women who have sex with men in Thailand. Ann Epidemiol. 2022 Aug; 72:1-8. PMID: 35405344; PMCID: PMC9553034; DOI: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2022.03.012;
  6. Wang Z, Amaya M, Addetia A, Dang HV, Reggiano G, Yan L, Hickey AC, DiMaio F, Broder CC, Veesler D. Architecture and antigenicity of the Nipah virus attachment glycoprotein. Science. 2022 03 25; 375(6587):1373-1378. PMID: 35239409
  7. Pattanasin S, Griensven FV, Mock PA, Sukwicha W, Kongpechsatit O, Krasan C, O'Connor S, Hickey AC, Ungsedhapand C, Woodring JV, Connor S, Chitwarakorn A, Dunne EF. HIV and syphilis prevalence among transgender women and men who have sex with men, Silom Community Clinic, Bangkok, Thailand, 2017-2019. AIDS Care. 2022 Oct; 34(10):1305-1313. PMID: 34424784
  8. Wei F, Gaisa MM, D'Souza G, Xia N, Giuliano AR, Hawes SE, Gao L, Cheng SH, Donà MG, Goldstone SE, Schim van der Loeff MF, Neukam K, Meites E, Poynten IM, Dai J, Combes JD, Wieland U, Burgos J, Wilkin TJ, Hernandez AL, Iribarren Díaz M, Hidalgo-Tenorio C, Valencia Arredondo M, Nyitray AG, Wentzensen N, Chow EP, Smelov V, Nowak RG, Phanuphak N, Woo YL, Choi Y, Hu Y, Schofield AM, Woestenberg PJ, Chikandiwa AT, Hickey AC, de Pokomandy A, Murenzi G, Péré H, Del Pino M, Ortiz AP, Charnot-Katsikas A, Liu X, Chariyalertsak S, Strong C, Ong JJ, Yunihastuti E, Etienney I, Ferré VM, Zou H, Segondy M, Chinyowa S, Alberts CJ, Clifford GM. Epidemiology of anal human papillomavirus infection and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in 29?900 men according to HIV status, sexuality, and age: a collaborative pooled analysis of 64 studies. Lancet HIV. 2021 09; 8(9):e531-e543. PMID: 34339628; PMCID: PMC8408042; DOI: 10.1016/S2352-3018(21)00108-9;
  9. Wimonsate W, Sriporn A, Pattanasin S, Varangrat A, Promda N, Sukwicha W, Holtz TH, Ungsedhapand C, Chitwarakorn A, Hickey AC, Dunne EF. Antiretroviral treatment initiation among HIV-positive participants in the Bangkok men who have sex with men cohort study, 2006-2016. Int J STD AIDS. 2021 07; 32(8):687-693. PMID: 33629883
  10. Tongtoyai J, Tatakham N, Cherdtrakulkiat T, Sirivongrangson P, Hickey A. Neisseria Meningitidis Urethritis in a Thai Male. J Health Sci Med Res JHSMR. 2021; 39(3):251-255. PMID: 33898941; PMCID: PMC8064693; DOI: 10.31584/jhsmr.2020773;
Showing 10 of 29 results. Show More

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Bar chart showing 29 publications over 14 distinct years, with a maximum of 5 publications in 2022


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