Drewette-Card R, DeJong W, Geshnizjani A. Society of Health and Physical Educators—America, Eastern District Conference. Physical activity knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and preferences of adolescents in a rural Maine town. Atlantic City. 2017.
Taylor CA, McKasson S, Hoy G, DeJong W. Parents' Primary Professional Sources of Parenting Advice Moderate Predictors of Parental Attitudes toward Corporal Punishment. J Child Fam Stud. 2017 Feb; 26(2):652-663. PMID: 28529440
Rulison KL, Wahesh E, Wyrick DL, DeJong W. Parental Influence on Drinking Behaviors at the Transition to College: The Mediating Role of Perceived Friends' Approval of High-Risk Drinking. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2016 Jul; 77(4):638-48. PMID: 27340969
Rinker DV, Diamond PM, Walters ST, Wyatt TM, DeJong W. Distinct Classes of Negative Alcohol-Related Consequences in a National Sample of Incoming First-Year College Students: A Latent Class Analysis. Alcohol Alcohol. 2016 Sep; 51(5):602-8. PMID: 27325885; DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agw036;
DeJong W. Boards of trustees must assume responsibility for making alcohol prevention on campus a top priority. J Am Coll Health. 2016; 64(1):80-4. PMID: 26158381; DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2015.1048455;
Ross CS, Siegel MB, DeJong W, Naimi T, Jernigan DH . Alcohol Policy. Brand advertising works: Models of alcoholic brand advertising’s association with underage drinking. Arlington. 2016; 17.
Siegel MB, Jernigan DH, DeJong W, Naimi T, Roberts S, Ross C. Alcohol Policy. Shattered myths: The contribution of brand-specific alcohol research to alcohol epidemiology and prevention. 2016; 17.
Dorji G, DeJong W, Bor J, Bachman DeSilva M, Sabin L, Feeley FR, Udon P, Wangchuk N, Wangdi U, Choden T, Gurung MS, Chogyel T, Wangchuk D, Kypri K. Increasing compliance with alcohol service laws in a developing country: intervention trial in the Kingdom of Bhutan. Addiction. 2016 Mar; 111(3):467-74.View Related Profiles. PMID: 26476020; DOI: 10.1111/add.13202;
Siegel M, Ross CS, Albers AB, DeJong W, King C, Naimi TS, Jernigan DH. The relationship between exposure to brand-specific alcohol advertising and brand-specific consumption among underage drinkers--United States, 2011-2012. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2016; 42(1):4-14.View Related Profiles. PMID: 26479468; PMCID: PMC4767625; DOI: 10.3109/00952990.2015.1085542;
Greece JA, Kratze A, DeJong W, Cozier YC, Quatromoni PA. Body Mass Index and Sociodemographic Predictors of School Lunch Purchase Behavior during a Year-Long Environmental Intervention in Middle School. Behav Sci (Basel). 2015; 5(2):324-40.View Related Profiles. PMID: 26067683; PMCID: PMC4493450; DOI: 10.3390/bs5020324;
Ross CS, Maple E, Siegel M, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Padon AA, Borzekowski DL, Jernigan DH. The relationship between population-level exposure to alcohol advertising on television and brand-specific consumption among underage youth in the US. Alcohol Alcohol. 2015 May; 50(3):358-64.View Related Profiles. PMID: 25754127; PMCID: PMC4398991; DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agv016;
Albers AB, Siegel M, Ramirez RL, Ross C, DeJong W, Jernigan DH. Flavored alcoholic beverage use, risky drinking behaviors, and adverse outcomes among underage drinkers: results from the ABRAND Study. Am J Public Health. 2015 Apr; 105(4):810-5.View Related Profiles. PMID: 25713955; PMCID: PMC4358196; DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302349;
Drewette-Card R, DeJong W. American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL. Physical activity determinants for adolescents in a rural Maine town and their implications for local programs and policies. 2015.
Grube JW, Krevor BS, Lipperman-Kreda S, DeJong W. Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction. An evaluation of a responsible retailing program to reduce alcohol sales to minors. Society of Addiction Psychology. Baltimore. 2015.
DeJong W, Blanchette J. When enough is enough: the public health argument for the age 21 minimum legal drinking age. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2014 Nov; 75(6):1050-2.View Related Profiles. PMID: 25343665
Albers AB, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Siegel M, Jernigan DH. The relationship between alcohol price and brand choice among underage drinkers: are the most popular alcoholic brands consumed by youth the cheapest? Subst Use Misuse. 2014 Nov; 49(13):1833-43.View Related Profiles. PMID: 25183436; PMCID: PMC4192130; DOI: 10.3109/10826084.2014.935790;
Fairlie AM, DeJong W, Wood MD. Local Support for Alcohol Control Policies and Perceptions of Neighborhood Issues in Two College Communities. Subst Abus. 2015; 36(3):289-96. PMID: 25085566; PMCID: PMC4312725; DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2014.937516;
Ross CS, Maple E, Siegel M, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Ostroff J, Padon AA, Borzekowski DL, Jernigan DH. The relationship between brand-specific alcohol advertising on television and brand-specific consumption among underage youth. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2014 Aug; 38(8):2234-42.View Related Profiles. PMID: 24986257; PMCID: PMC4146644; DOI: 10.1111/acer.12488;
Roberts SP, Siegel MB, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Jernigan DH. The relationships between alcohol source, autonomy in brand selection, and brand preference among youth in the USA. Alcohol Alcohol. 2014 Sep-Oct; 49(5):563-71.View Related Profiles. PMID: 25113176; PMCID: PMC4128668; DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agu034;
DeJong W, Blanchette J. Case closed: research evidence on the positive public health impact of the age 21 minimum legal drinking age in the United States. J Stud Alcohol Drugs Suppl. 2014; 75 Suppl 17:108-15.View Related Profiles. PMID: 24565317
Croff JM, DeJong W, Wyatt TM. American Academy of Health Behavior, Charleston, SC. The influence of state-level policy on Salvia divinorum use. 2014.
DeJong W. US News and World Report. Having 21 as the drinking age saves lives. 2014. View Publication
Paschall MJ, Ringwalt C, Wyatt T, Dejong W. Effects of an online alcohol education course among college freshmen: an investigation of potential mediators. J Health Commun. 2014 Apr; 19(4):392-412. PMID: 24156616; PMCID: PMC4222190; DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2013.811328;
Calise TV, Heeren T, DeJong W, Dumith SC, Kohl HW. Do neighborhoods make people active, or do people make active neighborhoods? Evidence from a planned community in Austin, Texas. Prev Chronic Dis. 2013; 10:E102.View Related Profiles. PMID: 23786909; PMCID: PMC3690827; DOI: 10.5888/pcd10.120119;
Nguyen N, Walters ST, Wyatt TM, DeJong W. Do college drinkers learn from their mistakes? Effects of recent alcohol-related consequences on planned protective drinking strategies among college freshmen. Subst Use Misuse. 2013 Dec; 48(14):1463-8. PMID: 23750616; DOI: 10.3109/10826084.2013.778278;
Wyatt TM, Dejong W, Dixon E. Population-level administration of AlcoholEdu for college: an ARIMA time-series analysis. J Health Commun. 2013 Aug; 18(8):898-912. PMID: 23742712
Siegel M, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Fortunato EK, Albers AB, Heeren T, Rosenbloom DL, Ross C, Ostroff J, Rodkin S, King C, Borzekowski DL, Rimal RN, Padon AA, Eck RH, Jernigan DH. Brand-specific consumption of alcohol among underage youth in the United States. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2013 Jul; 37(7):1195-203.View Related Profiles. PMID: 23398328; PMCID: PMC3655157; DOI: 10.1111/acer.12084;
Testa L, Greece JA, DeJong W, Cozier YC, Quatromoni PA. American Public Health Association, Boston, MA. Effects of an environmental-level school-based healthy eating intervention on school lunch participation and snack food purchases of middle school children. 2013.
Rimal RN, Padon A, Jernigan D, Siegel M, DeJong W. Challenging Communication Research. Tapping into motivations for drinking among youth: Normative beliefs about alcohol use among underage drinkers in the United States. International Communication Association. London. 2013.
DiLoreto JT, Siegel M, Hinchey D, Valerio H, Kinzel K, Lee S, Chen K, Shoaff JR, Kenney J, Jernigan DH, DeJong W. Assessment of the average price and ethanol content of alcoholic beverages by brand--United States, 2011. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2012 Jul; 36(7):1288-97.View Related Profiles. PMID: 22316218; PMCID: PMC3349795; DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-0277.2011.01721.x;
Schneider SK, DeJong W, Clapp J, Towvim L, O’Donnell L. American Public Health Association. Reports of driving under the influence of alcohol and marijuana among a regional sample of Massachusetts high school students. San Francisco. 2012.
Siegel M, Ayers A, Albers A, Fortunato E, Jernigan DH, DeJong W, Naimi TS. American Public Health Association. Differences in brand-specific alcohol consumption among youth by age, gender, race, and socioeconomic status: United States, 2011. San Francisco. 2012.
Calise TV, Dumith SC, Dejong W, Kohl HW. The effect of a neighborhood built environment on physical activity behaviors. J Phys Act Health. 2012 Nov; 9(8):1089-97. PMID: 22207103
Abrams GB, Kolligian J, Mills DL, DeJong W. Failure of college students to complete an online alcohol education course as a predictor of high-risk drinking that requires medical attention. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2011 Nov; 37(6):515-9. PMID: 21846304; DOI: 10.3109/00952990.2011.600383;
Nguyen N, Walters ST, Wyatt TM, DeJong W. Use and correlates of protective drinking behaviors during the transition to college: analysis of a national sample. Addict Behav. 2011 Oct; 36(10):1008-14. PMID: 21719203; DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2011.06.002;
Krevor BS, Ponicki WR, Grube JW, DeJong W. The effect of mystery shopper reports on age verification for tobacco purchases. J Health Commun. 2011 Sep; 16(8):820-30. PMID: 21541874; PMCID: PMC3285291; DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2011.561912;
Taylor CA, Hamvas L, Rice J, Newman DL, DeJong W. Perceived social norms, expectations, and attitudes toward corporal punishment among an urban community sample of parents. J Urban Health. 2011 Apr; 88(2):254-69. PMID: 21336503; PMCID: PMC3079037; DOI: 10.1007/s11524-011-9548-7;
Nguyen N, Walters ST, Rinker DV, Wyatt TM, DeJong W. Fake ID ownership in a US sample of incoming first-year college students. Addict Behav. 2011 Jul; 36(7):759-61. PMID: 21371826; DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2011.01.035;
Scribner RA, Theall KP, Mason K, Simonsen N, Schneider SK, Towvim LG, DeJong W. Alcohol prevention on college campuses: the moderating effect of the alcohol environment on the effectiveness of social norms marketing campaigns. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2011 Mar; 72(2):232-9. PMID: 21388596; PMCID: PMC3052893
Fairlie AM, DeJong W, Wood MD. Society for Prevention Research. Public support for local alcohol control policies in two college communities. Washington, DC. 2011.
DeJong W, Timpf K, Wyatt T. NASPA Annual Conference (National Association of School Personnel Administrators). Sexual assault beliefs and attitudes of freshmen college students (Program ID-531). Philadelphia. 2011.
DeJong W, Wyatt T. NASPA Annual Conference (National Association of School Personnel Administrators). The impact of parents’ alcohol-related communication on students (Program ID-1254). Philadelphia. 2011.
Wyatt T, DeJong W. NASPA Strategies Conference 2011: Alcohol Abuse Prevention and Intervention. Spare-time university: An in-depth analysis of how college freshmen spend their time and its impact on academic and social success. Intervention (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators). Miami. 2011.
DeJong W, Walters S, Lancaster D. Alcohol Innerview 2.0. 2011.
Lovecchio CP, Wyatt TM, DeJong W. Reductions in drinking and alcohol-related harms reported by first-year college students taking an online alcohol education course: a randomized trial. J Health Commun. 2010 Oct; 15(7):805-19. PMID: 21104507; DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2010.514032;
Fairlie AM, DeJong W, Stevenson JF, Lavigne AM, Wood MD. Fraternity and sorority leaders and members: a comparison of alcohol use, attitudes, and policy awareness. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2010 Jul; 36(4):187-93. PMID: 20560837; DOI: 10.3109/00952990.2010.491878;
Huang JH, DeJong W, Schneider SK, Towvim LG. Endorsed reasons for not drinking alcohol: a comparison of college student drinkers and abstainers. J Behav Med. 2011 Feb; 34(1):64-73. PMID: 20559703; DOI: 10.1007/s10865-010-9272-x;
Fairlie AM, Quinlan KJ, Dejong W, Wood MD, Lawson D, Witt CF. Sociodemographic, behavioral, and cognitive predictors of alcohol-impaired driving in a sample of U.S. college students. J Health Commun. 2010 Mar; 15(2):218-32. PMID: 20390988; DOI: 10.1080/10810730903528074;
Scribner RA, Mason KE, Simonsen NR, Theall K, Chotalia J, Johnson S, Schneider SK, DeJong W. An ecological analysis of alcohol-outlet density and campus-reported violence at 32 U.S. colleges. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2010 Mar; 71(2):184-91. PMID: 20230715; PMCID: PMC2841728
Wyatt T, DeJong W. ASPA Strategies Conference 2010: Alcohol Abuse Prevention and Intervention (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators). College freshmen mental-health, social connectedness and alcohol use: Analysis of national data. New Orleans. 2010.
DeJong W, DeRicco B, Schneider SK. Pregaming: an exploratory study of strategic drinking by college students in Pennsylvania. J Am Coll Health. 2010 Jan-Feb; 58(4):307-16. PMID: 20159754; DOI: 10.1080/07448480903380300;
Wyatt T, DeJong W. NASPA Strategies Conference 2010: Alcohol Abuse Prevention and Intervention (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators). The growing danger of pregaming on college campuses. New Orleans. 2010.
Groller M, Lancaster D, DeJong W. AlcoholEdu for High School 2.0. 2010.
DeJong W, Wyatt T. NASPA Annual Conference (National Association of School Personnel Administrators). Alcohol use by entering college freshmen: Practice implications. Chicago. 2010.
Siegel M, DeJong W, Fortunato EK, Johnson A, DiLoreto J, Ross C, Heeren T, Naimi TS. American Public Health Association. Descriptive epidemiology of brand-specific alcohol use among underage youths. Denver. 2010.
Siegel M, DeJong W, Fortunato EK, Johnson A, DiLoreto J, Naimi TS. American Public Health Association. Development and pilot testing of a survey to measure alcohol brand preferences among underage youths. Denver. 2010.
Theall KP, DeJong W, Scribner R, Mason K, Schneider SK, Simonsen N. Social capital in the college setting: the impact of participation in campus activities on drinking and alcohol-related harms. J Am Coll Health. 2009 Jul-Aug; 58(1):15-23. PMID: 19592349; DOI: 10.3200/JACH.58.1.15-25;
Wood MD, Dejong W, Fairlie AM, Lawson D, Lavigne AM, Cohen F. Common ground: an investigation of environmental management alcohol prevention initiatives in a college community. J Stud Alcohol Drugs Suppl. 2009 Jul; (16):96-105. PMID: 19538917; PMCID: PMC2701088
Dejong W, Larimer ME, Wood MD, Hartman R. NIAAA's rapid response to college drinking problems initiative: reinforcing the use of evidence-based approaches in college alcohol prevention. J Stud Alcohol Drugs Suppl. 2009 Jul; (16):5-11. PMID: 19538907; PMCID: PMC2701095
DeJong W, Schneider SK, Towvim LG, Murphy MJ, Doerr EE, Simonsen NR, Mason KE, Scribner RA. A multisite randomized trial of social norms marketing campaigns to reduce college student drinking: a replication failure. Subst Abus. 2009 Apr-Jun; 30(2):127-40. PMID: 19347752; DOI: 10.1080/08897070902802059;
Huang JH, DeJong W, Towvim LG, Schneider SK. Sociodemographic and psychobehavioral characteristics of US college students who abstain from alcohol. J Am Coll Health. 2009 Jan-Feb; 57(4):395-410. PMID: 19114379; DOI: 10.3200/JACH.57.4.395-410;
Taylor C, Hamvas L, DeJong W, Rice JC. Normative beliefs, expectations, and use of corporal punishment: Findings from an RDD community survey. American Public Health Association: Philadelphia, PA. 2009.
Coughlin K, Groller M, DeJong W. GreekLifeEdu 1.0. 2008.
DeJong W, Lancaster D, Groller M. AlcoholEdu for College 9.0. 2008.
Anderson K, DeJong W, Lapham J, Stubbs H, Towvim L, Kessel SK, DeRicco B. Health Communications for Prevention: University of Wisconsin State System Online Training. 2008.
Bergen-Cico D, DeJong W. Pre- and post-matriculation alcohol consumption by first-year college students: Implications for prevention practice. US Department of Education’s 22nd Annual National Meeting on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention in Higher Education. 2008; 44.
DeJong W. AFT on Campus. Should the legal drinking age be lowered to 18? No. It’s not safe for youth, nor on the roads. 2008.
Scribner R, Mason K, Theall K, Simonsen N, Schneider SK, Towvim LG, DeJong W. The contextual role of alcohol outlet density in college drinking. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2008 Jan; 69(1):112-20. PMID: 18080071
DeJong W. The Chronicle of Higher Education. The age-21 law saves lives. College leaders should focus instead on prevention strategies. 2008. View Publication
Lavigne AM, Witt CF, Wood MD, Laforge R, Dejong W. Predictors of college student support for alcohol control policies and stricter enforcement strategies. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2008; 34(6):749-59. PMID: 19016180; DOI: 10.1080/00952990802385773;
Rothman EF, DeJong W, Palfai T, Saitz R. Relationship of age of first drink to alcohol-related consequences among college students with unhealthy alcohol use. Subst Abus. 2008; 29(1):33-41.View Related Profiles. PMID: 19042317; DOI: 10.1300/J465v29n01_05;
Dejong W, Towvim LG, Schneider SK. Support for alcohol-control policies and enforcement strategies among US college students at 4-year institutions. J Am Coll Health. 2007 Nov-Dec; 56(3):231-6. PMID: 18089503
Neighbors C, Walters ST, Lee CM, Vader AM, Vehige T, Szigethy T, DeJong W. Event-Specific Prevention: addressing college student drinking during known windows of risk. Addict Behav. 2007 Nov; 32(11):2667-80. PMID: 17616260; PMCID: PMC2075083
Walters ST, Neighbors C, Lee CM, Vader AM, DeJong W. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Event-specific prevention: Addressing college student drinking during known windows of risk. Research Society on Alcoholism. Chicago. 2007; 31:53A.
Cohen F, Fairlie A, Resendes A, Lawson D, Wood M, DeJong W. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. The role of a media campaign in publicizing environmental prevention initiatives in a college community. Research Society on Alcoholism. Chicago. 2007; 31:264A.
DeJong W, Schneider KS, Towvim LG. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Two multi-site randomized trials of social norms marketing campaigns to reduce college student drinking. Research Society on Alcoholism. Chicago. 2007; 31:288A.
Kaphingst KA, DeJong W, Rudd, RE. Annals of Family Medicine. Consumer effects of television direct-to-consumer pharma¬ceutical advertising (Letter). 2007. View Publication
Moscarillo TJ, Holt H, Perman M, Goldberg S, Cortellini L, Stoler JM, DeJong W, Miles BJ, Albert MS, Go RC, Blacker D. Knowledge of and attitudes about Alzheimer disease genetics: report of a pilot survey and two focus groups. Community Genet. 2007; 10(2):97-102. PMID: 17380059; DOI: 10.1159/000099087;
Walters ST, Neighbors C, Lee CM, DeJong W. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC. A review and rationale for event-specific programming. 2007.
Lancaster D, DeJong W. MentalHealthEdu. 2007.
DeJong W. The Boston Globe. Sobering thoughts on teen drinking. 2007; A10.
Saitz R, Palfai TP, Freedner N, Winter MR, Macdonald A, Lu J, Ozonoff A, Rosenbloom DL, Dejong W. Screening and brief intervention online for college students: the ihealth study. Alcohol Alcohol. 2007 Jan-Feb; 42(1):28-36.View Related Profiles. PMID: 17130139
DeJong W, Schneider SK, Towvim LG, Murphy MJ, Doerr EE, Simonsen NR, Mason KE, Scribner RA. A multisite randomized trial of social norms marketing campaigns to reduce college student drinking. J Stud Alcohol. 2006 Nov; 67(6):868-79. PMID: 17061004
Huang JH, DeJong W, Schneider SK, Towvim LG. Measuring college student drinking: illustrating the feasibility of a composite drinking scale. Subst Abus. 2006 Jun; 27(1-2):33-45. PMID: 17062543
DeJong W, Wood M, Lawson D, Quinlan KJ, Fairlie AM, Guindon AJ, Resendes, A. American Public Health Association, Boston, MA. RhodeMap to Safety: Media campaign to change college student perceptions of the campus-community alcohol environment. 2006; 102. View Publication
Kaphingst KA, Rudd RE, Dejong W, Daltroy LH. Comprehension of information in three direct-to-consumer television prescription drug advertisements among adults with limited literacy. J Health Commun. 2005 Oct-Nov; 10(7):609-19. PMID: 16278198
Hingson RW, Zakocs RC, Heeren T, Winter MR, Rosenbloom D, DeJong W. Effects on alcohol related fatal crashes of a community based initiative to increase substance abuse treatment and reduce alcohol availability. Inj Prev. 2005 Apr; 11(2):84-90.View Related Profiles. PMID: 15805436; PMCID: PMC1730191; DOI: 10.1136/ip.2004.006353;
Arnold MR, DeJong W. Skin self-examination practices in a convenience sample of U.S. university students. Prev Med. 2005 Mar; 40(3):268-73. PMID: 15533538
Russell CA, Clapp JD, Dejong W. Done 4: analysis of a failed social norms marketing campaign. Health Commun. 2005; 17(1):57-65. PMID: 15590342
Saitz R, Palfai TP, Freedner, N, Winter M, MacDonald A, Lu J, Ozonoff A, DeJong W, Rosenbloom D. Research Society on Alcoholism, Santa Barbara, CA. Alcohol screening and brief intervention online for college students. 2005; 109A.
Cohen F, Wood M, DeJong W. Narragansett Times. URI students welcome stiffer drinking rules. 2005; 8-A.
Wood M, DeJong W, Cohen F. Narragansett Times. Alcohol prevention work gets little public notice. 2005.
Kaphingst KA, DeJong W, Rudd RE, Daltroy LH. A content analysis of direct-to-consumer television prescription drug advertisements. J Health Commun. 2004 Nov-Dec; 9(6):515-28. PMID: 15764450
Kaphingst KA, Rudd RE, DeJong W, Daltroy LH. Literacy demands of product information intended to supplement television direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertisements. Patient Educ Couns. 2004 Nov; 55(2):293-300. PMID: 15530767
Kaphingst KA, DeJong W. The educational potential of direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising. Health Aff (Millwood). 2004 Jul-Aug; 23(4):143-50. PMID: 15318574
Surkan PJ, Dejong W, Herr-Zaya KM, Rodriguez-Howard M, Fay K. A paid radio advertising campaign to promote parent-child communication about alcohol. J Health Commun. 2003 Sep-Oct; 8(5):489-95. PMID: 14530150
Hsu LD, DeJong W, Hsia R, Chang M, Ryou M, Yeh E. Student leadership in public health advocacy: lessons learned from the hepatitis B initiative. Am J Public Health. 2003 Aug; 93(8):1250-2. PMID: 12893606; PMCID: PMC1447948
DeJong W. Definitions of binge drinking. JAMA. 2003 Apr 2; 289(13):1635; author reply 1636. PMID: 12672728
Rudd RE, Colton TC, Das JK, DeJong W, Hyde J. Mutual exchanges support academic and community collaboration. Public Health Rep. 2003 Jan-Feb; 118(1):80-2. PMID: 12604770; PMCID: PMC1497503
DeJong W. Youth Today Review of Books. Marketing gets unfairly branded as evil (Review of Quart A, Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers). 2003; 2(1):3-13.
Gidwani PP, Sobol A, DeJong W, Perrin JM, Gortmaker SL. Television viewing and initiation of smoking among youth. Pediatrics. 2002 Sep; 110(3):505-8. PMID: 12205251
DeJong W, Langford LM. A typology for campus-based alcohol prevention: moving toward environmental management strategies. J Stud Alcohol Suppl. 2002 Mar; (14):140-7. PMID: 12022720
DeJong W. The role of mass media campaigns in reducing high-risk drinking among college students. J Stud Alcohol Suppl. 2002 Mar; (14):182-92. PMID: 12022724
Langford L, DeJong W . American Public Health Association. Social capital and college student support for alcohol policies. Philadelphia. 2002.
Arnold M, DeJong W . Proceedings of the 2002 AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association) Annual Symposium, San Antonio, TX. Developing and testing a melanoma prevention website. 2002; 963:521-52.
Brugge D, Dejong W, Hyde J, Le Q, Shih CS, Wong A, Tran A. Development of targeted message concepts for recent Asian immigrants about secondhand smoke. J Health Commun. 2002 Jan-Feb; 7(1):25-37. PMID: 11878568
Dejong W. Finding common ground for effective campus-based prevention. Psychol Addict Behav. 2001 Dec; 15(4):292-6. PMID: 11767259
Perkins HW, Linkenbach J, Dejong W. Estimated blood alcohol levels reached by "binge" and "nonbinge" drinkers: a survey of young adults in Montana. Psychol Addict Behav. 2001 Dec; 15(4):317-20. PMID: 11767263
Dejong W, Wolf RC, Austin SB. U.S. federally funded television public service announcements (PSAs) to prevent HIV/AIDS: a content analysis. J Health Commun. 2001 Jul-Sep; 6(3):249-63. PMID: 11550592; DOI: 10.1080/108107301752384433;
DeJong W, Kastner J, Stubbs H. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Provisional drinking licenses would not reduce underage drinking. 2001; 48(4):B4-B17.
Zakocs RC, Howland J, DeJong W, Schneider SK, Laramie AK, Smith EK. American Public Health Association. Expectancies of drinking alcohol and academic performance in a sample of college seniors. Atlanta. 2001.
David S, DeJong W, Resnick N. International tobacco control: a focus group study of U.S. anti-tobacco activists. J Public Health Policy. 2001; 22(4):415-28. PMID: 11787307
Rudd RE, DeJong W. In Plain Language: The Need for Effective Communication in Medicine and Public Health. 2000.
Pulerwitz J, Gortmaker SL, DeJong W. Microbicides 2000, Washington, DC. The sexual relationship power scale: Development and future applications. 2000; 65.
Pulerwitz J, Amaro H, DeJong W, Gortmaker SL, Rudd R. American Public Health Association, Boston, MA. Relationship power and couples' use of condoms. 2000; 181.
Hyde J, DeJong W. American Public Health Association, Boston, MA. Using formative research in the risk communication process: Developing Community Confidence Reports -- Results from Massachusetts. 2000; 242.
Langford L, DeJong W, Pryor J, Mangold K. American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL. Examining college student perceptions of peer support for alcohol policies. 1999; 345.
Minsky S, Howland J, Martins P, Posner M, Klein E, Rice PA, Lambl BL, DeJong W. 1999 Annual Meeting of the International Society for Sexually Transmitted Diseases Research, Denver, CO. Predicting recurring disease among patients presenting at an inner city STD clinic. 1999.
DeJong W, Potts, CM. The Chronicle of Higher Education. College officials need to broaden their approach. 1998.
DeJong W. The Boston Herald. A plan is needed to stop binge drinking. 1998; 24.
DeJong W, Kraft C, Potts, CM. Be Vocal, Be Visible, Be Visionary: A Report from the Field by the Presidents Leadership Group. 1998.
Ryan B, DeJong W. Alcohol Policy XI, Chicago, IL. Editorial and advertising policies for covering alcohol issues in the college press (Abstract). 1998; 24.
DeJong W. 1998 National Meeting on Alcohol, Other Drugs and Violence Prevention in Higher Education, Washington, DC. Environmental management: The perspective of the Presidents Leadership Group. 1998; 76.
DeJong W. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC. Environmental management: A comprehensive approach for alcohol and other drug prevention on campus. 1998; 166.
DeJong W, Meikle, C. The Boston Globe. Students spend vacation helping people in need. 1997; A10.
DeJong W. The New Hampshire. Center applauds alcohol awareness. 1997; 15.
Franz H, Beasley C, Poretsky A, Wolfe S, DeJong W, McNamara P. American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Understanding of brain death and organ retrieval (Abstract). Denver. 1997; 265.
Franz H, Beasley C, Poretsky A, Wolfe S, DeJong W, McNamara P. American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Explanation of brain death to families of potential organ donors (Abstract). Denver. 1997; 249.
Haidet P, Perry C, DeJong W, Stone D. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Postpartum depression on television news and talk shows: An analysis of medical coverage by a mass communication medium (Abstract). 1997; 12:127.
Zweig KL, DeJong W. 1997 National Meeting on Alcohol, Other Drugs and Violence Prevention in Higher Education, San Antonio, TX. Inquiring minds want to know: Responding to questions about AOD prevention from prospective students and their parents (Abstract). 1997; 59.
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DeJong W. Alcohol Policy X. The use of designated drivers by U.S. college students: A national study (Abstract). Toronto. 1996; 38.
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Wolf RC, DeJong W. XI International Conference on AIDS. Enough already: Reevaluating the future of the U.S. government's AIDS awareness campaign (Abstract). Vancouver. 1996; 1:285.
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DeJong W. Reason. Project DARE. 1995.
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DeJong W. Health Affairs. School-based conflict resolution: Give educators some credit. 1994; 13(4):163-164.
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