Edson Serván-Mori,
Md Deen Islam,
Warren A. Kaplan,
Rachel Thrasher,
Veronika J. Wirtz. Out-of-pocket expenditure on medicines in Bangladesh: An analysis of the national household income and expenditure survey 2016–17. PLoS One. 2021; 9(17). View Publication
Yen-Han Lee, Yen-Chang Chang, Warren Kaplan, Mack Shelley & Ching-Ti Liu . Do Chinese Older Adults Rely on Social Insurance Schemes? Primary Coverage on out-of-Pocket Medical Expenses for Outpatient and Inpatient Treatments,. Journal of Social Service Research,. 2020; 46(6):1-5. View Publication
Islam D, Kaplan WA, Wirtz VJ, Gallagher K.
. The Social Costs of Graduating from Least Developed Country Status: Analyzing the impact of increased patent protection on insulin prices in Bangladesh . Global Development Policy Center, GEGI WORKING PAPER 038. 2020. View Publication
Islam MD, Kaplan WA, Trachtenberg D, Thrasher R, Gallagher KP, Wirtz VJ. Impacts of intellectual property provisions in trade treaties on access to medicine in low and middle income countries: a systematic review. Global Health. 2019 12 30; 15(1):88.View Related Profiles. PMID: 31888688; PMCID: PMC6937733; DOI: 10.1186/s12992-019-0528-0;
Rachel D. Thrasher, Veronika J. Wirtz, Warren Kaplan, Kevin P. Gallagher, Hattie Werk. Rethinking Trade Treaties and Access to Medicines. Global Development Policy Center, Pardee School, Boston University- White Paper. 2019. View Publication
Beran D, Laing RO, Kaplan W, Knox R, Sharma A, Wirtz VJ, Frye J, Ewen M. A perspective on global access to insulin: a descriptive study of the market, trade flows and prices. Diabet Med. 2019 06; 36(6):726-733.View Related Profiles. PMID: 30888075; PMCID: PMC6593686; DOI: 10.1111/dme.13947;
Barlam TF, Morgan JR, Kaplan WA, Outterson K, Pelton SI. Disproportionate Exposure to Antibiotics in Children at Risk for Invasive Pneumococcal Disease: Potential for Emerging Resistance and Opportunity for Antibiotic Stewardship. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2019 Mar 28; 8(1):63-65.View Related Profiles. PMID: 28992176
Lee YT, Lee YH, Kaplan WA. Is Taiwan's National Health Insurance a perfect system? Problems related to health care utilization of the aboriginal population in rural townships. Int J Health Plann Manage. 2019 Jan; 34(1):e6-e10. PMID: 30211960
Gallegos JE, Boyer C, Pauwels E, Kaplan WA, Peccoud J. The Open Insulin Project: A Case Study for 'Biohacked' Medicines. Trends Biotechnol. 2018 12; 36(12):1211-1218. PMID: 30220578
Sharma A, Bhandari PM, Neupane D, Kaplan WA, Mishra SR. Challenges constraining insulin access in Nepal-a country with no local insulin production. Int Health. 2018 05 01; 10(3):182-190. PMID: 29617832
Sharma A, Mishra SR, Kaplan WA. Trade in medicines and the public's health: a time series analysis of import disruptions during the 2015 India-Nepal border blockade. Global Health. 2017 Aug 22; 13(1):61. PMID: 28830500; PMCID: PMC5568715; DOI: 10.1186/s12992-017-0282-0;
Sharma A, Kaplan WA. Challenges constraining access to insulin in the private-sector market of Delhi, India. BMJ Glob Health. 2016 Nov; 1(3):e000112. PMID: 28588966; PMCID: PMC5321364; DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2016-000112;
Lee YH, Ang TFA, Chiang TC, Kaplan WA. Growing concerns and controversies to Taiwan's National Health Insurance-what are the lessons from mainland China, South Korea and Singapore? Int J Health Plann Manage. 2018 Jan; 33(1):e357-e366.View Related Profiles. PMID: 27723118; DOI: 10.1002/hpm.2387;
Wirtz VJ, Kaplan WA, Kwan GF, Laing RO. Response by Wirtz et al to Letter Regarding Article, "Access to Medications for Cardiovascular Diseases in Low- and Middle-Income Countries". Circulation. 2016 10 04; 134(14):e305-e306.View Related Profiles. PMID: 27698055
Kaplan WA, Beall RF. The global intellectual property ecosystem for insulin and its public health implications: an observational study. J Pharm Policy Pract. 2017; 10:3. PMID: 27446593; PMCID: PMC4955122; DOI: 10.1186/s40545-016-0072-8;
Mishra SR, Sharma A, Kaplan WA, Adhikari B, Neupane D. Liberating data to combat NCDs. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2016 06; 4(6):482-3. PMID: 27207276; DOI: 10.1016/S2213-8587(16)30054-7;
Sharma A, Kaplan WA, Chokshi M, Zodpey SP. Role of the private sector in vaccination service delivery in India: evidence from private-sector vaccine sales data, 2009-12. Health Policy Plan. 2016 Sep; 31(7):884-96. PMID: 26976803; DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czw008;
Beall RF, Nickerson JW, Kaplan WA, Attaran A. Is Patent "Evergreening" Restricting Access to Medicine/Device Combination Products? PLoS One. 2016; 11(2):e0148939. PMID: 26910128; PMCID: PMC4766186; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148939;
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Sharma A, Kaplan WA, Chokshi M, Hasan Farooqui H, Zodpey SP. Implications of private sector Hib vaccine coverage for the introduction of public sector Hib-containing pentavalent vaccine in India: evidence from retrospective time series data. BMJ Open. 2015; 5(2):e007038. PMID: 25712822; PMCID: PMC4342586; DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-007038;
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Wirtz VJ, Santa-Ana-Tellez Y, Trout CH, Kaplan WA. Allocating scarce financial resources for HIV treatment: benchmarking prices of antiretroviral medicines in Latin America. Health Policy Plan. 2012 Dec; 27(8):638-48.View Related Profiles. PMID: 22367770; DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czs011;
Wirtz VJ, Santa-Ana-Tellez Y, Trout CH, Kaplan WA. Allocating scarce financial resources for HIV treatment: benchmarking prices of antiretroviral medicines in Latin America. Health Policy and Planning. 2012. View Publication
Kaplan WA, Ritz LS, Vitello M. Local production of medical technologies and its effect on access in low and middle income countries: a systematic review of the literature. South Med Rev. 2011 Dec; 4(2):51-61. PMID: 23093883; PMCID: PMC3471180; DOI: 10.5655/smr.v4i2.1002;
Kaplan WA. Priority Medical Devices: Managing the Mismatch. Background paper 8: Future public health needs: communalities and differences between high and low-resource settings. World Health Organizations. Geneva. 2010. View Publication
Waning, B, Kaplan WA, King AC et al. Temporal trends in generic and brand prices of antiretroviral medicines procured with donor funds in developing countries. Journal of Generic Medicines. 2010; 7:159-175. View Publication
Waning B, Kaplan W, King AC, Lawrence DA, Leufkens HG, Fox MP. Global strategies to reduce the price of antiretroviral medicines: evidence from transactional databases. Bull World Health Organ. 2009 Jul; 87(7):520-8.View Related Profiles. PMID: 19649366; PMCID: PMC2704041; DOI: 10.2471/BLT.08.058925;
Waning, B., Kaplan, W.A., Gokhale M et al. Benchmarking Antiretroviral Prices in Countries of the Former Soviet Union. 2008. View Publication
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Kaplan WA, Laing R. Paying for pharmaceutical registration in developing countries. Health Policy Plan. 2003 Sep; 18(3):237-48.View Related Profiles. PMID: 12917265
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