Mona Jalal
Postdoctoral Fellow (previously held)
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences
Computer Science

Mona Jalal is a third-year computer science Ph.D. fellow in computer vision advised by Professor Margrit Betke and a member of the Image and Video Computing group at Boston University and a recipient of Hariri Institute for Computing Graduate Student Fellowship. She did a machine learning engineering internship at Twitter in summer 2019 on detecting “hateful conduct” in tweets using both tweet text as well as user’s sparse graph feature and user’s interactions. She was a research intern at NVIDIA in summer 2018 where she created a large-scale synthetic 6DoF object pose estimation dataset using Unreal Engine 4. Prior to joining BU, Mona was a full-time R&D Engineer 1 at the University of California, Berkeley, where she was contributing to an open-source augmented reality kit for detecting hand gestures (OpenARK). She completed her master’s in computer science in 2016 and electrical engineering in 2014 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. During her first two years of CS Ph.D. at BU, Mona has contributed to various computer vision, and vision and language, and crowdsourcing research projects.

Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.

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  1. A Smith, DA Tofu, M Jalal, EE Halim, Y Sun, V Akavoor, M Betke, P Ishwar, L Guo, D Wijaya. OpenFraming: We brought the ML; you bring the data. Interact with your data and discover its frames. arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.06974. 2020.
  2. E Saraee, M Jalal, M Betke. Visual Complexity Analysis using Deep Intermediate-Layer Features. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 2020.
  3. N Ruiz, M Jalal, V Ablavsky, D Allessio, J Magee, J Whitehill, I Arroyo, B Woolf, S Sclaroff, M Betke. Leveraging Affect Transfer Learning for Behavior Prediction in an Intelligent Tutoring System. Arxiv. 2020.
  4. M.Jalal*, K.Wang*, J. Sankara, Y. Zheng, E. O. Nsoesie, M. Betke. Scraping Social Media Photos Posted in Kenya and Elsewhere to Detect and Analyze Food Types. ACM Multimedia, 5th International Workshop on Multimedia Assisted Dietary Management. 2019.
  5. M. Jalal, J. Spjut, B. Boudaoud, M. Betke. SIDOD: A Synthetic Image Dataset for 3D Object Pose Recognition with Distractors. 6th WiCV Workshop at Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019.
  6. M. Jalal, K. K. Mays, L. Guo, M. Betke. Performance Comparison of Crowdworkers and NLP Tools on Named-Entity Recognition and Sentiment Analysis of Political Tweets. 2nd Widening Natural Language Processing (WiNLP) workshop at North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL) 2018 conference. 2018.
  7. E Saraee, M Jalal, M Betke. SAVOIAS: A Diverse, Multi-Category Visual Complexity Dataset. 2018.
  8. W. Kim, M. Jalal, S. J. Hwang, S. C. Johnson, V. Singh. Online Graph Completion: Multivariate Signal Recovery in Computer Vision. 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017; 5019-5027.
  9. M Jalal, AH Doan. A Survey on Community Mining in Social Networks. 2017.
  10. M Jalal, Z Shirmohammadi, A Patooghy, SG Miremadi. Evaluation of Application Mapping for Network-on-Chips. Proceedings of the International Conference on Real-Time & Embedded Systems (RTES 2010). 2010.
Showing 10 of 14 results. Show More

This graph shows the total number of publications by year, by first, middle/unknown, or last author.

Bar chart showing 11 publications over 5 distinct years, with a maximum of 3 publications in 2020


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2019 Women in Computer Vision: Travel Grant
2019 Hariri Institute for Computing: Fellowship
2019 Boston University: Brilliant BUD Awardee
2018 Quora: Top Writer
2018 WiNLP: Travel Grant
2018 SciPy18: Top Reviewer
2018 Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency Conference: Travel Grant
2018 Open Data Science Conference: Full Gold Scholarship
2017 Boston University: Fellowship
2016 ChefConf16: Diversity Scholarship
2016 SREcon16: Grant
2016 WACM University of Wisconsin: Golden Brick Honor
2016 Google: Travel Grant
2015 Google Anita Borg Institute: Scholarship
2015 Texas Advanced Computing Center: Scholarship
2014 Grace Hopper Celebration: Scholarship
2014 IEE BigData: TACC Scholarship
2013 CRA-W: Travel Grant
2013 Apple: Travel Grant
mHacks6: Travel Grant
VLDB15: Travel Grant
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