Medical Screening for Former DOE Workers at the Nevada Test Site, LBNL, LLNL, and Sandia Labs09/30/2005 - 01/31/2015 (PI)
Department of EnergyDE-FC01-05EH05023
Medical Screening and Surveillance of Former Beryllium-exposed Workers (Massachusetts)04/01/2003 - 06/30/2007 (PI)
Department of Energy
Medical Surveillance for Former DOE Workers at the Nevada Test Site10/01/1996 - 11/30/2005 (PI)
Department of Energy
Organizations, Work Environment, and Quality of Care09/30/2001 - 09/29/2005 (PI)
University of Connecticut HHS AHRQ
Construction Worker Exposures and Job Task Data09/06/2002 - 02/29/2004 (PI)
Center to Protect Worker's Rights (CPWR) HHS CDC NIOSH