Joan L.Bragar, EdD
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor
Boston University School of Public Health
Community Health Sciences

EdD, Harvard University
MAEd, Harvard University
BA, Harvard University

Dr. Bragar has over twenty-five years experience designing and developing leadership programs that support organizations to produce results in the public and private sectors around the world. She served at Strathmore University in Nairobi, Kenya as Academic Director for the Leading High Performing Healthcare Organizations Program and has taught leadership courses in health ministries and at business, medical and nursing schools in Egypt, Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria, and China. She designed and developed the “Leadership Development Program” (LDP) for managers at all levels of health systems, which has been implemented in more than 45 countries. This program, designed with Management Sciences for Health, has empowered managers to lead teams to face challenges and achieve measurable health service results, including reductions in maternal mortality. Dr. Bragar is currently an Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor at Boston University School of Public Health where she teaches leadership to masters and doctoral-level students. She is the lead author of an award-winning book, Managers who Lead- A Handbook for Improving Health Services. In 2015 she published Leading for Results.

Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.

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  1. Bragar, J. Leading for Results, Five Practices to Use in your Personal and Professional Life. Bloomington. I-Universe . 2015.
  2. Bragar J. Applying Organizational Learning to Health Challenges in the Developing World. Reflections: The SoL Journal on Knowledge, Learning, and Change. 2014; 13(3). View Publication
  3. Seims LR, Alegre JC, Murei L, Bragar J, Thatte N, Kibunga P, Cheburet S. Strengthening management and leadership practices to increase health-service delivery in Kenya: an evidence-based approach. Hum Resour Health. 2012; 10(1):25. PMID: 22931468; PMCID: PMC3463420; DOI: 10.1186/1478-4491-10-25;
  4. Seims, Bragar. Strengthening management and leadership practices to increase health-service delivery in Kenya: an evidence-based approach. Human Resources for Health. 2012; 10(25).
  5. Bragar Mansour. Scaling up proven public health interventions through a locally owned and sustained leadership development programme in rural Upper Egypt. Human Resources for Health. 2010; 8(1).
  6. Bragar, Mansour. Managers who Lead, A Handbook for Improving Health Services, Management Sciences for Health. Cambridge, MA. 2005.
  7. Bragar J. Developing Managers Who Lead. The Manager, Management Sciences for Heath. 2000.
  8. Johnson K, Bragar J. Instructional Development Paradigms (Dills CR, Romiszowski AJ, Eds.). Principles of Adult Learning: A Multi-Paradigmatic Model. Educational Technology Publications. 1997.
  9. Bragar J. Prism. Accelerating Shared Learning for Business Results. Arthur D. Little Publications. Cambridge, MA. 1996.
  10. Bragar J. Quality Progress Journal. The Customer-Focused Quality Leader. 1993.
Showing 10 of 11 results. Show More

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Bar chart showing 10 publications over 9 distinct years, with a maximum of 2 publications in 2012


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